New Maine Poll Supports Gay Marriage

By Charlotte Robinson, July 12, 2012
More encouraging news for marriage equality in the state of Maine. A recent poll by Critical Insights of Portland showed 57 % polled supported gay marriage just 3 years after residents defeated the gay marriage law in 2009. It’s a big win for civil rights advocates & the fabulous seaside resort wedding industry. This is a huge sign for the Maine November ballot initiative to legalize gay marriage. The survey indicated 57 % supported legalizing gay marriage compared to 35 % opposing with 8 % undecided. Jim Melcher, associate professor of political science at the University of Maine stated, “More than most election issues, that’s an issue where you have to take (polling) numbers with a grain of salt. I think those numbers will be closer on Election Day. That said, I think there’s been a lot of momentum in favor of gay marriage around the country.” The new Maine poll shows wide support. More than 60 % of voters in most age groups including 18 to 34 year old & 55 to 64 year olds said they would vote yes if the election were held now. Those 65 & older were split on the question with 44 % in favor & 43 % opposed. If voters approve the measure Maine will be the 8th state to legalize marriage equality. In New England that would leave Rhode Island as the only state that does not have gay marriage but it looks like next year that may change. Updates to Come…:)
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