The Trump Administration has finalized a health care regulation that will “protect” the “statutory conscience rights” of health care providers by granting federal protection to health care providers who deny services to people who violate the providers’ religious beliefs. Which means a doctor can disregard his or her Hippocratic Oath & deny health service to LGBTQ people or their children based on the belief that gay & lesbian couples should not be allowed to marry or raise children, that people should not have sex outside of heterosexual marriage & that gender identity should not differ from sex at birth. Also
the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) final rule calls for notices to be posted in health care settings stating to health care providers: “You may have a right under Federal law to decline to perform, assist in the performance of, refer for, undergo, or pay for certain health care‐related treatments, research, or services (such as abortion or assisted suicide, among others) that violate your conscience, religious beliefs, or moral convictions.” Vanita Gupta, President & CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil & Human Rights stated, “HHS’s final denial of care rule will substantially harm the health & well-being of many – in particular women & transgender patients. The government should protect all patients from discrimination, not make it easier for those in the health care system to discriminate. The rule is also arbitrary & capricious & exceeds the scope of the laws that it seeks to enforce. This rule must be scrapped.” Sean Cahill, Director of Health Policy Research at the Fenway Institute at Fenway Health concluded “Health care is both a human & a civil right. Every law that governs access to health care should put patients first. This new rule does not do that.”
Read HHS Full Doc…
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