Happy LGBT New Year 2014

By Charlotte Robinson, January 01, 2014

Let’s make 2014 the best year for the advancement of LGBT equality. Not just in the US but we must reach out to our global community especially in countries like Russia, Uganda, India & even Australia that have implemented anti gay laws in the past year. In America let’s make this the year for all LGBT couples across the nation who are thinking about getting married to legally marry in 17 states & growing to show the 33 states that reject marriage equality who we are. The more determined we are to be treated equally the more foolish our opponents will appear to be. Look what’s happening in Utah. The homophobes are spinning their wheels & throwing their money out the window because they stand on the wrong side of history. This is also the year that ENDA must pass so workplace equality becomes a reality for our LGBT community & we must make America safe for our transgender community. Recently we talked to political humorist Kate Clinton about this who stated, “I think we really need to work & be more cognizant of trans issues. You know be they immigration issues, be they imprisonment issues, I think that we can in Obama’s last years, we can really push agencies to just make changes. You know, do executive orders to say that when a trans person is put in jail, if it’s a woman you don’t put that trans person into jail with men. That’s just a recipe for rape. I think that there are a lot of agencies throughout the government that are ready to have some really simple ideas that President Obama through executive order or whatever, can just put into effect. That’s the kind of thing that I would love to see. I know places like GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network) & the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force have really been working hard with agencies throughout the government to make that kind of change. I hope they can do it before we lose the support of President Obama; just because he’s leaving office, not that he’s changing his mind.” Listen to Kate's full audio interview:
Kate Clinton Reviews 2013 & Talks 2014 & More
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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