The Day of Silence is coordinated nationally by the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network
(GLSEN). A day in which students from around the country take a vow of silence to bring attention to the anti-lesbian, gay, bisexual& transgender name-calling, bullying & harassment faced in schools by students, teachers & other school staff. Over 500,000 students from nearly 6,500 junior high & high schools in all 50 states & Puerto Rico have participated over the years. PFLAG National (Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays) the nation's original ally organization & the largest grassroots based nonprofit for families, friends & allies of lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender (LGBT) people issued the following statement regarding Day of Silence 2012. Jody Huckaby, Executive Director of PFLAG National, said the following: “PFLAG National is proud to stand with our colleagues at GLSEN, as well as students, educators & others around the country, participating in today’s Day of Silence. This is an important annual event, one that offers a small glimpse into the world of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning teens & what it feels like to be targeted and silenced by anti-LGBT bullying, harassment & discrimination. GLSEN’s resources are a critical component of PFLAG’s work with our chapters in helping to create safer schools in local communities & GLSEN’s Day of Silence provides a tremendous opportunity to educate local communities about why more must be done to ensure that all children have a safe place to learn, free from bullying & harassment.”
According to statistics provided by GLSEN:
More than 85 percent of LGBT students have been verbally harassed...Nearly 20 percent of LGBT students were physically assaulted by theirpeers @ school...Almost 40 percent of LGBT students reported that faculty & staffnever intervene when homophobic language is used in their presence...Nearly 30 percent of LGBT students reported missing at least oneentire school day because they felt unsafe.
Exclusive Audio Chat with Malcolm Lazin Founder & Executive Director of Equality Forum. This is the 20th anniversary of Equality Forum 2012 that takes place May 3rd to May 6th in Philadelphia. Equality Forum is a national & international LGBT civil rights organization with a focus on education. There are also lots of dance parties, entertainment & just basic fun events. This year Israel is Equality Forum International focus. More @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
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