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New Orleans Gay Easter Parade

Probably the gayest place to spend Easter is New Orleans. That’s because of the 14th Annual Gay Easter Parade that takes place March 31st at 4:30P. It’s led by the fabulous Easter Grand Marshals XIV Tommy Elias & Starr Daniels. The parade contains more than 30 carriages, trolleys & wagons as well as bands, walking groups & some 15 trunks & cars. Rip Naquin-Delain, Editor of Ambush Magazine which presents the Gay Easter Parade states, “The parade serves as a fundraiser for Food for Friends, a program run by the NO/AIDs task force. Last year we were able to donate $36,000 from the Easter parade alone & that allowed them to add 100 clients to their program for one year. We wanted to foster a positive image for children & families. There will be no vulgar, Mardi Gras style throws. There will just be beads, stuffed animals & toys. Very family friendly.” The proceeds go to Food for Friends allows the task force to continue supplying groceries & home delivered meals to HIV infected & affected individuals in the New Orleans Area. The program helps assist people with nutritional challenges due to fiscal restrictions obtain the healthy meals necessary to stay healthy while living with HIV. The parade’s traditional route through the French Quarter beginning at N. Rampart and St. Ann, winding throughout the French quarter & ending at St. Peter. A pre-party will be held at Michaels on the Park around 3P & the post-party & buffet at 700 Club on Dauphine at 6P.
AUDIO: Red Carpet Celebs @  NYC GLAAD Awards

Pink Martini Free Concert March 30th

Our favorite band “Pink Martini” will be performing a free sing-a-long concert today March 30th in Portland Oregon. They will be joined by China Forbes & Storm Largethe, The von Trapps with members of the Oregon Symphony & the Pacific Youth Choir in leading the city’s first full-fledged community sing-a-long. It’s happening at 3P Saturday March 30th at the Pioneer Courthouse Square in downtown Portland, Oregon. You can bring your families, your grandchildren, your grandparents, your neighbors, your school choirs, your church groups, your football teams, your co-workers & your crushes…:) For two hours you can join everyone to sing at the top of their lungs with thousands of other people. Feel free to bring an instrument if you want to join in! Openly gay leader of Pink Martini Thomas Lauderdale stated, “This is what I’ve always dreamed of doing with the band. I can’t imagine anything more lovely, inclusive, festive, uplifting & wonderful than this.” There will be songbooks with lyrics & music for nearly 50 songs from “Home on the Range” to “Take Me Home Country Roads” to “Nine to Five” to “America the Beautiful” & “Copacabana” generously printed by Wieden & Kennedy. Shedrain, America’s legendary Portland-based umbrella company is generously providing free umbrellas in case of rain. For More Info… 
AUDIO: Red Carpet Celebs @  NYC GLAAD Awards

Gay Icon Adam Lambert Honored

At the GLAAD Media Awards in San Francisco on May 11th gay pop idol Adam Lambert will receive the Davidson/Valentini Award. The Davidson/Valentini Award is named after Craig Davidson, GLAAD's first executive director & his partner Michael Valentini. The award is presented to an openly LGBT media professional who has made a significant difference in promoting equality for the LGBT community. Previous Davidson/Valentini honorees include Lee Daniels, Chad Allen, Ilene Chaiken, Ron Cowen & Daniel Lipman, Alec Mapa, B.D. Wong & Sandra Bernhard. GLAAD's Wilson Cruz stated, "Adam Lambert's continued success as one of the world's best-selling pop stars shows LGBT people that they can be themselves & make it in a mainstream industry that many feel unfairly rejects them. Adam is fearless on stage & astonishes audiences in every country he performs in." Upon the release of Lambert's second album Trespassing, of which he is the executive producer & principal writer, Lambert became the first out LGBT artist to reach number one on the Billboard 200. Lambert has also been recognized by other LGBT advocacy organizations, including Equality California's Los Angeles Equality Awards & the PFLAG National Los Angeles event to name a few. In December he performed at "Cyndi Lauper & Friends: Home for the Holidays," a benefit concert supporting homeless LGBT youth. The San Francisco ceremony on May 11th will take place at the Hilton San Francisco - Union Square & is presented by Ketel One Vodka, Wells Fargo & locally by Southwest Airlines.  For More Info:glad.org  
AUDIO: Red Carpet Celebs @  NYC GLAAD Awards

TIME Cover Story Says It All

We received great news that mainstream media TIME Magazine is releasing 2 separate covers for their next addition proclaiming that "Gay Marriage Already Won." We went with the lesbian version of course. Rick Stengel TIME Managing Editor stated, "Whatever the Supreme Court decides, it seems clear that the majority of Americans feel marriage is a civil right & that denying that right to people because of their sexual orientation is a violation of equal protection under the law…. We had a long debate in our offices about this week’s cover images of two same-gender couples. Some thought they were sensationalist & too in-your-face. Others felt the images were beautiful & symbolized the love that is at the heart of the idea of marriage. I agree with the latter & I hope you do too." In his cover story, TIME's David Von Drehle reports that recent polls show that gay marriage is now embraced by half or more of all Americans, with support among young voters running as high as 4 to 1. Von Drehle stated, "Yesterday’s impossible now looks like tomorrow’s inevitable…. What’s most striking about this seismic social shift—as rapid & unpredictable as any turn in public opinion on record—is that it happened with very little planning. In fact, there was a lot of resistance from the top. Neither political party gave a hint of support before last year, nor was marriage part of the so-called homosexual agenda so worrisome to social-­conservative leaders…. Instead, the impetus has come from disparate forces in seemingly unconnected realms: courtrooms, yes, but also hospitals, nurseries, libraries & soundstages. The rise of gay marriage from joke to commonplace is a story of converging strands of history." Read Story...
The photo was taken by Award-winning photographer Peter Hapak. The couple is Sarah Kate Ellis-Henderson & Kristen Ellis-Henderson who are legally married in New York State with two children. It goes on sale March 29th. Updates to Come...:)
AUDIO: Listen To Celebrities Supporting LGBT EqualityOUTTAKE VOICES™ NOW ON HUFFINGTON POST...:)

Gay Marriage Supreme Court Day 2

Today March 27th the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments in United States v. Windsor challenge to the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). This case addresses Section 3 of DOMA which denies legally married gay & lesbian couples 1100 rights, benefits & protections including the ability to file joint tax returns, receive spousal benefits offered by Social Security, such as survivor compensation & the ability take advantage of estate tax breaks. In Edie Windsor’s case the 83 year old was hit with a federal estate tax bill of over $363,000, which she was forced to pay when her legally married spouse Thea Spyer died of multiple sclerosis. Windsor stated, "When Thea & I met nearly 50 years ago, we never could have dreamed that the story of our life together would be before the US Supreme Court as an example of why gay married couples should be treated equally & not like second-class citizens. While Thea is no longer alive, I know how proud she would have been to see this day. The truth is, I never expected any less from my country." The Court will hear about thousands of already married loving, committed gay & lesbian couples whose marriages are respected & celebrated by their families, friends, faith communities & the states they call home. Attorney Robbie Kaplan will show the US Supreme Court on behalf of her client Edie Windsor & all of us that there is no justifiable reason for the federal government to discriminate against these marriages as it now does with DOMA. Updates to Come…:)
AUDIO: Listen To Celebrities Supporting LGBT Equality

Supreme Court Hears DOMA Case

The Supreme Court has now heard oral arguments in United States v. Windsor case challenging Section 3 of the so-called “Defense of Marriage Act” (DOMA), which defines marriage as between a man & a woman for all federal purposes. This is what denies our LGBT community 1100 rights, benefits & protections including the ability to file joint tax returns, receive spousal benefits offered by Social Security, such as survivor compensation & the ability to take advantage of estate tax breaks. Which is what the Edie Windsor’s case is all about. You see this 83-year-old woman was hit with a federal estate tax bill of over $363,000, which she was forced to pay when her legally married spouse Thea Spyer died of multiple sclerosis. After oral arguments Lee Swislow Executive Director of GLAD (Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders’) the organization that brought gay marriage to America stated, “For every day DOMA continues to be enforced by our federal government, thousands of legally married gay & lesbian couples are denied critical protections. DOMA is a blatantly discriminatory law which targets a particularly disliked group, impacts important personal interests & represents a one-time departure from the usual process of allocating federal rights & benefits. Gay & lesbian couples who are legally married in their home states should be treated like all other married couples in this nation – with respect & dignity. I am confident this case got a fair hearing today in our nation’s highest court. This day has been long in the making & the question is not if, but when, this discriminatory law will be overturned.” Now we wait until June for a decision.
Updates to Come…:)
AUDIO: Listen To Celebrities Supporting LGBT Equality

Supreme Court Hears Prop 8 Case

The first day of the historic US Supreme Court gay marriage cases has begun. The United States Supreme Court heard oral argument in Hollingsworth v. Perry the federal constitutional challenge to California’s Proposition 8. Theodore B. Olson Plaintiffs’ lead co-counsel argued, “This case is about marriage & equality. The Plaintiffs we represent are two loving couples who, like millions of other gay & lesbian Americans, are being denied the fundamental right to marry & the right to be treated with equal dignity & respect under the law. This discrimination cannot be squared with the principle of equality & the unalienable right to liberty & the pursuit of happiness that is the bedrock promise of our Constitution. The day it is ended, we will be closer to fulfilling the dream of all Americans.” David Boies, Plaintiffs’ lead co-counsel added, “Fourteen times the Supreme Court has stated that the freedom to marry is one of the most fundamental rights—if not the most fundamental right—of all Americans. The denial of the right to marry causes grave harm to gay & lesbian Americans & the children they are raising. It serves no legitimate state interest. As full & equal citizens under our Constitution, gay & lesbian Americans cannot be denied the basic, fundamental freedom to marry.” Oral argument in Hollingsworth v. Perry was attended by  Plaintiffs Kris Perry & Sandy Stier & Paul Katami & Jeff Zarrillo. Also attending were AFER Board President Bruce Cohen & AFER Board Members Dustin Lance Black, Chad Griffin, Jonathan Lewis, Ken Mehlman, Rob and Michele Reiner & other fortunate activists including Cleve Jones. Updates to Come…:)
For Rallies In Your State…. 
AUDIO: Listen To Celebrities Supporting LGBT Equality

Gay Marriage Supreme Court Day 1

UPDATE: Today the United States Supreme Court heard oral argument in Hollingsworth v. Perry, the federal constitutional challenge to California’s Proposition 8. The Court is now considering whether Proposition 8 violates the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. 
Over the next two days our community will make the case in the Supreme Court of the United States that there is no justification for treating the relationships of gay & lesbian people as second class citizens. It begins March 26th at 10A when Ted Olson & David Boies will make the case before the Supreme Court that every American is guaranteed the freedom to marry the person they love. They represent 2 couples, Kris Perry & Sandy Stier & Paul Katami & Jeff Zarrillo, who like so many Americans want the freedom to marry the person they love. The United States Supreme Court will hear oral argument in Hollingsworth v. Perry the federal constitutional challenge to California’s Proposition 8. Enacted in November 2008 Prop 8 eliminated the fundamental freedom of gay & lesbian Californians to marry. On December 7th 2012 the Supreme Court granted certiorari in Perry to review the landmark federal court of appeals ruling that upheld the decision of the federal district court that found Proposition 8 unconstitutional. The Court will consider whether Proposition 8 violates the Due Process & Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Then tomorrow the unconstitutionality of DOMA (the Defense of Marriage Act) will take center stage. In Massachusetts where gay marriage began almost 9 years ago MassEquality will hold an historic rally at Boston City Hall Flag Pole 3P March 26th at the Government Center. There are rallies scheduled to be held in all 50 states.  Updates to Come..:)
For Rallies In Your State…. 
AUDIO: Listen To Celebrities Supporting LGBT Equality

Gay Marriage Rallies in 50 States

Over the next 2 days on March 26th & 27th the Supreme Court will finally hear challenges to DOMA (the Defense of Marriage Act) & California’s Proposition 8. These 2 cases will decide the future of gay marriage equality in the U.S. To rally support United for Marriage has organized 150 events in all 50 states as part of its Light the Way to Justice campaign. At the center of the demonstrations is a rally in Washington D.C. outside of the Supreme Court on Tuesday & Wednesday at 8:30 am. In addition GLAAD & United for Marriage will hold a Supreme Court vigil on Monday, March 25th as well as an Interfaith Service & Passover Seder on March 26th. At the Lutheran Church of the Reformation, 212 East Capitol Street in DC from 7:15A to 8:30A on March 26th there will be a multi-faith sunrise service with over 20 renowned faith leaders, gospel singers, drummers, choir & community followed by the big Rally at the steps of the Supreme Court. Joining “A Prayer for Love & Justice” are Rev. Gary Hall, Dean of the Washington National Cathedral, Reverend Selena Fox of Circle Sanctuary, Bishop Gene Robinson, Zen Buddhist Ven. Lawrence Do'an Grecco, Rabbi Deborah Reichmann, Sister Jeannine Gramick of the National Coalition of American Nuns, Imam Daayiee Abdullah of Muslims for Progressive Values, Marlon Fixico of the National Confederacy of Two-Spirit Organizations, Rev. Elder Darlene Gardner of Metropolitan Community Churches & leaders from Unity Fellowship, United Church of Christ, United Methodist & many more. Tickets are required but free. For Info & Tix… 
For Rallies In Your State…. 
LISTEN TO AUDIO: Prop 8 US Supreme Court Team Speaks OUT

Navy Captain Insults Gay Spouse

AUDIO: Exclusive Press Conference w/ Crucial Info From Prop 8 
US Supreme Court Team. Check it OUT @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
Captain Robert N. Geis is currently the Commanding Officer of Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach, VA. It seems that Navy SH1 Melissa Smith is retiring next month & has requested that her legal spouse, T.J. Jenkins, receive a customary Certificate of Appreciation & other appropriate honors from the Commanding Officer. Geis has denied that request citing DOMA though other gay military families in the Navy have been recognized in that way – even as late as six weeks ago. Allyson Robinson Executive Director of OutServe-SLDN & an Army Veteran has called on the Department of Navy to intervene stating, “There is an inconsistency here that the Navy must address immediately for this family, but the real enemy is the so-called Defense of Marriage Act. As long as DOMA is on the books, commanders will be forced to discriminate, despite the fact that our Commander-in-Chief & Secretary of Defense have made it clear that America’s LGBT service members & their families deserve to be treated fairly. Our expectation is that SH1 Smith’s – & every commander of American troops – will do everything possible under the law to honor the service & sacrifice of LGBT military families & OutServe-SLDN is working directly with the Department of the Navy to ensure that happens here.” This anti gay incident comes just days before the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in two cases involving the freedom to marry, one specifically related to the constitutionality of DOMA.  Read More…. 
AUDIO: Prop 8 US Supreme Court Team Speaks OUT

Pediatrics Group For Gay Marriage

AUDIO: Exclusive Press Conference w/ Crucial Info From Prop 8 
US Supreme Court Team. Check it OUT @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
With gay marriage headed to the US Supreme Court next week it seems that every day we’re receiving more & more positive reinforcement of marriage equality. Now The American Academy of Pediatrics that represents over 60,000 physicians says it’s in the best interests of children if gays & lesbians are allowed to legally marry. The group will make an official announcement with a statement in the April edition of Pediatrics journal. Members say they took five years to study the issue & arrived at a final policy decision. Ellen Perrin, who co-author the Academy’s position stated, “We were charged with this question — is marriage equality for same-gender couples in the best interests of children? If a child has two loving & capable parents who create a permanent relationship in the way of marriage, that’s in the child’s best interests.” Of course this isn’t surprising to our LGBT community especially in Massachusetts where gay marriage has been the law since 2004. Now with nine states that have passed gay marriage in the US what isn’t in the best interest of children of gay & lesbian parents who are legally married is denying millions of tax-paying LGBT citizens across this country the same federal rights, benefits protection for their families as heterosexual couples receive. Updates to Come…:)

Gay Marriage Soars in New Poll

Just as gay marriage is headed to the US Supreme Court next week a new Washington Post-ABC poll has been released that 58% of Americans now believe it should be legal for gay & lesbian couples to get married. It’s been almost 10 years since gay marriage passed in Massachusetts. At that time in 2003 37% favored gay marriage & 55% were in opposition. Finally public support for gay marriage has hit a new high as Americans increasingly understand that our LGBT community is as Lady Gaga sang Born This Way. We haven’t a choice to be LGBT it’s who we are. I remember a friend of mine saying to me twenty years ago how absurd it was that people thought being gay was a choice. Why would someone choose to be someone that so many homophobes hated? Finally 62% of Americans believe that being gay is just the way some people are not something people choose to be. When my friend said that 20 years ago less than half of the public agreed. In this poll there’s even more good news about the younger generation. Among young adults age 18 to 29 in this new poll support for marriage equality hit hitting a record high of 81% percent. Of course the diehard older Americans 65 & up remain opposed with a 44% approval & 50% still say gay marriage should be illegal. The poll also shows that Republicans under 50 now support gay marriage. With the older 65 & up homophobes close to 7 in 10 opposing it, although this is a slim improvement from 8 in 10 four years ago. The Washington Post-ABC News poll was conducted March 7th to 10th, among a random national sample of 1,001 adults. For More Info…. 

Hillary Clinton Comes Out For Equality

As gay marriage heads to the U.S. Supreme Court next week it appears that American politicians including Obama, companies & even religious leaders are beginning to drop their discriminatory shields & finally support gay & lesbian marriages. If only they had the guts in 2008 to do so we wouldn’t be in this mess. Now Hillary Clinton who may be the Democrats’ 2016 presidential nominee has come out for gay marriage a week after anti gay GOP Senator Rob Portman made his declaration of support on CNN that seems to have totally rattled the Republican Party. He wasn’t alone. Dozens of Republicans added their names to an Amicus Curiae Brief calling on the Supreme Court to recognize marriage equality for all in the California Proposition 8 Case. Those signing include gay & straight allies Mary Bono Mack, James B. Comey, Jon Huntsman, Ken Mehlman, Steve Schmidt, William F. Weld & Meg Whitman among the eighty plus conservative voices weighing in. Companies adding their names in favor of marriage equality included Apple, Alcoa, Facebook, eBay, Intel & Morgan, AIG, Becton Dickinson, Cisco, Cummins, Kimpton, Levi Strauss, McGraw Hill, NCR, Nike, Office Depot, Oracle, Panasonic & many more. So what does this all mean for our LGBT community after being denied crucial rights benefits for our families & loved ones? It means that now that the evolution for full marriage equality has begun but we must not stop there. We still need ENDA to pass so we are safe in the workplace & keep fighting until America is a country where everyone really is equal. Updates to Come…:)

Gay Ally Madonna Speaks OUT

At the 24th Annual GLAAD Awards in NYC the highlight was definitely Madonna. First she showed her breathtaking music video to the packed audience of supporters that addressed the discrimination our LGBT community faces on a daily basis. The video was part of her concert that she presented in Russia that bravely challenged that country’s anti gay laws. Madonna is currently fighting a million dollar lawsuit for her actions. After the video played Madonna graced the stage dressed in a Cub Scout uniform & expressed her support for GLAAD's year-long campaign to end the Boy Scouts' ban on gay scouts & scout leaders, stating "I think they should change their stupid rules, don't you?" Madonna was at the awards to present the Vito Russo Award to her longtime friend, Anderson Cooper. The Vito Russo Award is presented to openly LGBT media professionals who have made a significant difference in promoting equality for the LGBT community. Cooper accepted the Vito Russo Award from Madonna, saying "I've had so many blessings in my life & being gay is certainly one of the greatest blessings. It has allowed me to love and to be loved & to help open my head & my heart in ways I could never have predicted. The ability to love one another, the ability to love another person is, in my opinion, one of God's greatest gifts & I thank God every day for enabling me to give & share love with the people in my life - my family & my friends & my partner Benjamin. Thank you very much & thank you for being here."
For More Info & List of Winners: glad.org 

GLAAD Media Awards NYC Event

UPDATE: The 24th GLAAD Media Awards were fabulous. We were able to chat with many of the celebrities on the Red Carpet. We'll have a full report with interviews & photos in the coming days....:)
This is one of the best LGBT events of the year. The GLAAD Media Awards recognize & honor media for their fair, accurate & inclusive representations of our LGBT & the issues that affect our lives. This year’s event is packed with celebrities, gay activists & allies. Madonna will present the Vito Russo Award to Anderson Cooper. Lara Spencer, Josh Elliott & Sam Champion (Good Morning America) will host the event. Scissor Sister's Jake Shears will perform. Guests include: Dan Stevens (Downton Abbey); Bernadette Peters, Christian Borle, Andy Mientus, Wesley Taylor, Krysta Rodriguez, Craig Zadan, Neil Meron (Smash); music producer Russell Simmons; director Brett Ratner; Milla Jovovich (The Three Musketeers); John Leguizamo (Kick-Ass 2); country singer Chely Wright; figure skater Johnny Weir; NFL players Chris Kluwe & Brendon Ayanbadejo; Annie Clark, Cristine Prosperi (Degrassi); Laverne Cox, Susan Seidelman (Musical Chairs); David France, Peter Staley (How to Survive a Plague); authors Augusten Burroughs, Andrew Sullivan & Andrew Solomon; Brent Ridge, Josh Kilmer-Purcell (The Amazing Race); Melissa Harris-Perry, Thomas Roberts (MSNBC); Joan Koplan, Dennis Croft (Small Town Security); Snookie, JWoww, Vinny Guadagnino (The Jersey Shore); GLAAD National Spokesperson Wilson Cruz & GLAAD President Herndon Graddick just to name a few. There are still some tickets available so don’t miss OUT!!  
For More Info & Tix: glad.org 
This is our 5th year covering the Red Carpet for GLAAD & we’ll have all the dish from the celebs in our audio montage on OUTTAKE VOICES. Presenting partners for the NYC GLAAD Media Awards are Ketel One Vodka,Well Fargo, & Delta. Updates to Come...:)
Listen to our coverage from the 2012 GLAAD Awards Red Carpet:

DADT Discharge Settlement Reached

The gay & lesbian military org OutServe-SLDN & the law firm Morrison & Foerster announced that their client former Air Force Major Mike Almy has reached a settlement in his lawsuit against the Defense Department that challenged his 2006 discharge under the discriminatory now-repealed "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT) law. Almy stated, "I appreciate all of those who worked on my behalf to find a resolution & close this painful chapter in my life with a positive ending. America has moved on from this discriminatory law & it’s my hope that one day soon we will realize the vision of full equality in our military." Almy went on active duty in 1993 just as DADT was becoming a law. Stationed in Oklahoma he was named officer of the year for his unit of nearly 1,000 service members. Later he was one of six officers selected from the entire Air force to attend Professional Military Education at Quantico, Virginia. During his career he deployed to the Middle East four times. During a directed search of private emails, messages to his then-boyfriend were discovered & forwarded to his commander. He was relieved of his duties, his security clearance was suspended & part of his pay was terminated. Shortly before he had been named one of the top officers in his career field. During the discharge process he was recommended for promotion to Lieutenant Colonel ahead of his peers. Following a discharge investigation that lasted sixteen months he was given a police escort off the base & the severance pay he received was half of what it would have been had he been separated for any other reason. With the settlement Mike will receive service credit & a cash payment & will finally be able to move beyond his discharge under Don't Ask, Don't Tell nearly eight years to the day after he was fired.
For More Info: outserve-sldn.org

Sen. Rob Portman For Gay Marriage

In case you missed it Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) in an interview with CNN chief congressional correspondent Dana Bash reversed his position on gay marriage stating, “I've come to the conclusion that for me, personally, I think this is something that we should allow people to do, to get married & to have the joy & stability of marriage that I've had for over 26 years. That I want all of my children to have, including our son, who is gay.” Portman who campaigned rigorously for Romney's failed bid for the White House has decided to stand on the right side of history & support marriage equality. He told CNN that he never suspected that his son was gay stating, "My son came to Jane, my wife, & I, told us that he was gay & that it was not a choice & that it's just part of who he is & that's who he'd been that way for as long as he could remember. I think he's happy & you know, proud that we've come to this point, but he let it be my decision just as you know, it's going to be his decision as to the role he plays going forward in this whole issue.” Last year when Portman was being considered as Romney’s possible running mate & he informed both Romney & his top campaign advisers that he had a gay son. Portman was ultimately passed over as the GOP vice-presidential candidate in favor of Rep. Paul Ryan. This may have been the deal breaker for the anti gay Romney camp but perhaps with so many GOP leaders coming out for gay marriage his political future may become brighter.
Listen to interview…. 

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