This story recently surfaced about former U.S. Navy SEAL Kristin Beck finally coming out as transgender after being deployed 13 times serving in places like as Bosnia, Afghanistan & Iraq for decades. Beck even earned a Bronze Star & a Purple Heart along the way. She wrote about the experience in a new book, "Warrior Princess: A U.S. Navy SEAL's Journey to Coming out Transgender." Beck who appeared on Anderson Cooper 360° stated, "No one ever met the real me. It is a constant, but as you suppress & as you bottle it up, it's not like on that surface. You would never notice it because I can push it so deep, but then it does kinda, like, it gnaws at you. So it's always there. I gave true brotherhood. I did my best, 150% all the time & I gave strength & honor & my full brotherhood to every military person I ever worked with. I want to have my life. I fought for 20 years for life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness. I want some happiness. There's a lot of prejudice out there. There's been a lot of transgender people who are killed for prejudice, for hatred. When the book came out -- some amazing support & some amazing praises -- but also some pretty amazing bigotry & hatred”. Though she's felt trapped in the wrong body since grade school, Beck didn't come out until after she left the military in 2011.
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