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Stop Anti-LGBT Bullying in a Day of Silence

Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin called on colleagues in the House
to recognize this year's National Day of Silence to be held today.
The National Day of Silence is a day in which students take a vow
of silence to bring attention to the anti-lgbt name-calling, bullying,
& harassment faced by individuals in schools, including students,
teachers & other school staff. The National Day of Silence is
coordinated nationally by the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education
Network (GLSEN). An estimated 500,000 students from nearly
5,000 junior & high schools in all 50 states & Puerto Rico have
participated in the National Day of Silence in past years & more
than 6,000 schools have registered this year.
Lance Bass video & more info.....
In remarks on the House floor, Congresswoman Baldwin told her
colleagues, "This year's event will be held in memory of Lawrence King,
a California 8th-grader who was shot & killed Feb. 12 by a classmate
because of his sexual orientation & gender expression. Larry's death
is an unnecessary reminder of what we already know: lesbian, gay,
bisexual & transgender students continue to face pervasive harassment
& victimization in schools. As students use their silence to demand schools
are safe for all students, it is my hope that we in Congress will use our
voices to ensure that it be so."
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Arizona Flip Flops on Basic Civil Rights

We've been carefully watching the struggle for basic civil rights in Arizona. First we felt proud back in 2004 when they voted not to have a ban against gay marriage in their constitution. A few weeks ago they came even closer with a domestic partnership bill. Now this week their House passed legislation that defines marriage only between a man & a woman. In order for it to become law it will be brought to the Senate & according to our sources the Republicans can't field the 31 votes & have canceled 2 votes. The Senators who oppose passing this bill have managed to keep the fencesitters off the floor & it's working temporarily. :) Keep up the good work!! Updates to come....
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

First Buds of Spring Are OUT in Boston 4/09

We Finally Had Our First 70 Degree Day....
The Trees Are Just Beginning to Bud....
It Gives You Hope That Summer is Near.....:)
Check OUT our new audio interview on Obama's Gay Agenda? @
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Pope Descends on USA. What's His Mission?

Tuesday the Pope descended on our country with his anti-choice & anti-gay agenda. He'll be entertained & greeted by American leaders, Catholic elite & parishioners in Washington & New York. Of course Boston was excluded from his itinerary. Perhaps this is because we had a nasty sex scandal with the Catholic Church. Or could it be the fact that Massachusetts is the only state in this country where gay marriage is the law?.....:)
In the name of religion, he will sermonize his disapproval of a woman's right to choose, birth control & stem cell research.....
Then there is his continual attack on our LGBT community. All we want are the same equal rights & protections for our families that heterosexual citizens have. It's sad to think that the Pope believes that we deserve less. For more info for our
LGBT Catholic Community.... Updates to come....
Washington Blade: Pope Waves to Gay Catholic Group
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P-Town i$ a Worthwhile Trip in April... :)

We made our first pilgrimage to P-Town this week & found some enjoyable surprises. First of all this month, most of the hotels & guest houses are running 2 nights for the price of one deals, with off-season rates. It's quite the bargain. :) For P-Town Info
We stayed @ the Surfside Hotel. This is a view from our room. The bay is as beautiful as ever with that amazing natural light that first drew artists to P-Town @ the turn of the 20th century. Lots of shops & eateries are already open but reservations are still a good idea .... We enjoyed the Lobster Pot & Lorraine's.... :)
Just a quick heads-up, since most of the restaurants have just opened, you'll have to adjust to fabulous service & food with no attitude from the waiters which may be a bit unnerving @ first but you'll get use to it....:)
The beaches are ready for long walks with your honey & the sea air is so crisp & clean it will make you forget about the long cold New England winter. P-Town in the Spring is a great mini-getaway!
Have A Fabulous Weekend
Wherever You Are!!
Tomorrow is Issue Monday... :)
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Gay Marriage Isn't The End of the World

Update: California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger says that if an initiative to ban gay marriage qualifies for the November ballot, he's prepared to fight it. California's governor spoke Friday in San Diego @ the convention of the Log Cabin Republicans, the nation's largest gay Republican group. He has previously vetoed bills that would have legalized gay marriage. A Schwarzenegger spokeswoman did not say what prompted the governor to shift his position. Schwarzenegger said he was confident a ban would never pass in California & called the effort "a waste of time." So tell me, Do you think Maria & his Hollywood pals finally gotto him?? :) 
 Thanks Equality California!! For More Info...
Gay Marriage will not cause the World to End. Gay Marriage just provides the same equal rights, benefits & protections for the families of our LGBT community as heterosexuals have... If you really want to address the end of the world, check-OUT this story that recently appeared in the New York Times ....:) For More Info About Gay Marriage View Our Trailer

Where's the LGBT Rite of Spring....?

If you guessed it was Palm Springs where the Dinah Shore Week is taking place this weekend, it was a good guess, but wrong..... :)
Here's a hint...This happens in Massachusetts where Gay Marriage is the Law. Last hint...This is a historic village where the Pilgrims first landed...OK, we'll tell you. It's Provincetown!! In the USA, the LGBT Rite of Spring is when you take that first trip of the year to P-Town. :) For More P-Town Info
Once you get there take a walk on the beach & follow the tracks....
To where you can sit with your Honey & take in the awesome sea air.... :) Check-OUT our P-Town in April '08
Rossi Rant review
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Happy Passover.....:) 4/09

Happy Passover to Our
Jewish LGBT Community
& Their Families.....:)

Check OUT LGBT leaders audio interviews: @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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