Hurricane Irene passed through the northeast leaving fallen trees, power outages & another warning of Mother Nature’s wrath. Labor Day arrives as hurricane Katia heads our way & Hurricane Lee threatens the gulf. Let’s enjoy our memories of the fab summer days we’ve had & look forward to new beginnings as Labor Day kicks off the unofficial start of a new year.
We Wish Everyone a Fabulous & Safe Labor Day Holiday!!
Exclusive Audio Chat with Jackie Monahan on her role in “Codependent Lesbian Space AlienSeeks Same” & more @ OUTTAKE VOICES™Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders@OUTTAKE VOICES™SUPPORT OUR QUEST @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage
Whether you’re in Provincetown or Fire Island or wherever you have chosen to spend the weekend for Labor Day we hope that you have a Fabulous and Safe time. We look forward to continuing to serve our LGBT community and their families as we head into the 2012 elections. It’s crucial that we elect people into office that support our LGBT civil rights. We have to continue to fight for our equality and defeat the homophobic hate mongers who are trying to keep our LGBT community from achieving full equality.
Whether you’re in Provincetown or Fire Island or wherever you have chosen to spend the weekend for Labor Day we hope that you have a Fabulous and Safe time. We look forward to continuing to serve our LGBT community and their families as we head into the 2012 elections. It’s crucial that we elect people into office that support our LGBT civil rights. We have to continue to fight for our equality and defeat the homophobic hate mongers who are trying to keep our LGBT community from achieving full equality.