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'Don't Say Gay' Bill Returns in Tennessee

By Charlotte Robinson, January 18, 2012
The obscene dated "Don't Say Gay" bill is back & will be debated in Tennessee General Assembly's Education Subcommittee today. Over 100 equality advocates will protest the "Don’t Say Gay" bill (HB229) by wearing purple at the State House education subcommittee meeting this afternoon. Tennessee Equality Project’s (TEP) Nashville Committee has organized the protest bringing students, parents & concerned citizens from around the state to Legislative Plaza to show widespread opposition to a bill that continues to draw embarrassing national media attention to Tennessee. “The very existence of this bill sends a bad message about Tennessee at a time when we should look at constructive proposals to make schools safe, welcoming places for all students,” stated Chris Sanders TEP Nashville Committee Chair. “The fact that this is the one of the first bills debated this year makes the citizens of Tennessee wonder how serious our Legislature is about improving our schools.”
Updates to Come…:)
Exclusive Audio Chat with DignityUSA the leading Catholic LGBT org about the Pope’s homophobic rant that gay marriage “threatens human dignity & the future of humanity itself" @ OUTTAKE VOICES™

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

David said...

As a resident of Tennessee, I am appalled that our legislators can't find anything better to do than to resurrect this stupid "Don't Say Gay" bill. Shouldn't we be focusing on jobs and the economy rather than adding another tool to the bullies repertoire? It makes me ashamed to live in this state. Governor Haslam, you need to step up to the plate and talk to the legislature about this. As for me, I will exercise my right to vote and help get rid of any legislator who votes for this piece of trash that would make our kids feel unsafe in school.

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