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LGBT History Month Icons (VIDEO)

Equality Forum is celebrating their 12th annual LGBT History Month during October with the acknowledgment of 31 LGBT icons who have made important civil rights contributions for our LGBT community. Each day in October an Icon is featured with a video, bio, downloadable images & other educational resources. George Chauncey Samuel Knight Professor of American History & Chair of the History Department, Yale University stated, “LGBT History Month sends an important message to our nation’s teachers, school boards, community leaders & youth about the vital importance of recognizing & exploring the role of gay, lesbian, bisexual & transgender people in American history.” The 2017 LGBT Icons being honored this year are: David Adamany, University President, Tom Ammiano, Workplace Pioneer, Jack Baker & Michael McConnell, Marriage Equality Pioneers, Billy Bean, Major League Baseball Player, Ruth Berman & Connie Kurtz, Employee Benefits Plaintiffs, Selisse Berry, Workplace Pioneer, Charlotte Bunch, Scholar & Activist, Lynn Conway, Computer Pioneer, George Cukor, Movie Director, Wade Davis II, NFL Player, Brian Epstein, The Beatles’ Manager, Edythe Eyde, Gay Publishing Pioneer, 13. Eric Fanning, Secretary of the Army, Alicia Garza, Black Lives Matter Cofounder, Mary Douglas Glasspool, Episcopal Bishop, Karl Gorath, Auschwitz Survivor, Lorraine Hansberry, Playwright & Activist, Taiga Ishikawa, Japanese Politician, Caitlyn Jenner, Olympian & Activist, Marsha P. Johnson, Stonewall Veteran, Alain Locke, Father of the Harlem Renaissance, Barry Manilow, Singer & Songwriter, Johnny Mathis, Singer, Yukio Mishima, Japanese Author, Craig Rodwell, Gay Pioneer, 26. Jeffrey Seller, Broadway Producer, 27. Kyrsten Sinema Congresswoman, Peter Staley, AIDS Activist, Vaughn Walker, Federal Judge, Jeffrey Weinstein, Workplace Pioneer & Rodney Wilson, Gay History Month Founder.
LISTEN: New Children’s Book Addresses LGBTQ History
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


LGBTQ Inclusive Birmingham

This week in Birmingham, Alabama after a public hearing & over five years of groundwork the Birmingham City Council passed a fully LGBTQ inclusive nondiscrimination ordinance. The ordinance passed unanimously on a vote of 7-0. Alex Smith, Executive Director of Equality Alabama stated, “This is a monumental victory for everyone who lives & works in Birmingham who are now fully protected from discrimination in employment, housing & public accommodations. Before this ordinance was passed, you could get married on Saturday then on Monday be fired from your job, evicted from your home, or denied service because you’re LGBTQ. No one should be discriminated against because of who they are or whom they love & Birmingham took action today to ensure that.” Birmingham now joins more than 200 counties & cities in the United States that prohibit employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation & gender identity. Neighboring Jackson, Mississippi also passed a fully inclusive nondiscrimination ordinance over a year ago. In Alabama both Huntsville & Mobile have human rights commissions & Montevallo is poised to pass nondiscrimination protections for its LGBTQ citizens. Equality Alabama thanks their partners at the Human Rights Campaign, Alabama Stonewall Democrats, Central Alabama Pride, TAKE, PFLAG, Michael Hansen & many others who have worked with the city over the past five years to make this ordinance a reality.
For More Info: equalityal.org
LISTEN: New Children’s Book Addresses LGBTQ History
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Census Erasing LGBT Citizens

UPDATE: Victory!! Today, the US Census Bureau reversed a previous decision to exclude a question on sexual orientation from the Census Barriers, Attitudes & Motivators Study. 
The U.S. Census Bureau announced that it is removing the planned sexual orientation question from a national survey. This is another devastating blow to our LGBTQ community by the Trump administration. Census staff were told by the Decennial Census Directorate to remove the sexual orientation question from the Census Barriers, Attitudes & Motivators Survey (CBAMS). The Census will be finalizing the survey on Thursday, September 28th. Rea Carey, National LGBTQ Task Force Executive Director stated, “Who & how the Census counts has enormous consequences for resource distribution, representation & LGBTQ protections. We shouldn’t have to keep telling this administration that we count. In case we weren’t clear: we count. Our experiences matter. Our needs matter, so count us.” The purpose of the CBAMS is “to gauge public knowledge, attitudes & behavior regarding the decennial censuses, as well as inform the strategic direction of the Census Bureau's 2020 Census Integrated Partnership & Communications Program.” The proposed survey originally included a sexual orientation question. Meghan Maury, Policy Director, National LGBTQ Task Force added, “This survey helps the Census Bureau understand how best to reach communities that are historically undercounted. The Census drives federal funding & the allocation of seats in Congress. Not counting LGBTQ people means less money for social programs & less democratic representation & that’s just not fair. The LGBTQ community, across the country, demands to be counted!”
For More Info: thetaskforce.org
LISTEN: New Children’s Book Addresses LGBTQ History
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Andréa Burns To Host LGBT Gala

Broadway actress & singer Andréa Burns will host & perform at the annual Task Force Gala-Miami at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach on Saturday, October 7th. Burns recently received an Outer Critics Circle Award nomination for her portrayal of Gloria Fajardo in the Broadway run of “On Your Feet!” based on the lives and music of Gloria & Emilio Estefan. As we reported last month The National Leadership Award will be presented to Grammy Award winner Gloria Estefan at the event for her work to support LGBTQ people & the issues that affect our lives every day. Josue Santiago, Chair of the Gala stated, “This year’s Gala was already set to be one of the most exciting to date with Gloria Estefan, whose talent is matched only by her generosity & compassion, as our national honoree. With Andréa Burns hosting & singing, October 7th is going to be one of the most memorable evenings the South Florida LGBTQ community has ever seen.” Also being honored at the Task Force Gala – Miami are local heroes Alberto Arias & Wood Kinnard, who will be presented the 2017 Eddy McIntyre Community Service Award. Individual tickets to the awards gala are $450 & include an intimate cocktail reception, dinner & the awards ceremony, as well as live music entertainment. Attendees will also have the opportunity to bid on a variety of silent auction items. Proceeds will support the National LGBTQ Task Force’s work to secure full freedom, justice & equality for LGBTQ people & their families. A significant portion of the proceeds also funds multiple organizations serving the LGBTQ community in South Florida.
For Info & Tix: thetaskforcegala.org
LISTEN: New Children’s Book Addresses LGBTQ History
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Kierra Johnson & LGBTQ Task Force

The National LGBTQ Task Force announced that Kierra Johnson has been named the organization’s next Deputy Executive Director. Johnson is currently the Executive Director of Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity (URGE) & will join the Task Force staff on January 1st 2018. Rea Carey, Executive Director, National LGBTQ Task Force stated, “Now more than ever, it is important for the LGBTQ movement to stand firm in addressing the broad range of issues that face our lives & for each of us to be our whole self each & every day. Kierra Johnson understands this & is the right person at the right time to join the leadership of the Task Force as we confront the social & political challenges of this time. She instinctually, intellectually & strategically understands the Task Force’s work to build power, take action & create change to achieve freedom & justice for LGBTQ people & their families. Kierra brings to the Task Force her decades of work in program development & organizational management, as well as her tenacity & wit & will have the benefit of working with our deep bench of department managers & talented staff in fulfilling our vision.” Kierra Johnson comes to the Task Force with a wealth of experience in program development, youth leadership & reproductive justice. Recognized as a national expert, Johnson has testified in front of the U.S. House of Representatives & has increased visibility of reproductive justice through her appearances in Newsweek, The New York Times, Fox News & National Public Radio.
For More Info: thetaskforce.org
LISTEN: New Children’s Book Addresses LGBTQ History
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Photo Auction For AIDS Monument

Photo 17 an auction to benefit The AIDS Monument will take place October 5th at Milk Studios in Los Angeles from 7P to 10P. Over 100 photos will be sold in silent & live auction. There will also be a special live performance by Rufus Wainwright. Ticket price includes cocktail reception & bidding opportunities. They’re expecting a fabulous crowd for a great cause with 100% funds raised will help the Foundation build the AIDS Monument in West Hollywood Park. Foundation for The AIDS Monument (FAM) seeks to honor & memorialize the devastation of AIDS on our nation & will honor the courage of activists, caregivers & community leaders. We lost approximately 650,000 Americans to AIDS which is more than the total American deaths from World Wars I & II combined. Reflective & contemporary, the monument will establish a much needed, long-awaited structure, one of global significance that will support our community’s ongoing activism. Blending evocative architectural design & state of the art technology, the monument will provide a destination that will pay tribute to the legacy of those we have lost, honor those who survived & recognize the organizations of change that were born & provide links & access to existing programs around HIV/AIDS education. Tickets for the event are $150 to $2,500. The Foundation for The AIDS Monument is a 501(c)(3) organization of community, business, philanthropic & civic leaders.
For Info & Tix…
LISTEN: New Children’s Book Addresses LGBTQ History
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Boston Lesbian Her Story Event

Boston OLOC (Old Lesbians Organizing For Change) will be presenting “Shapes & Shifts in Identity” with psychologist Eleanor Roffman PhD & Wheaton College Associate Professor of History Dolita Cathcar PhD on Sunday October 1st from 2P to 4P at the Brookline Senior Center at 93 Winchester Street in Brookline, MA. This is a fabulous opportunity to explore this trending issue with the contributing authors of Dalia J. Llera’s timely book “Crossing Borders, Making Homes: Stories of Resilient Women”. “Shapes & Shifts in Identity” is an interactive program addressing identities including race, ethnicity, class, religious, political, sexual orientation & age. Exploring our identity transformations from early childhood to adolescence, young adulthood & beyond including our multiple identities. How & when identities change & become who we are now & what identities bring about the most oppression. Alice Fisher & Sarah Pearlman Founding Members of OLOC-Boston stated, “Each one of us has many identities. Some announce us to the world like gender or age. Others such as class or sexual orientation can remain hidden. So let’s see what surprises you in this workshop.” OLOC Boston programs & events are open to lesbians of all ages, including transgender lesbians. OLOC’s mission includes their commitment to creating communities of older lesbians & solidarity with allies for racial, economic & social justice. Following the event there will be an early dinner at Sichuan Garden, 295 Washington Street in Brookline, MA.
For More Info: spearlman@hartford.edu
LISTEN: New Children’s Book Addresses LGBT History
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Wilson Cruz To Be Honored At Gala

Actor Wilson Cruz will receive the Point Courage Award at the annual Point Honors Los Angeles gala on October 7th at The Beverly Hilton Hotel. The award recognizes those who have advocated for the future of our LGBTQ community & believe in the vision that investing in today’s potential will produce a brighter tomorrow. Point Foundation is the nation's largest scholarship-granting organization for LGBTQ students of merit. Cruz stated, "I am honored to be receiving the Point Courage Award during a special evening that will help Point Foundation’s scholarship recipients. It's important that we continue to uplift & strengthen our LGBTQ youth who are the future of our community & remind them that their voices are heard." As we have reported also being honored at the gala on October 7th will be TV & film writer, director, and producer Jill Soloway (Amazon’s “Transparent,” and “I Love Dick,” & HBO’s “Six Feet Under”), who will receive the Point Impact Award presented to an individual who has made a significant impact on improving the lives of our LGBTQ community. Comedian Michelle Collins will host Point Honors, which also features a performance by Grammy-nominated singer, Adam Lambert. Jorge Valencia, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of Point Foundation concluded, “We are thrilled to recognize Wilson Cruz & Jill Soloway’s groundbreaking work in TV & film & their ongoing contributions to Point Foundation & the LGBTQ Community. Our scholars & all LGBTQ young people benefit when there are role models like Cruz and Soloway who are living their lives genuinely & openly & succeeding in their endeavors.”
For Info & Tix: pointfoundation.org
LISTEN: Christie Hardwick Talks 4th Ptown Inspiration Weekend
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Trump Continues Global Threats

OutRight Action International, the only global LGBTQ specific organization with a permanent presence at the United Nations in New York, reacts to Trump’s address to the 72nd Session of the UN General Assembly. Jessica Stern, Executive Director of OutRight Action International stated, “Time & time again, President Trump has threatened to curtail the United States’ obligations to the international human rights system & to the United Nations itself. In his remarks today, the word he said most often - sovereignty - underscored that his political agenda promotes political isolationism & undermines the global cooperation that protects vulnerable people from natural disasters, corrupt governments & civil war. As an organization that serves as a watchdog on the UN, we know that sovereignty is a term loaded with negative meaning. Sovereignty is often an excuse for States to ignore their obligation to protect the human rights of individuals, especially those that are most marginalized & vulnerable. Reform in President Trump’s words is code for stripping the human rights system of much-needed resources. We believe the only reform that is truly needed puts LGBTIQ people & all vulnerable groups at the center of UN governance, human rights & programs. The reform & resources we need would elevate the rights of the world’s most marginalized, open space for meaningful civil society participation & invest in climate justice.”
For More Info: outrightinternational.org
LISTEN: Christie Hardwick Talks 4th Ptown Inspiration Weekend
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Lena Waithe Makes Emmy History

Openly queer Lena Waithe made history at the 69th Emmy Awards by becoming the first black woman ever nominated & winning an Emmy for writing in a comedy series. She won along with Aziz Ansari for their "Thanksgiving" episode of Master of None about coming out that they co-wrote together focused on Waithe’s character Denise & was based on Waithe’s own experience as a queer black woman going home for Thanksgiving. She used her acceptance speech to make one of the most powerful & honest statements about LGBTQ acceptance. Waithe stated, “…Last but certainly not least, my LGBQTIA family. I see each & every one of you. The things that make us different—those are our superpowers. Every day when you walk out the door, put on your imaginary cape & go out there & conquer the world, because the world would not be as beautiful as it is if we weren’t in it. Everybody out there that showed us so much love for this episode, thank you for embracing a little Indian boy from South Carolina & a little queer black girl from the South Side of Chicago.” Unfortunately when we were watching Entertainment Tonight & a few of the other mainstream entertainment news shows covering the Emmy winners they neglected to report on this historical accomplishment. Some of the other LGBTQ wins at the Emmy Awards include Kate McKinnon & Black Mirror episode ‘San Junipero!’
LISTEN: Christie Hardwick Talks 4th Ptown Inspiration Weekend
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Los Angeles Equality Awards

Equality California honored actors Sharon Stone & Conrad Ricamora together with longtime LGBTQ allies & community advocates Laurie Hasencamp & Mike Lurey at its Los Angeles Equality Awards on Saturday, September 16th at the J.W. Marriott in L.A. U.S. Representative Adam Schiff delivered the keynote address. The evening was hosted by actress Kirsten Vangsness with comedy from comedienne Dana Goldberg. Academy Award nominee & Golden Globe winner Sharon Stone received this year’s Equality Activist Award. Stone has campaigned tirelessly for more than two decades on behalf of the LGBT community & people living with HIV. Rick Zbur, Executive Director of Equality California stated, “Sharon Stone has used her visibility as an actor to become an indefatigable ally of the LGBT community & of people living with HIV. She has been a powerful force for HIV research & against stigmatization of people living with HIV for more than 20 years. Her work helped support research that has led to the lifesaving HIV treatments available today.” Each year Equality California recognizes individuals & organizations who have made an impact on the movement to secure full & lasting equality for LGBT people at its annual Equality Awards a series of formal events held in San Francisco, San Diego, Palm Springs, Los Angeles & Sacramento. The Equality Awards are sponsored by AT&T, Gilead Sciences, La Crema, PG&E, Prophet, Sempra Energy & Southwest Airlines.
For More Info: eqca.org
LISTEN: Christie Hardwick Talks 4th Ptown Inspiration Weekend
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Adam Lambert To Perform At Gala

Adam Lambert will perform at the Point Honors Los Angeles Gala October 7th at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. This year the Point Foundation is honoring innovative TV & film writer, director & producer Jill Soloway. Actress & comedian Kathryn Hahn will present the award to Soloway. The evening will be hosted by comedian Michelle Collins, with other celebrity participants to be announced. Point Foundation honors individuals who have made a significant impact on improving the lives of our LGBTQ community. Point Foundation is the nation's largest scholarship-granting organization for LGBTQ students of merit. Jorge Valencia, Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer of Point Foundation stated, “We are ecstatic that Adam Lambert & Michelle Collins are joining us on this special evening when we recognize Jill Soloway’s groundbreaking work in TV & film.” Past honorees recognized by Point include Jeffrey Tambor, Lena Dunham, Jonathan Groff, Robin Roberts & other allies & members of the LGBTQ community. Additional celebrity participation for the 10th Annual Point Honors Los Angeles event will be announced in the coming weeks. Some of Point’s 98 current scholarship recipients & 300 alumni will be present at Point Honors to share with the audience their inspiring stories about how they have overcome challenges to get their higher education degrees. Sponsors for Point Honors Los Angeles: Presenting: Hilton, Wells Fargo Premier: HSBC Principal: AT&T, Cadillac, HBO National Media Sponsor: OUT Local Media Sponsor: Los Angeles Blade.
For Info & Tix: pointfoundation.org
LISTEN: Christie Hardwick Talks 4th Ptown Inspiration Weekend
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Chicago LGBTQ Job Fair Event

More than 75 major corporations, small businesses, government agencies & nonprofits are expected for the third annual Windy City Times WERQ! LGBTQ job fair on Friday September 29th from 11A to 4P 4 at Center on Halsted, 3656 N. Halsted, Chicago, Illinois. The event will include two workshops. The first will be at 10A to discuss transgender hiring & workplace issues. The second will be at noon addressing senior hiring issues. Both workshops will be on the second floor of the Center while the Job Fair is in the third-floor gym. The Center on Halsted computer lab will be open during the job fair for those needing to work on and print out their resumes. The Job Fair coincides with the launch of the Windy City Times Hire Trans citywide campaign to push all employers to increase their hiring & workplace inclusion efforts for the transgender community. Hire Trans is a visibility campaign that will feature more than 60 trans & gender nonconforming people who were photographed by award-winning filmmaker Andre Perez. The Job Fair is free & open to the public & is hosted by Windy City Times with Center on Halsted, MB Financial Bank, US Bank, Howard Brown Health, Pride Action Tank, Chicago House, Association of Latino/as Motivating Action, Affinity Community Services, AIDS Foundation of Chicago, Out & Equal Chicagoland & Chicago Black Gay Men’s Caucus.
For More Info… 
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Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Edie Windsor On Marriage (Audio)

We are very sad to hear about the passing of marriage icon Edie Windsor. Edie told us at the GLAD Summer Party that she was at this event because GLAD began the whole marriage movement. In this exclusive audio chat Windsor insisted that the world stop using the term “same-sex marriage” & wouldn’t you know all the mainstream media is violating that request in her passing. We agree with Edie 100% & we hope the world will now respect her wishes. For over ten years we have been trying to educate the heterosexual & LGBT community to not use the term that was conceived by Karl Rove the former White House Deputy Chief of Staff during the George W. Bush administration to raise a red flag with the religious right by using the word “sex” in describing our LGBT community. When mainstream media uses this term all you can hear is the redundancy of the word sex. When asked what she would like to see happen for LGBT equality in the next few years Edie added she would like to see LGBT homeless kids who statistically account for 50% of all homeless youth to be off the streets & receive the love & support they deserve just for being themselves. She concluded by saying she was pleased to see the progress happening for trans people in this country & hopes to see rights for not just gender but gender identity. RIP Edie Windsor. We will continue your work. LISTEN:

LISTEN: Baltimore’s Everyman Theatre Performs “M. Butterfly”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


World Premiere The Legend of Pink

Theatre Rhinoceros presents the fabulous World Premiere of “The Legend of Pink” by Kheven LaGrone that runs September 13th to September 30th at the Gateway Theatre (Formerly the Eureka Theatre) at 215 Jackson Street in San Francisco, California. The story takes place in 1989 in a West Oakland street controlled by a violent drug gang. Pink who is a beautiful drag queen believes she was meant for the diva life. She thinks she might have found a ticket to that diva life when she meets a flashy young man who takes an interest in her. Her friend Ace who has more than just friendly feelings for Pink himself warns her that inviting the mysterious stranger to visit her could be dangerous. Some people in the neighborhood have seen the young man & have their suspicions about him. When Pink continues to see him it's discovered that indeed the man isn’t who she thinks he is. Things turn violent & deadly & Pink's life is in jeopardy. Her life & the West Oakland street will change forever. “The Legend of Pink” is directed by AeJay Mitchell who recently did the choreography for The Rhino’s hit production of “Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.” Theatre Rhinoceros was founded in 1977 & is the longest running LGBT theatre in the nation. They develop & produce works of theatre that enlighten, enrich & explore both the ordinary & the extraordinary aspects of our queer community.
For Info & Tix: therhino.org
LISTEN: Baltimore’s Everyman Theatre Performs “M. Butterfly”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


LGBT React To DeVos Title IX

Again the Trump administration is attacking our LGBTQ community’s most vulnerable by supporting blatant discrimination on U.S. school campuses. Stacey Long Simmons, Director of Advocacy & Action, National LGBTQ Task Force stated, "Today’s announcement by Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos & the Trump administration to revise guidance on campus sexual assault points to a reversal of needed protections, especially for LGBTQ students & students with disabilities. Shame on DeVos & the Trump-Pence Administration for yet another example of their utter disregard for those who are most marginalized. Revising the guidance is likely to leave schools with less clarity & places transgender students & all students who have experienced sexual violence in much greater jeopardy. The Secretary's actions are particularly alarming for LGBTQ students: bisexual women are almost twice as likely to experience intimate partner violence than heterosexual women & are more than twice as likely to experience intimate partner sexual assault. Nearly half (47%) of transgender people experience sexual violence at some point in their lifetimes. On campus, LGBTQ students & students of color are at least twice as likely to be sexually assaulted or harassed, compared to their non-LGBTQ & white colleagues & may face discrimination or harassment when reporting those crimes. Students with disabilities are among the most impacted, yet reports by students with disabilities are often ignored. There is simply no excuse for these harmful policy changes. We call on DeVos to leave the guidance unchanged & to ensure that transgender students & students who have experienced sexual violence, have the support they need to ensure they are able to exercise their rights on campus."
For More Info: thetaskforce.org
LISTEN: Baltimore’s Everyman Theatre Performs “M. Butterfly”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


LGBTQ Hurricane Harvey Fund

If you’ve been trying to decide how to help our Texas LGBTQ community affected by Hurricane Harvey the Montrose Center in Houston needs our help. The catastrophic & historic impact of Hurricane Harvey will be felt by our LGBTQ community in greater Houston for days, months & potentially years to come. You can help our LGBTQ community members displaced by the storm now by giving to the LGBTQ Disaster Relief Fund, managed by the Montrose Center which is Houston’s LGBTQ counseling & community center serving Houston for 39 years. With more than 35,000 clients in core programs they’re already learning of staff & community members who have lost everything. The LGBTQ Disaster Relief Fund will be used to help individuals & families begin to rebuild their lives through counseling, case management, direct assistance with shelf stable food, furniture, housing & more. The Center’s dedicated case management team will be on call to help homeless youth, seniors, people living with HIV, hate crime survivors & those devastated by the storm. The Montrose Center’s mission is to empower our community, primarily lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender individuals & their families, to enjoy healthier & more fulfilling lives. We have always rallied for our community. Show your love & support….:)
For Info & Donations…
LISTEN: Baltimore’s Everyman Theatre Performs “M. Butterfly”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


LGBT Leaders DACA Response

According to the Williams Institute there are over 75,000 LGBTQ DREAMers in the U.S. Now the Trump administration has made a cruel & appalling decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that protects undocumented immigrants who arrived in America as children & our LGBTQ leaders are speaking OUT. Rea Carey, Executive Director of the National LGBTQ Task Force stated, “The Task Force strongly condemns President Trump’s action to end the dreams of 800,000 young immigrants through his decision to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). This decision is not only unconscionable, it flies in the face of wide bi-partisan support as well as the backing of business leaders, educators & millions of Americans who fully support DACA and all that it represents for American immigrants…” Michael Adams CEP of SAGE added, “This is yet another act of bigotry & discrimination against our LGBT community by the Trump administration – this time against young immigrants who have been protected from deportation since 2012 because of a broad national consensus that this is the right thing to do. Deporting thousands of young teachers, doctors, medical school students & other community members is inhumane and will cost taxpayers millions of dollars. We at SAGE, on behalf of LGBT elders across the country, are repulsed by this latest gratuitous attack on another vulnerable group in our community.” Hannah Willard Equality Florida’s Senior Policy Director concluded, “…In Florida, approximately 4,000 DACA eligible undocumented youth identify as LGBTQ. Subjecting this vulnerable population to deportation threatens their safety. LGBTQ immigrants disproportionately experience violence & sexual abuse while in detainment facilities & often face anti-LGBTQ persecution in their native countries. The Orlando community faced a harsh reminder of the particular fears and challenges experienced by undocumented queer folks in the wake of the Pulse massacre, as undocumented survivors delayed seeking help for fear of deportation & special arrangements had to be made for the undocumented family members of victims’ to be able to memorialize loved ones who were taken from them…”
LISTEN: Baltimore’s Everyman Theatre Performs “M. Butterfly”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Provincetown 30th Swim For Life

The 30th Provincetown Harbor Swim For Life & Paddler Flotilla takes place this Saturday September 9th. Since 1987 thousands of swimmers, kayakers, volunteers & the public have been participating in this fabulous Provincetown fundraising tradition presented by the Provincetown Community Compact. Swimmers across the country will swim the 1.4 mile across Provincetown Harbor to benefit the following LGBTQ community organizations & ally projects: AIDS Support Group of Cape Cod (ASGCC), Helping Our Women (HOW), Outer Cape Health Services, Provincetown Rescue Squad Association, Lower Cape Ambulance Association, Soup Kitchen of Provincetown (SKIP), Provincetown Schools, The Compact Community Fund, Accessible Provincetown, West End Racing Club & Cape Cod Children’s Place. Last year swimmers raised over $300,000. Jay Critchley, one of the original founders of the event stated, “The Big 3-0! It's still a bit surreal. We've turned the AIDS tragedy into an American story of resilience & hope. We send our love & hope to the people of Texas & Louisiana in their time of tragedy. When people gather with passion & vision great things are accomplished. For thirty years in Provincetown’s Harbor of Refuge, thousands of swimmers braved its unpredictable waters − its currents, surging tides, & their deep fears − raising $3M+ for AIDS, women’s health & the community. For those unable to participate, donations are gratefully accepted & our beneficiaries are thankful. Thank you for your passionate commitment to a world of promise & reverie!” There are also lots of fabulous events throughout the weekend.
For More Info: swim4life.org
LISTEN: Emerson Collins Talks New Movie "A Very Sordid Wedding"
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Puerto Rico LGBTQ Youth Crisis

A new report released by GLSEN entitled "The Puerto Rico School Climate Survey" provides the first-ever empirical data addressing LGBTQ youth on their school experiences in Puerto Rico. For a distressing number of LGBTQ students in Puerto Rico, schools are hostile environments. The overwhelming majority of LGBTQ students routinely hear anti-LGBTQ language & experience victimization & discrimination at school. As a result the majority of LGBTQ students in Puerto Rico felt unsafe at school because of their sexual orientation or gender expression. When LGBTQ students feel unsafe or uncomfortable in school it negatively affects students’ academic potential, with the majority of LGBTQ youth in Puerto Rico having avoided school activities & more than one third have missed school in the past month because they felt unsafe or uncomfortable. Noreen Giga, GLSEN's Senior Research Associate stated, “GLSEN’s research on LGBTQ youth experiences in Puerto Rico confirms what educators & LGBTQ youth have been saying for years: LGBTQ youth can’t learn in schools where harassment & discrimination are tolerated. It’s not surprising that the majority of LGBTQ students do not have an LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum in their school today, but it’s encouraging to see that students who do have inclusive curriculum are less likely to hear anti-LGBTQ remarks in their schools.” Since 1999 GLSEN has been conducting the "National School Climate Survey" to document the unique challenges LGBTQ students in the 50 states & DC face & identify interventions that can improve school climate. In their 2015 installment, they conducted the survey in Puerto Rico in response to a growing interest there in having data on the school experiences of LGBTQ youth.
Read Full Report…
LISTEN: Emerson Collins Talks New Movie "A Very Sordid Wedding"
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Queens On Wheels Skate Event

There will be a Queer Takeover at the Chicago Athletic Association Hotel in Chicago, Illinois beginning on Friday September 8th through Sunday September 10th. So strap on your skates & get down to boogie as the Chicago Athletic Association Hotel & Do312 bring back their skate night series with a weekend of Queens on Wheels. Get groovy inside the hotel’s newly outfitted larger skating rink for a celebration of divas throughout the decades with skate sessions dedicated to Beyoncé, Whitney Houston, ABBA & more. Friday night is co-curated by CPR & Events & hosts a queer skate takeover featuring some of the fiercest members of Chicago’s vibrant queer nightlife community. The event begins with Peach on Wheels from 7P to 9P. Peach is a pop-up party series dedicated to empowering LGBTQ women & femmes. Join DJ Cut Cuz & peachy hosts Bre Berry, Jenae Williams, Hannah Viti & Morgan Higgins for an extra sweet & fabulous skate session. The party doesn’t stop without a special performance from Peach’s very own Jazleen! Then continue the party in the Femme’s Room from 10P to Midnight with was voted Chicago Reader’s #1 LGBTQ Dance Party 2017, Femme’s Room is here to celebrate all identities & forms of femininity & femme expression with sexy house music from DJ Harry Cross paired with a performance on skates by drag queen Eva Styles. The lineup is stacked with hosts Abhijeet, Bambi Banks, J4PayDotCom, Tenderoni & Scott Cramer & femme fashion by Gnat Glitter Kink. This fun tribute to femme’s of all shapes, sizes & genders continues all next weekend.
For More Info & Tix: do312.com
LISTEN: Emerson Collins Talks New Movie "A Very Sordid Wedding"
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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LGBTQ Elders SAGE Awards & Gala

SAGE will host its annual SAGE Awards & Gala hosted by the incomparable Nina West best known from RuPaul’s Drag Race & will highligh...

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