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US LGBT Civil Rights Update

Our LGBTQ community continues to fight & resist the Trump administration’s attempts to push back the progress we have achieved in this country. On Monday a federal judge has rightfully blocked part of the Trump administration’s ban on transgender military service stating that the policy simply “does not appear to be supported by any facts.” Matt Thorn Executive Director, OutServe-SLDN stated, “The Trump administration’s relationship with the truth has always been troubling, but it’s lies & blatant bigotry towards trans individuals is downright dangerous. It’s unclear how the Trump administration is going to respond or what their next move will be.” Then we have the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court case, Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. The Masterpiece case is part of an appalling homophobic trend involving businesses denying goods & services to our LGBTQ community. A broad coalition of nine civil rights organizations led by the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law filed an amicus curiae or “friend of the court” brief Monday. Kristen Clarke, President & Executive Director of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law stated, “Throughout this country’s history, public accommodation laws have played a vital role in ensuring that all businesses are open to everyone on a nondiscriminatory basis & that individuals from marginalized communities are not treated like second-class citizens. The Supreme Court has repeatedly & emphatically rejected challenges to public accommodation laws similar to the challenges brought in the Masterpiece case & we expect them to do so once again.” (Richard Emmanuel Graphic Design)
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Boston Lesbian Documentary Event

Boston OLOC (Old Lesbians Organizing For Change) proudly presents the documentary “The Passionate Pursuits of Angela Bowen” on Sunday November 5th from 2P to 4P at the Brookline Senior Center at 93 Winchester Street in Brookline, MA. The film is about the life of Angela Bowen, a black lesbian feminist writer & activist who grew up in inner city Boston during the Jim Crow era & became a classical ballerina & famous dance teacher & professor. The film depicts Bowen’s life across the decades from the early fifties, with historic footage, photographs & interviews including her dance mentor, dance partner, former husband, partner, children, activists, scholars, dance & university students. Bowen’s candid & compelling stories allow us to understand how race, class, gender, age & sexuality played into her decisions & choices, her mission & strategies for survival. “The Passionate Pursuits of Angela Bowen” by filmmaker Jennifer Abod challenges & inspires its audiences to pursue their own dreams with tenacity & courage but not for themselves alone. There will be a discussion following the screening. OLOC Boston programs & events are open to lesbians of all ages, including transgender lesbians. OLOC’s mission includes their commitment to creating communities of older lesbians & solidarity with allies for racial, economic & social justice. Following the event there will be an early dinner at Lemon Grass at 239 Harvard Street in Brookline, MA.
For More Info: spearlman@hartford.edu
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The Normal Heart Revival (Audio)

Theatre Rhinoceros in San Francisco is presenting “The Normal Heart” by Larry Kramer for 19 performances from November 3rd through November 25th at the Gateway Theatre directed by John Fisher. This iconic drama addresses the public & private indifference to the AIDS plague & one man's lonely fight to awaken the world to the crisis. “The Normal Heart” was first produced to raves by audiences in New York, London, Los Angeles & beyond. This historical drama follows Ned Weeks, a gay activist enraged at the indifference of public officials & the gay community during the 1980’s. While trying to save the world from itself, he confronts the personal toll of AIDS when his lover dies of the disease. Originally published in 1985 it was celebrated in a passionate & eloquent 2011 Broadway revival. “The Normal Heart” is a Theatre Rhinoceros Premiere. It was last presented in San Francisco area by ACT in September 2012 & made its TV premiere on HBO directed by Ryan Murphy in May 2014 starring Mark Ruffalo which won 2 Emmy Awards including Best TV Movie & Best Supporting Actor for Matt Bomer. In the summer of 2015 I talked with Larry Kramer the legendary activist & playwright who co-foundered of Gay Men’s Health Crisis & ACT UP about how his play “The Normal Heart” eventually found its audience & more in this exclusive audio interview LISTEN:  
For More Info & Tix: therhino.org
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GMHC Reacts To Opioid Plan

Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC) is concerned that not enough is being done to address the growing opioid epidemic which in 2016 claimed the lives of more than 60,000 Americans. While all public health experts agree that there is a need for a coordinated, high-level response to the opioid epidemic, many experts believe that the Trump's Public Health Emergency Declaration does little to take real action to address the opioid crisis. In addition GMHC strongly opposes potential efforts under the Public Health Emergency Declaration to redirect funding from HIV/AIDS programs. Kelsey Louie GMHC CEO stated, “If the President is truly concerned about the opioid crisis, he should issue a Declaration of Emergency, which includes specific actions designed to address the infectious disease-related aspects of the epidemic—namely, the rising cases of HIV, other STIs & Hepatitis C related to injection drug use— through the expansion of access to clean injection equipment. The Declaration should include funding to expand access to clean injection equipment & address addiction to opioids. It should also provide funding to combat overdoses, including facilitating widespread availability to naloxone to prevent overdose deaths.” GMHC stands in solidarity with all people working to end the opioid epidemic & believes that a strong public health approach will better address the opioid crisis and related public health crises, like Hepatitis C & also propel us closer to ending the HIV epidemic in the United States.
For More Info: gmhc.org
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Big Brothers Big Sisters Crisis

Last month Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Central West Virginia was extremely fortunate to receive a year-long $20,000 grant to increase staff knowledge of LGBTQ issues through training & provide assistance with developing local partnerships to best serve LGBTQ youth. However soon after accepting the LGBTQ grant a representative of three foundations halted funding to the organization & has not fulfilled a financial pledge made late last year. Unfortunately the amount was so great it may force suspension from serving our LGBTQ youth. They need to raise $60,000 by the end of this week. Sara McDowell, Executive Director Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Central WV stated, “After accepting an LGBTQ grant in August, three local foundations halted funding – up to $80,000 -- which may force us to suspend services in some of the communities we serve. These are areas of the state that have the highest rate of poverty; highest rate of drug use & overall, the highest juvenile incarceration rate & the highest number of kids in foster care. WV also has the highest percentage of teens who identify as transgender. So this grant was important – it was to help staff become more aware of risk factors & to develop partnerships to provide ongoing support to our LGBTQ youth.” This is the county where a Clay County, WV school bus driver who picked up an openly gay teen & as he was taking his seat told him “No faggot activity will be permitted on this bus. In my Bible it states that ‘faggots will burn in Hell,’ & I will not condone it.”
For Info & To Donate: biglittlewv.org
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Drag Queens Unite For Puerto Rico

RuPaul’s Drag Race alumni Phi Phi O’Hara, Flip Phone & 27 other drag queens are coming together to support hurricane relief in Puerto Rico. The event Queens United / Reinas Unidas: A Drag Show for Puerto Rico takes place at First Avenue at 701 N. First Avenue in Minneapolis, MN on Monday November 6th with a VIP meet & greetat 7P & doors open at 8P. The goal is to raise money for Somos Una Voz, a relief initiative founded by Jennifer Lopez & Marc Anthony. The 18+ show will feature O’Hara & 27 RuPaul’s Drag Race alumni, the most ever to perform under one roof. The full lineup so far includes: Minnesota’s own Bebe Zahara Benet, Manila Luzon, Max, as well as Acid Betty, Alexis Michelle, Bob the Drag Queen, Chad Michaels, Cynthia Lee Fontaine, Ginger Minj, Jade Jolie, Jade Sotomayor, Jaidynn Diore Fierce, Jessica Wild, Jiggly Caliente, Katya, Kimora Blac, Madame LaQueer, Mariah Paris Balenciaga, Milk, Mrs. Kasha Davis, Mystique Summers, Naysha Lopez, Nicole Paige Brooks, Ongina, Phoenix, Pandora Boxx, Phi Phi O'Hara, Trinity K. Bonet, Yara Sofia & more. All performers are donating their talent & funding their own travel expenses. First Avenue is also donating the venue for this effort. All proceeds including tickets, meets & greets & merchandise sales from the show will benefit Somos Una Voz, a relief initiative founded by Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony, which is rushing food, shelter, medicine, power & means of communication to Puerto Ricans in need after the island’s devastating natural disasters.
For Info & Tix…
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LGBT Human Rights UN Summit

At the United Nations the International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR) is sponsoring the first expert level international discussion bringing LGBTQ religious leaders from around the world to dialogue with conservative religious groups who lobby at the UN as well as UN member states & high-level officials on Thursday October 26th from 11:30A to 3P. IFOR is the world’s oldest interfaith peace organization. The goal is to explore how they can work together globally to end violence & criminalization of LGBT people often because of religiously sanctioned beliefs. Rev. Patricia Ackerman stated, "In the 76 countries where being LGBTI is criminalized, penalties range from death to discrimination. As the UN Representative of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation, as well as priest in the Episcopal Church, I believe that now is the time for religious leaders engaged in international advocacy at the UN to affirm that no human being should be persecuted or harmed for their sexual orientation, gender identity, expression or sex characteristics. The UN is an international beacon & LGBTI people are deserving of lives without fear of violence, sexual assault & murder. The UN is an international body for peace, human rights & development. To use the UN as a tool of violence & criminalization is unacceptable." Speakers will include UN Assistant Secretary General for Human Rights, Andrew Gilmour, Representatives from UN Member States, including the LGBTI Core Group, The Chair and Members of the NGO Committee on the Family, UN Special Rapporteur in Cultural Rights, Karima Bennoune UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, Ahmed Shaheed Dozens of religious NGOs & LGBTIQ faith-based organizations. Also expected to attend are dozens of conservative religious groups.
For More Info: ifor.org
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“Jewel's Catch One” Boston Event

There will be a historical screening event of the fabulous documentary “Jewel's Catch One” on Thursday October 26th at Fenway Health at 1340 Boylston Street in Boston from 5:30P to 8P. The film is being presented by Flashback Sunday & the LGBT Elders of Color & followed by an Inter-Generational Panel. The film tells the story of Jewel Thais-Williams & her legendary “Jewel’s Catch One” nightclub often referred to as the Studio 54 of the West. It was a hub for cutting edge fashion & music for over 42 years in LA before it closed last year. When Jewel opened her club in 1972 to all races & sexual orientations the club became a target of racism & homophobia especially during the AIDS crisis. She even turned her parking lot into a soup kitchen during that time to make sure people could get care when so many were being ostracized. Jewel became a civil rights leader & then ultimately a healer who has now saved countless lives through her Village Healthcare Foundation. When I asked Jewel how she sees our LGBTQ community moving forward in a Trump administration she stated, “United & on all fronts I feel is the key to it as well as being supportive of other groups. I think that we saw during the Civil Rights Protests & Campaign embrace every aspect of the human conditions & so we had folks joining from various and slightly different groups to support that cause & I feel if we can get that kind of support around our LGBTQ issues & we’re finding hope with millennials….”
Listen to the full audio interview with Jewel & Filmmaker C. Fitz:
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MBCC Dance Event Kudos

The Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition celebrated the 20th anniversary of its premier fundraising event the Lesbians & Friends LGBTQ Dance Party For Prevention on October 21st. The event raised thousands of dollars for MBCC that also helps subsidize crucial funding for its sister organization, Silent Spring Institute. Attorney Susan Wilson who is the event’s founder was honored at the event for her incredible support throughout the years. Maura Healey, Massachusetts Attorney General proclaimed, “I want to congratulate everyone who has come together to support the Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition Lesbians & Friends LGBTQ Dance Party For Prevention on its 20th anniversary. I also want to extend special recognition to the founder of this incredible event, the one & only Susan Wilson, who is being celebrated tonight. Throughout her career, Susan has been a champion for our LGBTQ community & combating & preventing breast cancer. She is a leader, she is an inspiration & I am proud to call her my friend. For 20 years, this event has helped MBCC & its sister organization, Silent Spring Institute – advance prevention efforts, including critical science & research. And little by little, your efforts have brought us closer to the day when we can defeat this devastating disease once & for all. Thank you for all that you do, & here’s to many more years of dancing for the worthiest of causes.” Cheryl Osimo Executive Director of MBCC concluded, “Thank you to our many MBCC supporters who helped in a variety of ways. A special thank you to our sponsors, auction donors & everyone who came to dance the night away. Your generosity was impressive.” (photo of presenters Charlotte Robinson & Margo Simon Golden, MBCC, Board of Directors President)
For More Info: mbcc.org
LISTEN: Cheryl Osimo Talks MBCC Premier Lesbian Event Oct 21st
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Ignorant State Rep. Betty Price

GLAAD the global LGBTQ media advocacy organization has called for a full apology from Georgia State Representative Betty Price for suggesting that those Georgians living with HIV & AIDS should be “quarantined” during a recent House Committee Meeting. Rep Price stated, “I don’t want to say the quarantine word, but I guess I just said it. Is there an ability, since I would guess that public dollars are expended heavily in prophylaxis & treatment of this condition. So we have a public interest in curtailing the spread. What would you advise or are there any methods legally that we could do that would curtail the spread?” Sarah Kate Ellis, President & CEO of GLAAD stated, “We have come a long way in how we understand and talk about HIV as a nation & comments like those made by Georgia State Representative Betty Price fly in the face of that progress & of basic decency. This language coming from anyone is totally unacceptable, but coming from a medical doctor & a Georgia State Representative it is reprehensible. GLAAD is calling for a full apology for these remarks on behalf of all people affected by this harmful statement.” Georgia State Rep. Betty Price is the wife of Former Secretary of Health & Human Services Tom Price whose proposed budget during his time in the Trump Administration threatened to massively cut HIV & AIDS funding under the National Institutes of Health. Ignorant & vicious comments like this do not address HIV prevention but instead further promotes the misinformation & stigma that creates barriers to testing & treatment for vulnerable communities, including transgender women of color & young gay & bi men of color.
For More Info: glad.org
LISTEN: Cheryl Osimo Talks MBCC Premier Lesbian Event Oct 21st
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Being Gay Is Not A Sin

Faith in America met with top Mormon legislator Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah & Dan Reynolds lead singer of Imagine Dragons to discuss LGBT youth suicide & mental anguish. When asked if he thought being gay was a sin Senator Hatch stated, “No, I don’t. How could anything that God gives you be a sin especially something you are born with. Mormons believe in a pre-mortal existence, so if you tell gay kids they are sinners, you are saying that God made someone a sinner before they were born & that is just not right. I do believe they [gay people] are born that way & if they are born that way, then why then is it a sin? Because we all come from God & if that is the case which I believe it to be it seems we have to work out these problems ourselves without prejudice.” Mitchell Gold, co-founder of Faith in America added, “Senator Hatch has taken an extraordinary first step by saying he doesn't believe being gay is a sin. As the top Mormon legislator in the country, he wields enormous power in the lives of thousands of LGBT kids in Utah & across America. While it is important the Senator & the LDS church understand the epidemic facing LGBT youth, we need them to change their outdated teachings regarding homosexuality. As the LDS church has progressed in terms of polygamy, those who are the most vulnerable among us, need the church to progress on homosexuality.” Faith in America calls upon the leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to hear the words of Senator Hatch & understand the real mental health crisis being faced by young LGBT Mormons in Utah & across the country. For More Info: faithinamerica.org 
LISTEN: Cheryl Osimo Talks MBCC Premier Lesbian Event Oct 21st
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Wearing Purple For Spirit Day

This year Spirit Day is Thursday October 19th when everyone is encouraged to go purple & participate on social media as a sign of support for LGBTQ youth & to speak out against bullying. We at OUTTAKE have supported Spirit Day since it began in 2010 following the media's coverage of a rash of LGBTQ teen suicides including the tragic death of Tyler Clementi. Back then Brittany McMillan a high school student began Spirit Day that now draws the participation of celebrities, corporations, media outlets, sports leagues, schools, faith institutions, national landmarks & individuals around the world who join together in a united stand against bullying. According to GLSEN more than half of LGBTQ students report being victimized based on sexual orientation, with a further three quarters of students who report hearing anti-LGBTQ remarks in school. With a bully in the White House & a toxic political culture brought about by constant attacks on our LGBTQ community from our nation’s highest leaders, it’s never been more important to show LGBTQ youth that we are here for them. Some of the celebrity participants for Spirit Day 2017 include Celine Dion, Jimmy Kimmel, Britney Spears, Whoopi Goldberg, Olivia Newton-John, Fergie, Christina Aguilera, Lily Tomlin, Wanda Sykes, Minnie Driver, Mayim Bialik, Candis Cayne, Lisa Edelstein, Brad Goreski, Mario Lopez, Carrie Preston, Kim Richards, Kyle Richards, The Chew, the cast of A Very Sordid Wedding, hosts of Access Hollywood, Entertainment Tonight, Extra, MTV’s TRL, Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, The View & more.
For More Info: glaad.org
LISTEN: Cheryl Osimo Talks MBCC Premier Lesbian Event Oct 21st
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Marcum Women's Forum

The first Marcum Women's Forum to be held on the West Coast entitled “Safe & Sound: Smart Choices for Savvy Women” takes place Friday October 20th at The Palace Hotel 2 New Montgomery Street in San Francisco, California from 8A to 11:30A. The breakfast event is geared to high net worth & executive women, featuring nationally prominent speakers on topics essential to women's personal & professional well-being. Keynote Speaker will be Erin Brockovich, President of Brockovich Research & Consulting. Erin came to fame with her exhaustive investigation uncovered that Pacific Gas & Electric had been poisoning the small town of Hinkley's Water for over 30 years. In 1996, as a result of the largest direct action lawsuit of its kind, spearheaded by Erin & Ed Masry, the utility giant was forced to pay out the largest toxic tort injury settlement in US history: $333 million in damages to more than 600 Hinkley residents. Her story was depicted in the movie Erin Brockovich starring Julia Roberts. Other guest speakers include Jeanne Rizzo, President of Breast Cancer Prevention Partners with panelists Heather Bearfield, Principal – IT Risk & Assurance Services, Marcum LLP, Jessica Lemon, Sr. Account Manager, Casto Travel, Kate Parker, Head of Safety & Insurance Brand, Uber & Frank Rudewicz, Principal – Advisory Services, Marcum LLP. The Marcum Women's Initiative is dedicated to the Marcum women & their success. This initiative is one of the many programs that speak to Marcum's core values & commitment to fostering a culture that is both diverse & inclusive. Tickets are $100.
For Info & Tix: marcumevents.com 
LISTEN: Cheryl Osimo Talks MBCC Premier Lesbian Event Oct 21st
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Department of Justice Casualty

In the days following the Department of Justice announcing Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act will no longer protect transgender workers, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) ended their three-year investigation into the 2014 removal without cause of openly transgender John F. Kennedy University Professor, Erica E. Anderson, Ph. D from her position as Uber Chair of Graduate Psychology at the University. Anderson’s attorneys are preparing filings in State & Federal Courts in California against JFK University & the National University System for employment discrimination & retaliation. On November 4th 2014, Dr. Anderson was removed from her position at John F. Kennedy University as Uber Chair of Graduate Psychology without warning or cause. Efforts to immediately challenge & correct her removal, brought by Dr. Anderson’s attorney, did not yield immediate results. In January 2015, Dr. Anderson filed an employment discrimination claim against the University & its parent, the National University System, with the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission), based on her being a transgendered woman over the age of 50. The assigned investigator encouraged the EEOC complaint until the Department of Justice under the Trump Administration recently changed its workplace discrimination policies as they related to our trans community. In 2012 Dr. Anderson became the first openly transgender faculty member at the school when she came out during the hiring process, making the university fully aware of her identity. After her arrival at the university she distinguished herself by leading the effort to restore full APA (American Psychological Association) Accreditation for the Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology, which was on probation at the time of her hiring. She is currently the chairperson at Joan’s House a 501(c)3 non-profit that will soon be providing transitional housing & support for women & transgender individuals in the San Francisco Bay Area.
For More Info: joanshouse.org
LISTEN: Cheryl Osimo Talks MBCC Premier Lesbian Event Oct 21st
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Trump Attacking LGBT Americans

After boasting “the times are changing back again” to the Values Voters Summit in Washington D.C. that was hosted by the anti-LGBT Family Research Council on Friday, Trump is set to address the anti-LGBT Heritage Foundation on Tuesday continuing his homophobic anti LGBT agenda. This is from the guy that reportedly joked that Vice President Pence wants to hang all gay people. Earlier this year the Heritage Foundation sent a notice to U.S. House members urging them vote for a legislative ban on transition-related health care for transgender people in the U.S. military. Sarah Kate Ellis, President & CEO of GLAAD stated, “Addressing a gathering of some of the most extreme anti-LGBTQ activists in the country, Trump once again legitimized hate speech & vowed, again & again to write discrimination into law by pushing laws focused on religious exemptions. The religious exemption laws that groups like the Family Research Council & the Trump administration fully support do not reflect real American values, they legalize discrimination by allowing hotels, ER doctors, business owners & even pediatricians to legally deny services to hardworking LGBTQ families.” In his new tax plan Trump is about to unleash a major push for ‘religious exceptions’ which is in direct contrast the majority of Americans who opposed these anti-LGBTQ laws, according to a recent study by the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI). PRRI also found that 72% of Americans support laws that protect LGBTQ people from discrimination in employment, housing & public accommodations. This includes six out of ten (60%) Republicans & 81% of Democrats.
For More Info:glad.org
LISTEN: Cheryl Osimo Talks MBCC Premier Lesbian Event Oct 21st
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Urvashi Vaid Steps Up (AUDIO)

LPAC, the first lesbian Political Action Committee founded in 2012 announced that Urvashi Vaid, longtime attorney & organizer in LGBTQ & social justice movements will serve as the organization’s Interim Executive Director as the search for a permanent Executive Director begins. Laura Ricketts, LPAC Board Chair stated, “We are very pleased to have Urvashi as our interim leader, with all her expertise, insuring continuity for LPAC over the next few months, while we search for and find our new leader.” A Board search committee has been formed & is chaired by LPAC San Francisco based Board member Joyce Newstat, a long-time political activist & leader in the LGBT movement. The search process & timeline will be announced later this year. Newstat stated, “Our new Executive Director will lead LPAC at a critically important time for the LGBT community, women & all those impacted by the hostile political climate in Washington, D.C. & across the nation. As we approach the 2018 mid-term elections & beyond, LPAC must grow & be even more engaged in supporting progressive candidates who advance our core values of LGBT equality, women’s rights & gender, social & racial justice.” Vaid has held senior executive positions at the Arcus Foundation, the Ford Foundation & the National LGBTQ Task Force. She is CEO of The Vaid Group a social innovation firm focused on strategies to advance equity & justice & is a founder of LPAC. Vaid began her part-time duties on September 5th & joins LPAC Political & Operations Associate Erica Benjamin on the LPAC staff. In 2014 we talked to Urvashi about LPAC in this exclusive audio byte. LISTEN:
For More Info: teamlpac.com 
LISTEN: Cheryl Osimo Talks MBCC Premier Lesbian Event Oct 21st
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LGBT Military Groups Join Forces

Two LGBT military organizations OutServe-SLDN & Military Partners & Families have announced that they are joining forces. The existing operations of MPFC will be incorporated into OutServe-SLDN creating the nations’ largest organization focused on the support of the LGBT military community including service members, veterans & military families. Matt Thorn, Executive Director of OutServe-SLDN stated, “We are thrilled to welcome the Military Partners & Families Coalition into OutServe-SLDN. Over the years they’ve been an invaluable partner to our work & we’re thrilled that they’re now part of our family. We’ve learned from experience that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. Adding the work of MPFC & its team of leaders to OutServe-SLDN is a huge win for the families of LGBT service members & veterans.” Ariana Bostian-Kentes, President & co-founder of MPFC, added, “Working alongside OutServe-SLDN as a coalition partner has been vital to the successes we’ve celebrated as a military family community. We aim to build on that success through this merger by adding to the breadth of resources available to those who serve & support our military & by prioritizing the interests of all families who serve our country.” Matt Thorn will continue in his role & become President & CEO of the combined organizations. Ariana Bostian-Kentes & MPFC Vice President, Tracey Hepner, will join the board of directors & the current 13 member OutServe-SLDN board will continue in their respective roles.
Listen: Matt Thorne On OUTTAKE VOICES™
For More Info: outserve-sldn.org
LISTEN: Donna Deitch Talks Desert Hearts Sequel & LGBTQ Rights
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LGBT National Coming Out Day

Since 1988 National Coming Out Day is acknowledged on October 11th which is the day that if you haven’t come out yet about your LGBTQ sexual orientation to your family, friends & colleagues it’s time to live as your authentic self & be counted. Especially with the Trump administration trying to erase our LGBTQ community. As Harvey Milk said, “Burst down those closet doors once & for all, stand up & start to fight.” Jason Collins stated, "Openness may not completely disarm prejudice, but it’s a good place to start." Director Peter Darney concluded, “I would like to people able to come out at a very early age. I would like to see people not have to go through school denying their sexuality. I would like there to be open dialogue & education within our school system & our community group so that young people do not have to grow up holding a secret that makes them feel bad & guilty & ashamed & different & don’t have to form a lie behind every relationship that they have through this secret as they grow up because I think ultimately that is what we need in order to be able to achieve a better or happier level of intimacy as adults.” Also more than half of LGBT K-12 students reported feeling unsafe at school as a result of their sexual orientation & more than one-third reported feeling unsafe because of how they express their gender. We need everyone to take a stand against LGBTQ bullying & make sure you wear purple on Spirit Day Thursday October 19th.
For More Info: glaad.org
LISTEN: Donna Deitch Talks Desert Hearts Sequel & LGBTQ Rights
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


SAGE Awards & Gala Event

SAGE, the nation’s largest & oldest organization dedicated to improving the lives of LGBT elders announces its 22nd Annual SAGE Awards & Gala that takes place on Monday, October 16th at 6P at Cipriani Wall Street in New York City. This year’s honorees include Citi, Lorraine CortĂ©s-Vásquez & Cleve Jones. There also will be a tribute to marriage equality icon Edie Windsor. Citi will receive the Corporate Leadership Award for their ongoing collaboration with SAGE. Citi has been a pioneer supporting our LGBT community & was one of the first financial institutions to sign amicus briefs in the historic Supreme Court cases, U.S. v. Windsor & Obergefell v. Hodges. Lorraine CortĂ©s-Vásquez, New York City Mayor’s Senior Advisor will receive the Jack Watters Corporate Advocate Award for her work in supporting diverse communities & LGBT elders through leadership roles at the Mayor’s Office, Emblem Healthcare & AARP. Cleve Jones, activist, lecturer & author of When We Rise: My Life in the Movement will be presented the Joyce Warshow Lifetime Achievement Award. Jones’ book inspired the fabulous ABC TV mini-series that was broadcast in February. Mentored by the legendary Harvey Milk, Jones co-founded the San Francisco AIDS Foundation in 1983 & founded in 1987 The NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt, one of the world’s largest community arts projects. The gala event will take place on Monday October 16th starting with cocktails at 6P followed by Dinner & Awards Ceremony at 7P. Founded in 1978 SAGE is the country's largest & oldest organization dedicated to improving the lives LGBT seniors.
For More Info & Tix: sageusa.org
LISTEN: Donna Deitch Talks Desert Hearts Sequel & LGBTQ Rights
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Dan Butler Becomes Truman Capote

The new play WARHOLCAPOTE adapted from conversations between Truman Capote & Andy Warhol is fabulous. It’s playing now through October 13th at American Repertory Theater in Cambridge, Massachusetts & stars Stephen Spinella as Warhol & Dan Butler as Capote. The played is based on actual taped discussions of Capote & Warhol in the late 1970’s talking about creating a Broadway play together that never came to fruition. It’s an extraordinary depiction of theirs lives as gay icons & celebrities in an era when Studio 54 was at its height. Since these tapes are never-heard-before conversations you’ll hear intimate stories & gossip that’s both amusing & gut wrenching. This world premiere production is staged by Tony Award-winning director Michael Mayer (Spring Awakening, Hedwig & the Angry Inch) & adapted by award-winning director Rob Roth with the support of the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts & the Truman Capote Literary Trust. An interesting spin on WARHOLCAPOTE is that Butler stepped into the role after Leslie Jordan who was originally cast as Capote left the production for personal reasons. With only a few days of rehearsal Butler has accomplished a seamless brilliant portrayal of Capote. When I talked to Butler in 2012 about his spin on our LGBT civil rights, Dan stated, “I think sometimes it’s the way you live your life. I’ve been politically active in the past with the Human Rights Campaign & Act Up. Right when the Trevor Crisis Line formed I worked the lines for Trevor and The Suicide Prevention Center in Los Angeles for about six years. So now I think it’s by example. I believe in that Gandhi quote, “Live your life as if the changes you hope happen, have already occurred.”
Listen To Full Interview...
For Info & Tix: americanrepertorytheater.org
LISTEN: Donna Deitch Talks Desert Hearts Sequel & LGBTQ Rights
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Separation of Church & State

The Trump Administration after announcing that federal employment protections do not apply to transgender Americans has opened up the Pandora’s Box when it comes to the separation of Church & State. U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has released guidance instructions that invites taxpayer-funded federal agencies, government employees & government contractors to discriminate against our LGBTQ community, people of color, people with disabilities, women, religious minorities including Muslim & Jewish people & other marginalized populations as long as they cite a religious belief as the reason for doing so. Vanita Gupta, President & CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil & Human Rights stated, “This guidance is totally unnecessary & is yet another mean-spirited attack against the LGBTQ community, people of color & other minorities. This guidance is designed to do one thing create a license to discriminate against the LGBTQ community & others, sanctioned by the federal government & paid for by taxpayers. Yes, the freedom of religion is a fundamental right, but it is not an absolute right. It cannot be used as a shield to permit discrimination against LGBTQ people, just as federal courts a half century ago denied the ability of businesses & employers to use their religious beliefs as a basis to discriminate against African Americans. Federal agencies, government contractors & grant recipients should not be permitted to discriminate simply by citing a religious belief for doing so. We urge the federal courts to reject the radical efforts by this administration to justify discrimination on the basis of religion. We are strengthened as a nation when we work to protect & balance the rights and dignity of all.”
For More Info: civilrights.org
LISTEN: Donna Deitch Talks Desert Hearts Sequel & LGBTQ Rights
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


California LGBT Elders Bill of Rights

California Governor Jerry Brown has signed a bill that creates a “bill of rights” for LGBTQ seniors in long-term care. Senate Bill (SB) 219 was authored by Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) & sponsored by Equality California. This bill will help protect seniors from discrimination or mistreatment in long-term care facilities. Senator Wiener stated, “Our LGBT seniors built the modern LGBT community & led the fight for so many of the rights our community takes for granted today. It is our duty to make sure they can age with the dignity & respect they deserve. I want to thank Governor Brown for joining our coalition in supporting this bill, which will make a real difference in people’s lives. The LGBT Senior Bill of Rights is an important step in our fight to ensure all people are treated equally regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.” Rick Zbur, Executive Director of Equality California concluded, “LGBTQ seniors fought some of the first & most difficult battles for LGBTQ civil rights & deserve our protection. Many of our elders have no children or other family members to care for them & are especially vulnerable to abuse or neglect in long-term care. SB 219 will help ensure that care facilities provide culturally-competent care.” SB 219 was sponsored by Equality California & supported by the American Civil Liberties Union, APLA Health, California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform, Justice in Aging, FORGE, the California chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, National Center for Lesbian Rights, National Center for Transgender Equality, San Francisco Human Rights Commission, the Source LGBT + Center & the Transgender Law Center.
For More Info: eqca.org
LISTEN: WORLD Channel Premiere “Stories from the Stage"
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Missouri LGBT Parental Victory

The National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) has won an appeal on behalf of Kathleen M., a lesbian mother in Missouri who has been allowed to seek shared custody or visitation with her son. In the case K.M.M. v. K.E.W., the Missouri Court of Appeals, Eastern District ruled that a non-biological parent who raised a child from birth can seek custody or visitation. Kathleen M. & Kate W. were in a committed lesbian relationship & had a child through assisted reproduction using an anonymous sperm donor in 2011. Kathleen & Kate raised their son as a family for nearly four years. The parties separated in 2015 & Kate stopped allowing Kathleen to see their child. Kathleen sought custody & visitation in 2015, which the trial court denied. Kathleen M. stated, “I am so grateful for even the possibility that I can hold my son again. I hope this decision will help other parents like me so that no parent or their child will have to experience this heartbreak.” Catherine Sakimura NCLR Family Law Director added, “All children & their parents deserve to be treated as a family. What matters is the love & care a parent gives to her child, not biology.” Michelle Spirn, who also represented Kathleen M. concluded, “The Court of Appeals correctly interpreted Section 452.375.5 & further refined the growing body of law relating to third party custody, especially the application of the ‘welfare’ prong of the statute. I believe that the Court correctly determined my client’s relationship to her son – they are family.”
For More Info: nclrights.org
LISTEN: WORLD Channel Premiere “Stories from the Stage"
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


USA Weapons of Mass Destruction

Once again another horrific massacre has happened in America this time in Las Vegas with 59 innocent concertgoers murdered & over 500 injured by a deranged gunman who legally bought his weapons of mass destruction. It’s time for our government to accept the responsibility for this madness & ban assault weapons once & for all. The NRA wants us to be silent but we cannot be silent any longer. This is a time when we must demand our government leaders take action, pass new gun laws & end this American domestic terrorism. Nadine Smith Equality Florida’s Executive Director stated, “Orlando knows all too well the grief & pain the people of Las Vegas woke up to Monday morning & we stand in solidarity & grief with the victims, survivors & their loved ones. On June 12, 2016, we woke up to news that an active shooter entered the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, taking the lives of 49, injuring 53 & traumatizing thousands. The Pulse massacre was the most violent hate crime against LGBTQ people in American history & now, has been eclipsed as the largest mass shooting on American soil by a single gunman. Much like the victims at Pulse, the victims & survivors in Las Vegas were gathering to share community & celebrate life & much like the impact of Pulse, the shock & terror of this massacre will have an impact that reverberates around the world. Thoughts & prayers are not enough. It is past time to uproot violence in all its forms & to prevent those who seek to do harm from accessing weapons of war.”
LISTEN: WORLD Channel Premiere “Stories from the Stage"
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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