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USA Presidential Horror Story

Halloween has always been traditionally a celebration observed on October 31st with trick-or-treating, costume parties, lighting bonfires, telling of ghost stories, apple bobbing, visiting haunted attractions & making jack-o'-lanterns in a number of countries around the world but this year in America it falls on the most horrifying presidential campaign in history. My Aunt Ruby once told me nothing is so bad it can’t get worse & unfortunately her words have come to fruition once again with FBI Director James Comey's shady last minute efforts in questionable violation of federal law to irresponsibly open another investigation of Hillary Clinton's private email server that has no bearing on the presidential election except in the delusional desperate mind of Donald Trump & his mob-squad supporters. Hillary Clinton stated, “It’s pretty strange to put something like that out with such little information right before an election. In fact, it’s not just strange; it’s unprecedented & it is deeply troubling.” Now just a week away from the election Trump’s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway is on every media outlet weaving her Halloween web of lies against Hillary without any facts, attempting to connect Clinton to the FBI obtained warrant to search emails from the laptop of Anthony Weiner. We hope that Conway is aware before she continues projecting her lies that candidate Donald Trump was involved in throwing drug & sex parties with underage girls in NYC during his earlier years, just to confirm once again why Trump is unqualified to be president. Read More: thedailybeast.com
LISTEN: Sandro Isaack Talks “Ava - The Lucky Girl With Two Dads”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Chef Rossi Provincetown Event

Chef Rossi will read from her new memoir “The Raging Skillet” at a fabulous event Saturday November 5th from 5P to 8P at WOMR-FM’s Davis Space at 494 Commercial Street in Provincetown, Massachusetts. Chef Rossi’s story is a fabulous journey of cooking her way through some of life’s biggest challenges in New York City’s most unlikely kitchens. Talking her way into any cooking job she could get, Rossi is a self-taught & self-made entrepreneur who ended up owning one of the most sought-after catering companies in NYC. Zagat dubbed her as “the wildest thing this side of the Mason-Dixon Line”. The book features anecdotes from a life of food spanning decades in NYC plus easy to follow recipes ranging from pizza bagels to tuna tartare completing each chapter. When asked what she would like to see happen for LGBT equality in the next few years Rossi stated, “I would love it if it wasn’t a question anymore. Now of course we have marriage equality but I would like it just to be so normal. Like you don’t really say ‘Oh I’m gay’ just like people don’t really say ‘Oh I’m straight’. I would love it just to be part of the fabric of our lives. You’re gay, you’re straight, you’re black, you’re white, it’s all of one. We’re all equal, we’re all happy, we’re all loving, we all have the same rights.” This must-attend event will be a night of laughter, fun & tastings. In this exclusive audio byte we talked to Rossi about her new memoir “The Raging Skillet”. LISTEN:
For Info & Tix…
LISTEN: Sandro Isaack Talks “Ava - The Lucky Girl With Two Dads”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


The Supreme Court & Trans Kids

While the country was being diverted by the recent vague FBI claims against presidential candidate Hillary Clinton emails the highest court in the USA has decided to listen to arguments in about the rights of our transgender students using the bathroom of their nonconforming gender. The United States Supreme Court has decided to consider the case of Gavin Grimm, a transgender boy from Virginia, who wanted to use the restroom at his school that aligned with his gender identity. A lower court ruled in his favor but the ruling was stayed by the Supreme Court for further consideration. Victoria M. Rodríguez-Roldán, Trans/Gender Non-Conforming Justice Project Director at The National LGBTQ Task Force stated, “We are pleased that Gavin’s case will now be considered by the Supreme Court. In taking the case, the Court is making history as it’s the first time it has considered transgender freedom, justice & equality. Our hope is that it will make history again by affirming that stopping Gavin & other transgender children from using the restroom that matches their gender identities is sex discrimination & therefore illegal under Title IX.” This all falls under the Obama administration asking public school systems to let transgender students use bathrooms that align with their gender identity. School districts across the country are split on how to accommodate transgender students with conflicting guidance from courts, the federal government & in some cases unfortunately state legislatures that have passed laws requiring people to use public restrooms that match the sex on their birth certificates.
For More Info: thetaskforce.org
LISTEN: Sandro Isaack Talks “Ava - The Lucky Girl With Two Dads”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Queer Ghost Hunters Web Series

Queer Ghost Hunters is a fabulous & fascinating new documentary web series about a real team of ghost hunters contacting LGBT ghosts & unearthing hidden history about lost queer lives. They launched a Kickstarter campaign that ends November 1st raising $24,722 just under $10,300 of their $35,000 goal. This is an important series & they need our help to continue uncovering LGBTQ history especially in haunted places where LGBTQ people were often imprisoned just because of their sexual orientation decades ago. Queer Ghost Hunters looks at very real history, no matter what you believe while parodying other ghost hunting shows. Stu Maddux, Director at Stu Maddux Films who has created several LGBT history & aging documentaries including “Gen Silent” & “Reel in The Closet” along with his spouse & co-producer Joe Applebaum stated, “Even though they really believe in what they are doing, they are totally aware of how bizarre it all looks. So, their ability to have fun at their own expense has been just as fun to document.” Applebaum added, “It is the perfect combination of real findings & funny moments wrapped into a campy version of ghost hunting shows.” Shane McClelland, a co-founder of the team concluded, “The ghosts of some of these people seem to still be there & ready to talk. But they’ve been waiting for an understanding voice. Plus they seem to be a little randy after all those years. That helps.” Watch Trailer
For Kickstarter Campaign…
LISTEN: Sandro Isaack Talks “Ava - The Lucky Girl With Two Dads”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Merciful Father At UP Theater

Up Theater Company is presenting Atar Hadari's new play “Merciful Father” that opens on Tuesday November 1st & runs through 12th in NYC. The play is based on the famous Yiddish play “God of Vengeance” which featured Broadway’s first lesbian kiss that opened at the Apollo Theatre in 1923 after which the actors & producers were arrested for immorality. “Merciful Father” is about a brothel owner who commissions the creation of a Torah scroll to win a respectable husband for his daughter but his daughter has other ideas when she falls in love with one of the prostitutes. The current adaptation is set in the 1980's. When UP’s Artistic Director, James Bosley was asked what made him want to direct this play he stated, “Scenes veer from farce to sitcom to melodrama to operatic tragedy. Thinking about it later, I realized that what I saw as flaws were actually an ingenious way of expressing a reality that unfolds for us in a complex, almost comical series of diverse experiences. Suddenly I saw the whole concept before my eyes & became very jazzed to direct it. But first I had to make sure Atar was on board with my concept, which thankfully he was.” “Merciful Father” features Mary Albert, Matt Antar, Elizabeth A. Bell, Lauren Capkanis, Bill Christ, Jonathan Ellers, Richard Grunn, Sarah Kiefer, Heather Michelle & Nikole Williams. UP Theater Company is located at The Garret at Fort Washington Collegiate, 729 W 181st Street in NYC.
For Info & Tix…
LISTEN: Sandro Isaack Talks “Ava - The Lucky Girl With Two Dads”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Elyse Cherry LGBT Kudos

Elyse Cherry, CEO of Boston Community Capital the fabulous community development finance institution, which works in low-income communities has been named to the 2016 OUTstanding Leading LGBT+ & Ally Executives & LGBT+ Future Leaders Lists presented by the Financial Times. This is the second year that Cherry has been named to the list for her commitment to LGBT equality in her organization, her profession & beyond. Cherry stated, “I am honored to have been named once again to the Financial Times’ OUTstanding Leading LGBT+ & Ally Executives & LGBT+ Future Leaders Lists. Throughout my career, I have made it my mission to advocate for the LGBT community: by helping to build bridges among the many communities in which we all participate, by assuring that benefits for Boston Community Capital’s LGBTQ employees & their partners were identical to those available to our married employees, years before those benefits were guaranteed by law, by chairing MassEquality during the height of the state campaign for marriage equality & by signing Boston Community Capital on to two Supreme Court amicus briefs in support of marriage equality. I look forward to continuing my LGBT advocacy work in the years to come.” Cherry continues her 25-year practice of advocating for LGBT issues at the front lines of Massachusetts’ political & business communities. In this exclusive audio byte we talked to Elyse a few years ago about Boston Community Capital & her commitment to LGBT equality. LISTEN:
For More Info: bostoncommunitycapital.org
LISTEN: Sandro Isaack Talks “Ava - The Lucky Girl With Two Dads”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


My Hillary Clinton Pilgrimage

This has been such an intense presidential election with loss of sleep & the whole world talking about it. I have been a Hillary supporter since 2008. I believe she is the most qualified candidate & when it comes to LGBT equality she is our only candidate. So when the opportunity came up to take the drive from Boston up to Manchester, New Hampshire to see her at Saint Anselm College with Senator Elizabeth Warren how could we resist. There’s nothing like seeing a candidate in the flesh & being close enough to get a real feel for them & one thing I can tell you from my experience is Hillary Clinton feels totally presidential. There were thousands of Hillary supporters who turned out for this rally where Clinton was also there to help support Maggie Hassan crucial bid for US Senate & Executive Councilor Colin Van Ostern for Governor of New Hampshire. We stood less than ten rows back from center stage standing about 2 hours on this gorgeous autumn day waiting for the rally to being. When Senator Elizabeth Warren took the stage she was brilliant as usual calling out Trump for his shameful un-presidential behavior & then Hillary wowed us. So now in two weeks we’ll all be heading to the voting booths across this country to do our patriotic duty as American citizens & cast our vote hopefully for the only candidate that is truly for total equality & that candidate is Hillary Clinton.
For More Info: hillaryclinton.com
LISTEN: Sandro Isaack Talks “Ava - The Lucky Girl With Two Dads”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Boston Lesbian Family Planning

“Boston Gay Women's Gathering: An Evening on Lesbian Pregnancy” takes place on Wednesday October 26th from 6:30P to 8:30P at Boston Public Library in the McKim Building at 700 Boylston Street in Boston, Massachusetts presented by Path2Parenthood the LGBT friendly non-profit organization. For lesbians interested in having children this is an opportunity to take the first step in deciding between pregnancy or adoption would be the right path for you. Join P2P for this free educational evening about baby-making options for lesbians. This event will cover your concerns about physicians, complementary care providers, surrogacy, egg donation & sperm donation agencies, adoption agencies, lawyers, pharmacists & other professionals committed to assisting you. Learn all about known versus unknown donor sperm, getting pregnant at home or in a doctor's office & the legal in's & out's of LGBT family building with an attorney, physician & sperm bank representative. Path2Parenthood is committed to offering you the support you need before, during & after your journey to become parents. If you’re looking for support in a group environment or to meet other lesbians struggling to start a family this may be a great event to begin your journey. Path2Parenthood understand how important it is to provide helpful information in different forms. The event is free but you must register. There will also be a raffle that will be raffling two sperm samples.
For More Info: path2parenthood.org
LISTEN: Sandro Isaack Talks “Ava - The Lucky Girl With Two Dads”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


AIDS 35 Years Later Event (Audio)

Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC) & the New York Public Library will host "Library & Leaders: 35 Years of AIDS" on Wednesday October 26th from 6P to 8:30P at the Library Main Branch located at 5th Avenue & 42nd Street in NYC. The discussion will feature GMHC co-founders, Larry Kramer & Larry Mass, MD as well as C. Virginia Fields, President & CEO of National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS & Johanne Morne, Director of the New York State AIDS Institute. Kelsey Louie, CEO of GMHC who will moderate the panel discussion stated, "What an honor it will be to host this forum at the New York Public Library, one of the city's greatest institutions & have a discussion among two of our founders & other leaders in the field about 35 years of AIDS. I am inspired by the energy & dedication that activists in the 1980s & 90s spent fighting the epidemic & caring for their loved ones. Currently & looking forward, what concerns me most is the sense of complacency around HIV & AIDS. There is still lots of work to be done." The purpose of this public forum will be to engage leaders, activists & advocates in a discussion about the 35 year history of the AIDS epidemic, landmark moments in the fight to end AIDS & what is needed to end the epidemic by 2020. The event will be highlighted by an exhibition of GMHC's archived materials, housed in the New York Public Library Gay & Lesbian Collections and HIV/AIDS Collections. In this exclusive audio interview legendary activist & playwright Larry Kramer co-founder of Gay Men’s Health Crisis & ACT UP talks about LGBT equality, how his play “The Normal Heart” eventually found its audience & his frustration with the current AIDS national research policies.  LISTEN

LISTEN: Sandro Isaack Talks “Ava - The Lucky Girl With Two Dads”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


New York Horror Film Festival

Nothing could be scarier then the presidential election but if you need a diversion FEARnyc, New York City's biggest horror film festival is taking place now through October 27th at Cinema Village. It features 65+ screenings of new & classic horror films, cast appearances, special events & a tribute to horror icon Wes Craven. Among the some of the highlights will include screenings of Night of the Living Dead, Psycho, Hocus Pocus, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Lost Boys, A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 & The Monster Squad. The premiere of Dead Awake, the new film from Final Destination creator Jeffrey Reddick. A screening of The Exorcist which will begin with a séance with the audience led by a renowned psychic. A screening of the original 1978 Halloween with a Halloween Party featuring candy bags & games for the audience & more. John Capo, Founder & Director of FEARnyc stated, "This Halloween season, FEARnyc aims to scare the pants off New York City as we present more than 65 new & classic horror films along with an array of cast appearances & special events. We will also be honoring horror icon Wes Craven, creator of A Nightmare on Elm Street & Scream, in a special tribute." Tickets are $12 general admission & $8 for seniors. A limited number of Festival Passes, which include admission to every screening in the festival as well as the award ceremony & Wes Craven tribute, are available for $125.
For Info & Tix: fearnyc.com
LISTEN: Sandro Isaack Talks “Ava - The Lucky Girl With Two Dads”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Wearing Purple For Spirit Day

On Thursday October 20th everyone is encouraged to go purple & participate on social media for Spirit Day as a sign of support for LGBT youth & to speak out against bullying. We at OUTTAKE have supported Spirit Day since it began in 2010 following the media's coverage of a rash of LGBT teen suicides including the tragic death of Tyler Clementi. Back then Brittany McMillan a high school student began Spirit Day that now draws the participation of celebrities, corporations, media outlets, sports leagues, schools, faith institutions, national landmarks & individuals around the world who join together in a united stand against bullying. Spirit Day inspires millions to "go purple" to support our LGBT youth in a united stand against bullying. According to a 2015 GLSEN survey more than half of LGBTQ students report being victimized based on sexual orientation, with a further three quarters of students who report hearing anti-LGBTQ remarks in school. Past participants in Spirit Day include the White House, the Empire State Building, Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Cher, Laverne Cox, Kim Kardashian, Demi Lovato, Ariana Grande, Shaquille O'Neal, Good Morning America, The Today Show, The View, The Talk, The Tonight Show, MTV, the NBA, the NFL, Major League Baseball, NASCAR, WWE, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, the Las Vegas Strip, & more. We’re wondering if the presidential candidates this year will wear purple especially the ultimate bully Donald Trump who is so irresponsible when it comes to setting a positive example for our LGBT youth.
For More Info: glaad.org
LISTEN: Country Artist Brandon Stansell Sings OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Ali Forney Center Annual Gala

The Ali Forney Center the nation’s largest organization dedicated to homeless LGBTQ youth is having their annual “A Place at the Table” fall gala on Friday October 21st at Capitale 130 Bowery in NYC. This year the gala will honor the memory of fierce LGBT ally & champion Bea Arthur who during her life was a great supporter of the Ali Forney Center’s mission. The actress who died in 2009 included a $300,000 donation to the Ali Forney Center in her will. Construction of the Bea Arthur Residence an 18-bed shelter for homeless LGBT youths run by AFC is nearing the final stages of completion. Arthur’s son Matt Saks stated, "Helping a charity like this is not something that she would've felt that she needed to be thanked for." The Brooklyn Youth Chorus will also feature a special tribute to Bea Arthur. Acclaimed comedian & actress Sandra Bernhard will host the annual star-studded event. Last year’s “A Place at the Table” dinner & auction raised upwards of $600,000 for the services that the Ali Forney Center (AFC) provides to homeless LGBTQ youths in NYC. The Ali Forney Center is committed to providing LGBTQ homeless youth with safe, dignified, nurturing environments where their needs for housing & support can be met & where they can begin to put their lives back together. AFC is proud to offer the nation’s only dedicated transgender housing program for trans-identified homeless young people. AFC is also dedicated to promoting awareness of the plight of homeless LGBTQ youth in the United States with the goal of generating responses on local and national levels from government funders, foundations, & the LGBTQ community.
For Info & Tix: aliforneycenter.org
LISTEN: Country Artist Brandon Stansell Sings OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Boston International Fine Art Show

The 20th Boston International Fine Art Show takes place this weekend from October 20th to October 23rd at The Cyclorama at The Boston Center for the Arts, 539 Tremont Street in Boston, Massachusetts. Tony Fusco, Co-Producer stated, "When my partner Robert Four & I started the show in 1997 along with Jacqueline Sideli there had been no successful art fairs in Boston. Twenty years later, the show has been an integral part of the growth of the art market in Boston over the past two decades. There have never been as many art galleries in Boston as there are today & I like to think the show has played a ‘Johnny Appleseed’ role in changing the entire art landscape here." To kickoff the event there will be a fabulous Gala Preview to benefit BOSTON ATHENÆUM on Thursday October 20th from 5:30P to 8:30P at The Cyclorama at The Boston Center. Enjoy exquisite cuisine, fine wine, live jazz music & be among the first to select from a dazzling array of historic, modern & contemporary art. The Gala Preview will be an event to be remembered & offers you the first choice of the exceptional collections of 40 galleries from Europe & across the U.S. & all under one roof. There are more than 3,000 works of art for sale, ranging from affordable pieces created by today's most promising emerging artists to high-end museum quality masterpieces.
For Info & Tix: fineartboston.com
LISTEN: Country Artist Brandon Stansell Sings OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Fantasia Fair In Provincetown

Fantasia Fair is the longest running transgender event that’s taking place in Provincetown, Massachusetts now through October 23rd. Since 1975 Fantasia Fair & its celebrants have journeyed to Provincetown for over four decades for the annual gathering where fun is mixed with practical, social & educational opportunities. Fantasia Fair, which is part conference & part social gathering, invites its attendees to spend an entire week presenting their gender as they wish. Fantasia Fair is an intimate happening promoting a sense of belonging, where no one is excluded & new participants are welcomed. Presenters scheduled to appear at the 42nd Fantasia Fair include noted presentations by Jennifer Finney Boylan, Diego Miguel Sanchez, Nick Teich, Dr. Maureen Osborne, Dawn Ennis, Lorelei Erisis, Felice Newman, Sandi Hammond, Trace Peterson, among many others. The events are designed to attract all of our transgender & gender nonconforming community from the U.S. & internationally, including Australia, Canada, England, Germany, Hawaii, Japan, Uganda & Venezuela. Fantasia Fair offers more than just workshops that help people understand the issues related to the trans community. The Fair also raises funds for charities & civic organizations. Over the years, the people coming to Fantasia Fair have raised over $50,000 for organizations that serve the people of Provincetown & Cape Cod making contributions to the town library, the local police department, an AIDS support group, a woman's shelter, the local soup kitchen, a senior services group, a summer camp for LGBT youth & more.
For More Info: fantasiafair.org
LISTEN: Country Artist Brandon Stansell Sings OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Trump Projection Tactics Soar

Gearing up for the last of the presidential debates on Wednesday we cringe to think what fabrications Trump will come up with against Hillary. We thought it was time to delve into what possibly drives Trump’s behavioral patterns & we discovered that his blatant untruths tactics clinically fall under projection. Projection is a psychological defense mechanism in which individuals attribute characteristics they find unacceptable in themselves to another person. In some cases projection can result in false accusations. This could explain why Trump seems to call everyone a liar rather than own up to his lies or why he keeps on claiming Hillary should go to prison knowing that perhaps that is his destiny. Also one of the main mechanisms of projection is paranoia like the election is rigged which frequently is a symptom of narcissistic & borderline personalities. Sigmund Freud believed projection to be a defense mechanism often used as a way to avoid uncomfortable repressed feelings. Feelings that are projected may be controlling, jealous, angry or sexual in nature. These are not the only types of feelings & emotions projected but projection most often occurs when individuals cannot accept their own impulses or feelings. This could also explain a lot of where Trump is coming from psychologically especially his need to grope women & also explain the sector of his mob-like followers who chant “Lock Her Up” when they’re really chanting “Lock Us Up.”
LISTEN: Country Artist Brandon Stansell Sings OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


“Reel In The Closet” Film Event

Director Stu Maddux’s documentary “Reel In The Closet” will be presented at the Coolidge Corner Theatre in Brookline Massachusetts on Wednesday October 19th at 7P. “Reel In The Closet” is a feature-length documentary that transports us into LGBT life of the past through rare home movies of the people who lived it. Many of the moving images in this film are shown for the first time. Many more wait to be discovered in people’s closets but are unfortunately being thrown out sometimes on purpose by homophobic relatives. Maddux shifts his lens to focus on rare & important early film & video records of LGBTQ life in America. “Reel in the Closet” brings to light a trove of historical footage from an era when gay life was mostly left undocumented. This fascinating film provides poignant moving images from the 1930s through the AIDS epidemic which were at risk of being lost to history without the efforts of the archivists who work to find, preserve & catalogue them. There will be a pre-screening reception at Brookline Senior Center 5P to 6P with filmmaker Stu Maddux but space is limited RSVP at 617 730 2770. There will also & a Q&A with Mr. Maddux following the screening at theater. Tickets are $10. This must-attend event is presented by Goddard House Assisted Living, Brookline Council on Aging, BrooklineCAN, ETHOS, Brookline, High School Gender Sexuality Alliance, Center Communities of Brookline/Hebrew Senior Life, Good Shepherd Community Care, Keshet, Brookline Commission for Diversity Inclusion & Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. In this exclusive audio byte we talked to Stu about his must-see documentary. LISTEN  
For Tix: coolidge.org
LISTEN: Country Artist Brandon Stansell Sings OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Surviving Breast Cancer 20 Years

Twenty years ago I was doing a self-examination & I found a small lump in my right breast. First I ignored it hoping it would go away but it didn't. I called the American Cancer Society & told them my situation. I didn't have health insurance & I needed to check it out. They couldn't have been sweeter finding me a doctor in my area. I was so young everyone said to me it's probably nothing. I hoped they were right but in my heart I knew something was wrong. Well I'm one of the lucky ones. I caught it early & I'm here to tell my story. I've now been cancer-free for 20 years. All I can tell you is do your self-examinations & get your mammograms. Since then I’ve been very involved with a fabulous organization the Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition that has been working with the LGBT community towards their goal of breast cancer prevention since 1992. MBCC is the only breast cancer non-profit working closely with a research organization Silent Spring Institute to investigate preventable, environmental causes of the disease. This work is funded through annual fundraising events like the upcoming Lesbians & Friends Dance: A Party for Prevention that takes place on Saturday October 22nd from 8P to Midnight in Brookline, Massachusetts. They will feature a silent auction with items donated from LGBT friendly businesses & DJ Triana will provide the music. Refreshments including complimentary hors d’oeuvres & a cash bar will also be provided Tickets are $40 in advance & $45 at the door. I talked to Cheryl Osimo Executive Director of the Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition in this exclusive audio byte. LISTEN  
For Info & Tix: mbcc.org
LISTEN: Country Artist Brandon Stansell Sings OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Fighting For Transgender Rights

In Massachusetts “An Act Relative to Transgender Anti-Discrimination” went into effect October 1st prohibiting discrimination on the basis of gender identity in public places. Now opponents of transgender equality are trying to strip our transgender community of these critical protections & have gathered enough signatures to get the issue on the ballot in 2018. Deborah Shields, Executive Director MassEquality stated, “The Secretary of the Commonwealth confirmed that anti-transgender advocates collected the minimal number of signatures required to put a question seeking to repeal S.2407 on the statewide ballot in 2018. This law passed with bipartisan support in the legislature & with the overwhelming support of thousands of businesses, faith leaders, women's advocacy & anti-violence groups & fair-minded residents across the state. However, it takes less than 1% of the Commonwealth's population to force this commonsense update of our state law onto the ballot in two years’ time. The people of Massachusetts have a deep & long history of promoting fairness & inclusion. If the question of whether to continue to treat transgender people as equal members of our society ends up before Massachusetts voters in 2018, we are confident they will vote to retain the law and affirm the values of justice & equality that are the hallmarks of our Commonwealth.” The transgender anti-discrimination law was passed by both the Senate & the House by wide margins. The bill was signed into law by Governor Baker on July 8th making the Commonwealth the 18th state to do so.
For More Info: freedommassachusetts.org
LISTEN: Director Peter Darney Talks New Play “5 Guys Chillin”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Gay Newspapers Endorses Clinton

In an unprecedented move all 12 of the country’s most award-winning LGBT newspapers are each separately endorsing Democratic Hillary Clinton for president of the United States. The 12 are members of the National Gay Media Association a trade association of the nation's major-market legacy LGBT newspapers. NGMA members have a combined circulation in print & online of more than one million readers per week. This is an unprecedented joint announcement from the newspapers because several do not engage in political endorsements like the 31-year-old Windy City Times which has endorsed just once in 16 years & the Dallas Voice has never endorsed any race in 32 years. Tracy Baim, NGMA spokesperson & publisher of Windy City Times stated, "This race for president is showing this country a clear choice of moving backward or moving forward on LGBTQ & other human rights. We know that the LGBTQ community is made up of diverse political voices. But the homophobia, transphobia, racism, anti-immigrant & sexist nature of Republican candidate Donald Trump means that we can't sit on the sidelines this election season. Hillary Clinton has spent her career fighting for social justice. While she came late to some LGBTQ issues, so did most mainstream politicians. In this presidential race, there is a clear choice to keep this country moving forward in the footsteps of President Barack Obama, the most pro-LGBTQ president in U.S. history. That choice is Hillary Clinton.”
For Info: nationalgaymediaassociation.com
LISTEN: Director Peter Darney Talks New Play “5 Guys Chillin”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


LGBT National Coming Out Day

Since 1988 National Coming Out Day is acknowledged on October 11th which is the day that if you haven’t come out yet about your LGBT sexual orientation to your family, friends & colleagues it’s time. As Harvey Milk said, “Burst down those closet doors once & for all, stand up & start to fight.” Jason Collins stated, "Openness may not completely disarm prejudice, but it’s a good place to start." Director Peter Darney concluded, “I would like to people able to come out at a very early age. I would like to see people not have to go through school denying their sexuality. I would like there to be open dialogue & education within our school system & our community group so that young people do not have to grow up holding a secret that makes them feel bad & guilty & ashamed & different & don’t have to form a lie behind every relationship that they have through this secret as they grow up because I think ultimately that is what we need in order to be able to achieve a better or happier level of intimacy as adults.” Also more than half of LGBT K-12 students reported feeling unsafe at school as a result of their sexual orientation & more than one-third reported feeling unsafe because of how they express their gender. We need everyone to take a stand against LGBTQ bullying & make sure you wear purple on Spirit Day Thursday October 20th.
For More Info: glaad.org
LISTEN: Director Peter Darney Talks New Play “5 Guys Chillin”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Donald Trump Hits Verbal Low

It’s not so amazing that the controversy over Trump's opinion of women has hit a new verbal low. What’s different is the reaction from other members of the Republican Party finally distancing themselves from The Donald who apparently feel perhaps he has gone too far or maybe this is just the tip of the iceberg as we head into the second presidential debate. The real issue here is that Trump hasn’t said anything we haven’t heard him say during the campaign in one form or another, the issue is he got caught being his true self so the GOP realizes the worst is yet to come. Rea Carey, National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund Executive Director sated, “This verbal sexual assault by Donald Trump on women is truly horrifying & so revealing about his mindset. We’ve seen for months how his hate-filled rhetoric has contributed to violent attacks against people of color. We’ve watched him disparage Mexicans, vilify Muslims, dehumanize people with disabilities, perpetuate negative stereotypes of LGBTQ people & exploit people’s fears & anxiety, all the while encouraging physical violence against anyone who challenges his bigotry. Enough is enough: we call on all elected officials & politicians, regardless of their party political affiliation, to unequivocally condemn Donald Trump’s blatant sexism & misogyny." So the big question is will Trump actually show up for the second presidential debate & if he does will he able to squirm out of this one?
Updates to Come..:)
LISTEN: Director Peter Darney Talks New Play “5 Guys Chillin”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Provincetown Women's Week 2016

The 32nd Women's Week takes place in Provincetown, Massachusetts from October 10th through October 16th. Founded in 1984 by several entrepreneurial & fabulous lesbian innkeepers it began as an intimate clambake that has become one of the longest & largest running lesbian events in history. One of the highlights this year is "Bride Pride" a massive lesbian wedding organized by Alli Baldwin & Ilene Mitnick who own Roux Bed & Breakfast which will occur on October 15th on the lawn of their inn & will be officiated by comedian & LGBT activist Kate Clinton. Baldwin stated, “When Kate is conducting the ceremony & all the women say their vows simultaneously, there will just be a hum of love. It’s just going to be a love fest on the front lawn. It’s going to be an absolutely beautiful day.” "Bride Pride" is just one of more than 100 events taking place next week. Over the past 32 years Women's Week has grown far beyond anyone's expectation. Comics, drag performers, jazz, blues & contemporary musicians have all performed in years past & continue to come back to entertain those celebrating during this special week. Some of these include iconic & award-winning LGBT entertainers include Lily Tomlin, Zoe Lewis, Kate Clinton, Karen Williams, Cris Williamson, Suede, Karen Grenier, Susan Werner, Julie Goldman, Mary Lambert, Our Lady J, Poppy Champlin, Scout Durwood, Jennie McNulty & Suzanne Westenhoefer.
For More Info…
Listen: Producer Sue Maslin Talks New Film "The Dressmaker"
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


LGBT Rate Presidential Candidates

Hopefully the presidential candidates will address our LGBT issues & concerns in the next debate with the election less than a month away. In the meantime Harlem United & Fenway Health have launched a campaign to educate voters on six key health equity issues: LGBT equality, HIV/AIDS, healthcare, substance use, mental health & housing. The campaign consists of social media, a website & an in-depth report on the candidates & party platforms. Sean Cahill, Ph.D., Director of Health Policy at The Fenway Institute of Fenway Health stated, “There are some striking & surprising differences among the four candidates for president on LGBT equality, HIV & health equity issues. We encourage voters to consider candidates’ positions on housing policy, health policy & other critical issues.” Jacquelyn Kilmer, Esq., CEO of Harlem United concluded, “With the election less than a month away, debate needs to move beyond emails & beauty queens to life & death issues like housing, health care, mental health, substance use & basic legal & social equality. This new report and online resource will help ensure that voters will consider these issues that matter when casting their vote.” Voters can find detailed information on the record & positions of Donald Trump & the Republican Party Platform; the record & positions of Hillary Clinton & the Democratic Party Platform; the record as well as positions of Jill Stein & the Green Party Platform & the record & positions of Gary Johnson & the Libertarian Party Platform. The report also describes the records of the GOP & Democratic Vice Presidential candidates on our issues.
For More Info: harlemunited.org
LISTEN: Director Peter Darney Talks New Play “5 Guys Chillin”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


New York TransPac Event

TransPAC the only political action committee in New York State dedicated to advancing transgender rights is having a reception Thursday October 6th from 6:30P to 8P in NYC. TransPAC’s sole objective for 2016 is to elect a Senate majority capable of passing GENDA & LGBT-friendly legislation. Special Guest speakers will include New York State Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman & Speaker of the City Council Melissa Mark-Viverito, Public Advocate Letitia James, Comptroller Scott Stringer, Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer, State Senator Brad Hoylman, State Senator Daniel Squadron, State Assembly Member Richard N. Gottfried, Council Member Daniel Dromm, Council Member Corey Johnson, Council Member Linda Rosenthal, Former State Senator Tom Duane & Author & Strut TV Model Dominique "Tyra A. Ross" Jackson. Founded in 2014 by LGBT activists Juli Grey-Owens, Jeffrey Friedman, Barbara Salva & Betsy Malcolm, TransPAC is a political action committee dedicated to achieving full and equal rights for transgender people. Also in attendance will be Marilyn Abalos, Erik Bottcher, Elyse Buxbaum, Sean Coleman, Terri Cook, Dale Corvino, Mitch Draizin, Jeff Friedman, Juli Grey-Owens, Jordan Jacobs, Craig Kaplan & Anne Hess, Michael Kink, Sarah Kovner, Kate Linker, Maria Mahl, Jean Malpas, Matthew McMorrow, Laura Morrison, Hari Nef, Eunic Ortiz, Rhonda Patillo, Andy Praschak, Allen Roskoff, Kiara St. James, Barbara Salva, Bill Samuels, Tony Simone, Barbra Casbar Siperstein, Melissa Sklarz, Abby Stein, Jill Weiss, Evan Wolfson & Mel Wymore.
For Info & Tix… 
LISTEN: Selisse Berry Talks Out & Equal Workplace Summit
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Tilda Swinton Speaks OUT

Fierce LGBT ally Tilda Swinton is gracing the cover of OUT Magazine for its November issue. In her interview with longtime friend Hilton Als they discuss everything from sexual orientation to trading literature with David Bowie. The celebrated performance artist, model & fashion muse talks about her most memorable performances & her upcoming projects, including joining the Marvel universe as The Ancient One in Doctor Strange. On her queer aesthetic Swinton stated, “I have lived for my entire adult life closely integrated into a queer aesthetic, occasionally in situations where I may have been – for months at a time – either the only cis woman present or the only person in a heterosexual relationship, without particularly questioning why it might be strange for me to be included. The issue of sexuality is a secondary one to the issue of spirit. Queerness is an attitude that, when acknowledged as shared, can bring more people together than could ever be divided by it being used as a term of rejection. I think this attitude is what I carry above my head, without any effort or influence.” On her close relationship with David Bowie she added, “We talked about literature a lot, actually & used to send each other recent finds & old passions. One of the things I am happiest about in my life is introducing him to the essays of Montaigne, which I’ve loved since I was a teenager. And he sent me Bruges-la-Morte by Rodenbach, for which I am forever grateful. Beyond all the myriad things to miss, I miss our conversation most badly.”
Read More: out.com
LISTEN: Director Peter Darney Talks New Play “5 Guys Chillin”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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