Once again the Trump-Pence White House has proposed a federal regulation that would strip away nondiscrimination requirements & permit all Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) grant recipients, notably adoption & foster care agencies to discriminate against our LGBTQ community & in many circumstances religious minorities & women & still receive federal funding. Sharon McGowan, Lambda Legal Chief Strategy Officer & Legal Director stated, “HHS is charged with protecting the health & wellbeing of all people, but its actions today demonstrate once again its complete disregard for its mission. Today’s proposed rule rolls back critical protections against discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity & religion & in doing so, puts at risk some of the most vulnerable members of our communities, including LGBTQ people who are poor or experiencing homelessness; LGBTQ seniors & LGBTQ youth in out-of-home care, including foster children in need of loving families, people living with HIV & many others. Furthermore, HHS’s announcement that it will immediately cease enforcement of existing nondiscrimination protections, rather than adhering to the established procedures for changing regulations such as these, once again demonstrates the Trump administration’s utter disregard for the rule of law.” Alphonso David HRC President concluded, “The Trump-Pence White House has proposed a horrific federal regulation that would permit discrimination across the entire spectrum of HHS programs receiving federal funding. This would permit discrimination against LGBTQ people, religious minorities & women in programs related to foster care, adoption, HIV & STI prevention, youth homelessness, refugee resettlement, elder care programs & more. The Trump-Pence White House is relying on the same flawed legal reasoning they’ve used in the past to justify discrimination against LGBTQ people & other communities.”
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