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State Of The Union & The Equality Act

By Charlotte Robinson, March 02, 2022

With the attack on humanity raging in the Ukraine & still coping with a global pandemic President Biden’s State Of The Union also addressed our LGBTQ community stating, “For our LGBTQ+ Americans, let’s finally get the bipartisan Equality Act to my desk. The onslaught of state laws targeting transgender Americans & their families is simply wrong. As I said last year, especially to our younger transgender Americans, I’ll always have your back as your President, so you can be yourself & reach your God-given potential.” Of course he didn’t quite bring to the world stage that our LGBTQ community is dealing with 195 discriminatory state bills that have been proposed in 2022 mostly targeting transgender people & youth with 104 bills & 77 anti-LGBTQ school policy bills that ban classroom conversation & books like Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill. Indiana legislature just passed a bill banning trans girls in Kindergarten through 12th grade from school sports which is only one of 48 similar bills proposed this year as well as Texas’ governor & attorney general harmfully encouraging Texans to report parents who affirm & support their transgender & nonbinary children against recommendations from leading medical associations. The Equality Act passed in the U.S. House just weeks after President Biden was inaugurated but it has still hasn’t reached the floor for a vote in the Senate. Michael Adams, SAGE CEO stated “A year later, SAGE is echoing President Biden’s statement in the State of the Union address that urged Congress to pass this crucial legislation. In order to ensure LGBTQ+ elders & all LGBTQ+ people, are protected from discrimination, wherever they live, Congress must act now.” Call on your Senators & tell them to pass the Equality Act Now.

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