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NYC Gay Bashers Indicted (AUDIO)

Exclusive Audio Byte with NYC Rev. Steve Parelli
on gay bashing incident...

Hear Parelli's full interview @ OUTTAKE VOICES
A grand jury Thursday indicted three accused gang members
for their alleged roles in the horrific & vicious gay-bashing attack
in the Bronx. Elmer Cofresi, 23, Nelson Falu,17 & Ruddy Vargas,
22, are charged with multiple hate crimes in the anti-gay gang
assault this month. Seven alleged members of a homophobic gang
known as the Latin Kings Goonies have been charged in the brutal
robbery & assault during which two men were sodomized with
wooden objects. Four teens originally charged in the case were
released following an investigation by the Bronx district attorney's
office. "It's good to know they'll have to answer for what they did,"
said a cousin of one of the victims. "I hope they go away for a long
time." The defendants are due back in court Nov. 23rd.
Exclusive Audio Interview with Tracy Baim,
Chicago-based journalist on her new book “Obama
and the Gays: A Political
Marriage” & more...

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Continual Saga

Exclusive Audio Interview with Tracy Baim,
Chicago-based journalist on her new book “Obama
and the Gays: A Political
Marriage” & more...

Nov. 1st the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals granted the Obama
administration's request to resurrect the 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'
policy while they defend the law in court. Updates to Come...

Monday the Log Cabin Republicans presented arguments in
opposition to the Obama administration's recent request for
a stay of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy. Enforcement of 'Don't
Ask, Don't Tell' was halted for eight days only to be temporarily
reinstated when the Department of Justice was granted a
temporary emergency stay. During those eights days there
weren’t any incidents among the military ranks. So what’s the
Big Deal? Get rid of DADT which was found unconstitutional
in federal court last month. Updates to Come….:)
Listen to this exclusive audio byte with gay activist Rev. Steve
Parelli on Obama & his attempt to appeal DADT & DOMA
section 3 which have both been found unconstitutional
in federal court.

Listen to the full Exclusive Audio Interview with
Steve Parelli,
Executive Director of Other Sheep,
Christian ministry working worldwide for the full
inclusion of LGBT people of faith

Exclusive Audio Interview w/ R. Clarke Cooper,
Executive Director of the Log Cabin Republicans
the Ninth Court Appeal stay of "Don't Ask,
Don't Tell”

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is On Again

Here we go again! The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has granted
the Obama administration's request for a temporary stay of the
injunction against 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' pending further argument
regarding imposing a stay throughout the course of the appeal.
The injunction, which halts enforcement of the policy, has been
in force since October 12th. We’re totally on top of this story so...
Updates to Come…:) Listen to this exclusive audio byte with gay
activist Rev. Steve Parelli on Obama & his attempt to appeal DADT
& DOMA section 3 which have both been found unconstitutional
in federal court.

Listen to the full Exclusive Audio Interview with
Steve Parelli,
Executive Director of Other Sheep,
Christian ministry working worldwide for the full
inclusion of LGBT people of faith

Exclusive Audio Interview w/ R. Clarke Cooper,
Executive Director of the Log Cabin Republicans
the Ninth Court Appeal stay of "Don't Ask,
Don't Tell”

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Military Opens to Gay Recruits (AUDIO)

Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Grants Brief Stay of Injunction
Against 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell....' Updates to Come….:)
Finally openly gay recruits can now join the military as a result
of a federal court ruling striking down "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
but they're being warned that they can still be discharged if the
ruling is overturned. Pentagon spokeswoman Cynthia Smith said
the suspension of DADT is in response to the September 9th
decision of a California federal judge who ruled the law
unconstitutional. Judge Virginia Phillips denied a government
request to delay her order on Tuesday. The Justice Department
said the Obama administration will appeal to the appellate court
in San Francisco. So the fight is not totally over. Listen to this
exclusive audio byte with gay activist Rev. Steve Parelli on Obama
& his attempt to appeal DADT & DOMA section 3 which have both
been found unconstitutional by federal court.

Listen to the full Exclusive Audio Interview with
Steve Parelli,
Executive Director of Other Sheep,
Christian ministry working worldwide for the full
inclusion of LGBT people of faith


Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Obama & His Ignorant Administration

Federal District Court Judge Virginia Phillips has denied the
government's request to stay the injunction against 'Don't Ask,
Don't Tell.' Judge Phillips imposed the injunction halting
enforcement of the policy last week after ruling on Sept. 9th
that the policy violates servicesmembers' First and Fifth
Amendment rights. Updates to Come...:)
Exclusive Audio Interview with Steve Parelli,
Executive Director of Other Sheep, a multicultural

ecumenical Christian ministry working worldwide

for the full inclusion of LGBT people of faith...


UPDATE: How Obama Betrayed Gay Rights...Read More....
Here we go again. Now we have Obama senior adviser Valerie
Jarrett declaring being gay is a lifestyle choice & then apologizes.
Sure we have a choice either be yourself or hide who you are or
worse. Obama has these golden opportunities to be faithful to his
campaign promises to our LGBT community but instead keeps
avoiding doing the right thing. His administration is appealing both
decisions by Federal Courts that have found the Defense of Marriage
Act (DOMA) & Don’t Ask Don’t Tell (DADT) unconstitutional. Then
he has the audacity to state that our equality will be addressed on
‘his watch.’ Like when will that be? In the meantime he isn’t taking
any responsibility for putting our LGBT community in harms way.
Updates To Come…:)
Exclusive Audio Interview with New York
Gay Activist Cathy Marino-Thomas, President

of the Board of Marriage Equality New York on

the appalling gay bashings in New York & more

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Ceasefire Saga

The Obama administration will ask a federal judge to allow the
"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law to continue in force pending an appeal.
Dan Woods, White & Case partner who is representing Log Cabin
Republicans in this case stated “We are not surprised by the
government's action, as it repeats the broken promises & empty
words from President Obama avowing to end 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'
while at the same directing his Justice Department to defend this
unconstitutional policy. Now that the government has filed a request
for a stay, we will oppose it vigorously because brave, patriotic gays
& lesbians are serving in our armed forces to fight for all of our
constitutional rights while the government is denying them theirs."
Updates to Come...:)
Exclusive Audio Interview with New York
Gay Activist Cathy Marino-Thomas, President

of the Board of Marriage Equality New York on

the appalling gay bashings in New York & more

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

First Gay Marriage on Essence Magazine

For the first time Essence.com the online companion to the
preeminent black women's periodical Essence magazine is
featuring a lesbian couple in its "Bridal Bliss" section. Aisha
& Danielle Moodie-Mills will be the first lesbian couple to
have their love story & wedding photos featured on the website.
Aisha and Danielle were also among the first couples to apply
for a marriage license in Washington, D.C. after the capital
became the 6th jurisdiction to legalize gay marriage. They were
married on August 7, 2010 @ the Old Westbury Gardens in
Old Westbury, New York Check it OUT: essence.com
Exclusive Audio Interview with New York
Gay Activist Cathy Marino-Thomas, President

of the Board of Marriage Equality New York on

the appalling gay bashings in New York & more

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Finally a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Ceasefire?

The Obama administration filed a notice of appeal with the U.S.
District Court for the District of Massachusetts in support of the

1996 Defense of Marriage Act, ( DOMA) that barred gay marriages

even though Obama had previously opposed the law.
United States District Court Judge Virginia Phillips has granted a
world-wide injunction against enforcement of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
Barring a stay by a higher court, the injunction suspends all
investigations & prevents all discharges under the policy. Log Cabin
Republicans who won this case are urging caution by servicemembers
considering coming out at this time since the Obama administration
still has the option to appeal & probably will.. Well this should move
things forward for our LGBT community serving in the military....
Updates to Come…:) Download & Read More....
Exclusive Audio Interview with New York
Gay Activist Cathy Marino-Thomas, President

of the Board of Marriage Equality New York on

the appalling gay bashings in New York & more

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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