Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

By Charlotte Robinson, February 08, 2016
National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is February 7th an annual day to support & strengthen our commitment to our responsibility to promote HIV testing & mobilize ourselves, our families, schools, places of worship & workplaces to take action against HIV among blacks/African Americans. This year's theme is I Am My Brother/Sister's Keeper: Fight HIV/AIDS. Afro Americans make up 12% of the US population but account for 44% of new HIV diagnoses, the highest rate of all races & ethnicities. Among all blacks, gay & bisexual black men, especially young men, are disproportionately affected. However from 2005 to 2014 new diagnoses among blacks declined by 22% with a 14% decline from 2010-2014. Among black women new diagnoses were cut nearly in half with a 25% decline from 2010-2014. Black gay & bisexual men ages 13-24 experienced a steep increase in new diagnoses but diagnoses among this group declined by 2% from 2010-2014. Sharen Duke, Executive Director of AIDS Service Center NYC stated, “It is important to take this time to educate the public & reach out to African-American New Yorkers, who make up a disproportionate number of those affected by HIV & AIDS. More than half of women with HIV are African-American, rates of HIV transmission among African American men, particularly gay & bisexual men, continue to rise & we must do all we can to move towards an end to this epidemic, an end to new infections & a ceaseless commitment to care for and get new treatments to those living with HIV.”
For Info & Events:
LISTEN Diedra Meredith Talks LGBT Academy of Recording Arts
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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