Hurricane Earl passed through the
northeast leaving little damage.
So let's be thankful & enjoy
the long holiday weekend....:)
Exclusive Audio Interview w/ R. Clarke Cooper,
Executive Director of the Log Cabin Republicans
about Ken Mehlman coming OUT & more...:)
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)
Watch Our Historic Short Film on Gay Marriage
Whether you’re in Provincetown or Fire Island for Labor Day Weekend we hope that you have a Fabulous and Safe time. We look forward to continuing to serve our LGBT community and their families as we head into the midterm elections. It’s crucial that we elect people into office that support our LGBT civil rights. To help you with these difficult decisions we’ll be interviewing candidates and PACS (political action committees) from across the nation in the next few months on OUTTAKE VOICES™ so stay tuned….Enjoy Your Long Holiday Weekend!