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Military Opens to Gay Recruits (AUDIO)

By Charlotte Robinson, October 21, 2010
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Grants Brief Stay of Injunction
Against 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell....' Updates to Come….:)
Finally openly gay recruits can now join the military as a result
of a federal court ruling striking down "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
but they're being warned that they can still be discharged if the
ruling is overturned. Pentagon spokeswoman Cynthia Smith said
the suspension of DADT is in response to the September 9th
decision of a California federal judge who ruled the law
unconstitutional. Judge Virginia Phillips denied a government
request to delay her order on Tuesday. The Justice Department
said the Obama administration will appeal to the appellate court
in San Francisco. So the fight is not totally over. Listen to this
exclusive audio byte with gay activist Rev. Steve Parelli on Obama
& his attempt to appeal DADT & DOMA section 3 which have both
been found unconstitutional by federal court.

Listen to the full Exclusive Audio Interview with
Steve Parelli,
Executive Director of Other Sheep,
Christian ministry working worldwide for the full
inclusion of LGBT people of faith


Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

1 comment:

R. Clarke Cooper said...

Judge Phillips is right to stand with servicemembers by rejecting President Obama's request to continue this discriminatory policy. It is vital that as a nation we uphold the fundamental constitutional rights of all soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines and coast guardsmen. With recruiters accepting gay and lesbian applicants and a week having passed without incident, it is clear that our military is well-equipped to adapt to open service, and eager to get on with the work of defending our freedom. As Commander in Chief, the president should drop his defense of a policy which he knows undermines military readiness and threatens national security. The president has said that 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' will end on his watch, but is currently standing in the way of its demise. Log Cabin Republicans will continue to fight this policy no matter how many obstacles he puts in the way.

R. Clarke Cooper, Executive Director of Log Cabin Republicans

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