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Finally a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Ceasefire?

By Charlotte Robinson, October 12, 2010
The Obama administration filed a notice of appeal with the U.S.
District Court for the District of Massachusetts in support of the

1996 Defense of Marriage Act, ( DOMA) that barred gay marriages

even though Obama had previously opposed the law.
United States District Court Judge Virginia Phillips has granted a
world-wide injunction against enforcement of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
Barring a stay by a higher court, the injunction suspends all
investigations & prevents all discharges under the policy. Log Cabin
Republicans who won this case are urging caution by servicemembers
considering coming out at this time since the Obama administration
still has the option to appeal & probably will.. Well this should move
things forward for our LGBT community serving in the military....
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Gay Activist Cathy Marino-Thomas, President

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Dan Woods said...

We are extremely pleased with Judge Phillips's decision granting an immediate and permanent injunction barring the US military from carrying out its 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy. The order represents a complete and total victory for Log Cabin Republicans and reaffirms the constitutional rights of gays and lesbians in the military who are fighting and dying for our country.

Dan Woods, partner with White and Case & the lead counsel for Log Cabin Republicans v. the United States.

Jarrett Barrios said...

Today's historic decision could put an end to 17 years of discrimination that not only harmed brave men and women denied the opportunity to serve their country simply because of who they are, but also the American people who lost invaluable service members working to protect their country. Now, we hope that President Obama will live up to his promise and side with equality.

Jarrett Barrios, President of GLAAD

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