We would like to welcome PinkPages to our OUTTAKEonline
family. Just click the link & checkout all the fabulous travel
resources & beyond........!! Blog HP
Homophobia on Our Streets
The buzz is Michael Moore may take on Homophobia in his next flick.
We @ OUTTAKEonline are taking on this issue now. We're not
waiting for an edgy filmmaker or Washington politicals to decide
when this issue should be addressed. Too many members of our LGBT
community will be senselessly assaulted waiting for America to
catch-up and join other countries in ending this epidemic.
We @ OUTTAKEonline are taking on this issue now. We're not
waiting for an edgy filmmaker or Washington politicals to decide
when this issue should be addressed. Too many members of our LGBT
community will be senselessly assaulted waiting for America to
catch-up and join other countries in ending this epidemic.
Washington continues to be disappointing
with another homophobic scandal......
with another homophobic scandal......
Welcome Canada!!
We would like to welcome our gay family to our north!!
Canada became the fourth country in the world to legalize
Gay Marriage with the approval of the Civil Marriage Act in 2005.
As you probably know, since 2003, gay marriage had already been
legalized in eight out of ten provinces and one of three territories.
(3000 legal gay marriages occurred between 2003 and 2005.)
FYI, thousands of disgruntled Americans moved to Canada
last year hitting a 30-year high! Updates to come....Blog HP
Canada became the fourth country in the world to legalize
Gay Marriage with the approval of the Civil Marriage Act in 2005.
As you probably know, since 2003, gay marriage had already been
legalized in eight out of ten provinces and one of three territories.
(3000 legal gay marriages occurred between 2003 and 2005.)
FYI, thousands of disgruntled Americans moved to Canada
last year hitting a 30-year high! Updates to come....Blog HP