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Gay Presidential Candidate Ends Campaign

Fred Karger the first openly gay Presidential Candidate from a major political party in American history ends his campaign. He was on the GOP ballot in New Hampshire, Michigan, California, New York, Maryland, North Carolina & Puerto Rico. Fred was actually the first to announce his candidacy for the Republican nomination for President of the United States on March 23, 2011. Throughout his career, Karger has worked on 9 presidential campaigns & served as a senior consultant on campaigns for Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush & Gerald Ford. He retired after 27 years becoming an activist for gay rights, including his organization Californians Against Hate (now Rights Equal Rights) investigating the LDS Church & the NOM (National Organization for Marriage) in their campaigns against marriage equality in California & Maine. Karger stated, “It’s been one hell of a ride & I want to thank the thousands of people across this country who volunteered, contributed, opened their homes, came to our events & cheered me on…It’s been the experience of a lifetime. I’ve made many new friends & undoubtedly picked up a few more detractors. I hope & trust that my discussion of the key issues helped to open dialog on fixing the economy, balancing the federal budget, creating jobs, education reform, the environment, immigration reform, ending the Iraq & Afghanistan wars and fighting for full equality for all lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender Americans. We must move forward on these issues & many more.” He closes his campaign by promoting a hard-hitting commercial “STOP THE HATE!!!” aimed at the Mormon Church, produced & directed by Melanie Marden. Watch Video….
In February we chatted with Karger about being the first openly gay Presidential Candidate from a major political party in American history in the most homophobic race for President this country has ever seen. @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
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Washington State Gay Marriage Update

As you know Washington State has gay marriage on their November ballot. The group Washington United for Marriage (WUM) is working to defend the bipartisan marriage law & have released a video testimonial in its series, “Why Marriage Matters.” The affirmation is by Rev. Melvin Woodworth of Tacoma who underscores the growing list of religious coalitions, congregations & people of faith who have come to embrace marriage equality for all loving couples. In the video, Rev. Woodworth, the pastor at First United Methodist Church in Tacoma, talks about meeting with a gay parishioner stating, “As he talked to me, I realized that he was like every other person who had come to me wanting to get married. He had love in his heart, he wanted to share it with the person he had found & he wanted to shout it from the rooftops.” Endorsing the campaign to Approve Referendum 74 are the Faith Action Network, Catholics for Equality, the Anti-Defamation League, the Union for Reform Judaism & individual congregations from the Baptist, Episcopal, Lutheran, United Methodist & United Church of Christ faiths. With his wife of 23 years by his side, Rev. Woodworth added, “After a lot of study of the scriptures & a lot of work with couples, I’ve just come to the point where I understand that this [marriage] is the right thing to do.” Watch Video….
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Military Spouses Equal Treatment Act

While the Supreme Court upheld Obamacare, Congressman Adam Smith (D-WA) has introduced HR 6046, the Military Spouses Equal Treatment Act of 2012 (MSET) that would change the definition of "spouse" in 4 areas of U.S. Code related to recognition, support & benefits for married service members & veterans. The changes including Titles 10, 32, & 38 that are challenged in Servicemembers Legal Defense Network’s (SLDN) landmark litigation, McLaughlin v. U.S., filed in October 2011 which would ensure that spouses of the same gender are eligible for key military benefits. Army Veteran and Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) Executive Director Aubrey Sarvis stated, "Our nation's senior military leaders & commanders on the ground are increasingly uncomfortable with administering two classes of recognition, support & benefits for our nation's service members - one for straight service members & a different one for their gay & lesbian peers. There cannot be 2 classes of service members & this legislation addresses that effectively." In his remarks at the Pentagon on Tuesday, Department of Defense General Counsel Jeh Johnson referenced the growing awareness of this disparity among leadership in the armed forces stating, "The repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' exposes certain inequalities between similarly situated couples in the military community. This troubles many of our leaders." Updates to Come…:)

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Gay Pride Oreo Smart Cookie Marketing

With more than 20,000 comments responding to their rainbow filled Oreo cookie on their Facebook page this was a brilliant gesture for crafty Kraft Foods. More than 150,000 Facebook users "liked" the post though there were a bunch of homophobes threatening to boycott the company. Basil Maglaris, Kraft's associate director of corporate affairs, said the graphic was in recognition of Pride Month in the United States stating, "As a company, Kraft Foods has a proud history of celebrating diversity & inclusiveness. We feel the Oreo ad is a fun reflection of our values." Just think how many new customers they just got with a mere graphic. Not that we’re all going to return to sugar but think of all the Kraft Products out there. The next time you’re in the supermarket you’ll remember the gesture this company has made to LGBT equality & so will your friends & families. I think the best reaction to the Pride Oreo was from my friend Michael Musto at The Village Voice stating, “How can we get everyone to do this, so the world is brightened by images of rainbow-colored Ding Dongs, Little Debbie cakes, Fudgie the Whales & barbecued spare ribs?” Updates to Come…:)

Exclusive Audio Interview with Orlando Del Valle who serves on the Board of Directors of The History Project. Del Valle’s photos are part of a significant art exhibit “Pride: 40 Years of Protest & Celebration” that The History Project is presenting in collaboration with the Boston Center for Adult Education & runs through June 30th at the BCAE more @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
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Oreo Cookie Perfect Ending For Gay Pride

It’s hard not to praise Oreo Cookies for honoring Pride with their rainbow cookie proudly displayed on their Facebook page. Oreo has a reputation for posting photos on its Facebook page with customizing versions of its classic black & white cookies to celebrate special events. Of course Oreo is owned by the Nabisco division of Kraft foods. Kraft were the sponsors who pulled out of the TV series GCB because they objected to its content. From that point on we tried to boycott their products but unfortunately bagels without Philadelphia Cream Cheese just don’t taste the same. Of course the Pride Oreo cookie came with a disclaimer: “Made with cream colors that do not exist.” However the fact that our LGBT community has reached the American consciousness far enough to have Oreo Cookies make this gesture in honor of Pride is amazing but let’s not start eating Oreos again when we’re all getting in shape for the beach. This has been such a positive few months for our LGBT community. Starting with Obama finally supporting marriage equality to kick off Pride Month hopefully the summer will continue to bring good will towards all people. Update: Gay Pride Oreo Smart Cookie Marketing

Exclusive Audio Interview with Orlando Del Valle who serves on the Board of Directors of The History Project. Del Valle’s photos are part of a significant art exhibit “Pride: 40 Years of Protest & Celebration” that The History Project is presenting in collaboration with the Boston Center for Adult Education & runs through June 30th at the BCAE more @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
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A Very Gay Marriage Weekend

The weekend kicked off with Mary Cheney marrying her partner Heather Poe Friday morning in Washington, D.C. First to report the nuptials was the conservative site The Daily Caller with father of the bride Dick Cheney stating "Mary & Heather have been in a committed relationship for many years & we are delighted that they were able to take advantage of the opportunity to have that relationship recognized." See if you hang around long enough you'll get to hear everyone support gay marriage. Then there was David Blankenhorn Prop. 8 proponents star witness making his amends in New York Times that he was wrong to oppose marriage equality stating, “As a marriage advocate, the time has come for me to accept gay marriage & emphasize the good that it can do.” In response AFER (American Foundation for Equal Rights) Executive Director Adam Umhoefer stated, “Like David Blankenhorn, growing numbers of people across the nation are realizing that marriage equality will make us more American. Marriage equality has always been about building strong families & ensuring that loving couples & their families not be denied the fundamental freedom to marry. We are happy to consider Mr. Blankenhorn a supporter in that endeavor & applaud his commitment to equality.” Then to complete the gay marriage weekend set financial guru Suze Orman dedicated her episode of CNBC’s “The Suze Orman Show” Saturday night to marriage equality & the economic impacts that marriage equality has on LGBT couples nationwide. If you missed the show last night it will air again next weekend on June 30th at 5A. Happy Pride Everyone!! Updates to Come…:)
Check OUT our Exclusive Audio Chat with Australian Director Anne Renton about her new must-see gay marriage film THE PERFECT FAMILY starring Kathleen Turner, Emily Deschanel as a lesbian & Jason Ritter that's available on Comcast On-Demand which was released last month. Anne shares intimate stories of how the movie came about & her spin on LGBT issues. @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
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Great Minnesota LGBT Outing

In an attempt to change hearts & minds in Minnesota with an anti-gay marriage amendment appearing on their November ballot, LGBT Minnesotans have launched www.greatminnesotaouting.com. The concept is to come out online to reach neighbors, friends & colleagues who are more likely to support gay rights if they’re aware they know a gay or lesbian person. Founder of the Great Minnesota Outing Jon Staff, a Harvard graduate class of 2010 & commercial-social entrepreneur stated, “Coming out is both the revelation of a single fact & a powerful spark that ignites a process of reorienting minds to support LGBT rights.” The campaign collects videos produced by LGBT Minnesotans telling their friends & neighbors of their part in the LGBT community & making an appeal to them to vote no on the amendment. The Great Minnesota Outing is acting on statistics that show people who know a LGBT person are far more supportive of gay rights, especially if they hear a direct appeal about the marriage amendment. In their recordings men & women identify themselves as LGBT explain why they love Minnesota & express why it is important that Minnesota not limit the freedom of marriage for committed couples. Minnesotans can search for videos by city or zip code, funneling visitors towards people they are most likely to know in real life & therefore most likely to be influenced by. The campaign also features an integrated social media component to ensure videos are seen by a broad spectrum of voters. LGBT Minnesotans can log onto the website & share their own story. This is a bold step for LGBT Minnesotans but the courage it takes to come out publicly is what makes the videos powerful. Also Happy Pride to the Twin Cities which begins June 23rd...:)
For More info: greatminnesotaouting.com
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Gay Celebrities Coming Out Cover Story

This week’s Entertainment Weekly cover story examines gay celebrities & how casual it is today for them to reveal their sexuality publicly for the first time. When Ellen DeGeneres decided to come out 15 years ago it was the cover of Time Magazine. Then talk shows like Oprah, Primetime Live & CNN brought her story home via television. I think if I remember correctly she then lost her sitcom & was somewhat in career flux until she had a rebirth conquering the world with her talk show. Last month when The Big Bang Theory’s Emmy-winner Jim Parsons came out it hardly brought any attention by the media. So why are there still so many celebrities in the closet? In the past years just to name a few we've had American Horror Story’s Zachary Quinto, White Collar’s Matt Bomer, Modern Family’s Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Glee’s Jane Lynch, CNN anchor Don Lemon, Bravo’s Andy Cohen, David Hyde Pierce, T.R. Knight & Neil Patrick Harris come out & strive in their careers. These are very fortunate times for people to come out. In the 1980’s coming out was career suicide. Not only that but pretending to be someone that you’re not & hiding your identity is unhealthy for you. So come out wherever you are & know that you are not alone. Updates to Come…:)
Read Entertainment Weekly Story….
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LGBT Equality T-Shirts Give A Damn

The Give A Damn Campaign has released of a new line of limited edition t-shirts designed by Give A Damn co-founder Cyndi Lauper, actor Alan Cumming, actor Jane Lynch, comedian Chelsea Handler & actor Idina Menzel. This is part of the org’s ongoing efforts to inspire everyone, especially heterosexuals, to get involved in advancing equality for our LGBT community. The shirts are printed in editions of 320 per design, sell for $34.99 & will be shipping the week of June 22. With partnerships with RockAndRollTShirts.com & Van Gogh Vodka, 100 percent of the proceeds will benefit the Give A Damn Campaign & its work on LGBT issues including workplace discrimination, hate crimes, bullying, teen suicide, marriage equality, health care, parenting, immigration & more. The Give A Damn Campaign works with a number of partners, including All Out: Equality. Everywhere; Athlete Ally: Victory Through Unity; CenterLink: The Community of LGBT Centers; COLAGE: People With a LGBTQ Parent; Freedom to Marry; Friendfactor; GLMA: Gay & Lesbian Medical Association; GLSEN: Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network; the Human Rights Campaign; the International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission; Immigration Equality; SAGE: Services & Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Elders; SLDN: Servicemembers Legal Defense Fund; & The Trevor Project Lifeline. For More Info: RockAndRollTshirts.com
If you don't like any of the styles check out our OUTTAKE™ Equality Tees & profits will be shared with the Give A Damn Campaign: OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)
New Exclusive Audio Chat with Pop Star Emii. Emii is a gay club favorite including performing at the number one US gay nightclub KRAVE in Las Vegas & her songs have appeared on the gay network LOGO. Check OUT her hot new dance remix & video of STILETTOS. We talked to Emii about her music & her spin on our LGBT issues
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GLAAD Partners with LGBT Athlete Ally

GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) is teaming up with Athlete Ally which is a leader in the movement for full equality for LGBT people in the world of athletics. Together the groups will offer proactive Athlete Ally trainings for all 141 major league sports teams. GLAAD & Athlete Ally founder Hudson Taylor will educate professional athletes about the importance of LGBT allies & empower pro sports organizations to stand against homophobia & transphobia. Herndon Graddick, President of GLAAD stated, "This is not about politics, it's about being respectful of fans, personnel & athletes of all levels who just happen to be LGBT. Safe spaces for LGBT young people in the world of sports can be just as important as they are in the classroom. Pro athletes are some of our culture's most important role models & we want to empower them to stand up for teamwork & respect." Athlete Ally Executive Director Hudson Taylor, added, "Athletes are leaders. Today more than ever, professional players have the power to affirm, connect & inspire people around the world. By taking small steps based on simple ideas at the heart of sportsmanship - like treating others as you want to be treated professional sports can unite communities & create a better and more inclusive tomorrow." Updates to Come...:)
Exclusive Audio Chat with Pop Star Emii. Emii is a gay club favorite including performing at the number one US gay nightclub KRAVE in Las Vegas & her songs have appeared on the gay network LOGO. Check OUT her hot new dance remix & video of STILETTOS. We talked to Emii about her music & her spin on our LGBT issues
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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Obama Should Sign ENDA Executive Order

Obama could sign an ENDA (Employment Non-Discrimination Act) Executive Order barring LGBT workplace discrimination by federal contractors which would give millions of LGBT Americans the right to come out of the closet. There is some form of legal recognition in 21 states but in 29 states gay workers can still be fired or denied promotions simply because they're gay. Last week after 10 years of intense organizing, undocumented students across the country got the attention of President Obama. As you know he sent a directive to the Department of Homeland Security to stop the deportations of DREAM Act students. Although this is far from enough to fully alleviate the pain of immigrants in the United States, it will significantly improve the lives of more than 800,000 youth in this country. If the ENDA Executive Order is signed tens of thousands of LGBT Americans who work for federal contractors will be able to come out of closets across the country. GetEQUAL Florida & Florida DREAMers will take to the streets on June 26th & will protest President Obama's lack of action on the ENDA Executive Order but they need your help. They want to deliver 10,000 signatures to the president on that day. This is an important message to send to Obama. Updates to Come…:)
Please Sign Petition…
Exclusive Audio Chat with Pop Star Emii. Emii is a gay club favorite including performing at the number one US gay nightclub KRAVE in Las Vegas & her songs have appeared on the gay network LOGO. Check OUT her hot new dance remix & video of STILETTOS. We talked to Emii about her music & her spin on our LGBT issues
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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P-Town Int'l Film Festival 2012 Winners

The 2012 Provincetown International Film Festival concluded Sunday night with awards presented at the Boastslip Closing Party. Prizes were given to the following films:

ANY DAY NOW (directed by Travis Fine) - HBO Audience Award Best Narrative Feature.

THE INVISIBLE WAR (directed by Kirby Dick) - HBO Audience Award Best Documentary Feature.

DIK (directed by Christopher Stollery) - HBO Audience Award Best Short Film.

HOW TO SURVIVE A PLAGUE (directed by David France) - The John Schlesinger Award (given to a first time documentary or narrative feature filmmaker)

SHOOT THE MOON (directed by Alexander Gaeta) - Jury Award / Student Short Film

WHO LASTS LONGER (directed by Gregorio Muro) - Jury Award / Animated Short Film

TSUYAKO (directed by Mitsuyo Miyazaki) Jury Award / Live Action Short Film
Short Film Jury Honorable Mentions go to: INSTALLATION, TEACHER OF THE YEAR & ENTRY DENIED

We'll have upcoming exclusive audio interviews on OUTTAKE VOICES™ with Roger Corman recipient of the 2012 Filmmaker on the Edge Award (“PIT AND THE PENDULUM,“ “THE TRIP,” “THE LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS”), Actor Parker Posey (“PRICE CHECK,” “PARTY GIRL,” “BEST IN SHOW“) who received the Excellence In Acting Award & director Kirby Dick (“THE INVISIBLE WAR,” “THIS FILM IS NOT YET RATED,” “OUTRAGE”) who was awarded The Faith Hubley Career Achievment Award....:)

The Provincetown International Film Festival presenting sponsors are HBO, Xfinity, Crown & Anchor, Art House, MALLRD Foundation. PIFF is also supported by grants from The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, the Massachusetts Cultural Council, The National Endowment for the Arts & the Provincetown Tourism Fund.
Exclusive Audio Interview with Andrew Peterson, Director of Programming for the Provincetown International Film Festival that takes place in Provincetown, Massachusetts June 13th through June 17th. Over 60 films will be presented. The 2012 Filmmaker on the Edge Award will be awarded to Iconic Producer/Director Roger Corman presented by director John Waters. Actor Parker Posey will receive the Excellence In Acting Award. The Faith Hubley Career Achievement Award will be given to documentary director Kirby Dick.
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Boston LGBT Film Fest Garden Party

UPDATE: If you happened to make it to P-Town, in celebration of our LGBT community who are having screenings throughout the PIFF, the Boston LGBT Film Fest hosted a Garden Cocktail Party at WA with drinks & over the top appetizers on Saturday. This was a great chance to network with LGBT filmmakers & celebrities attended. :) This fab event took place at WA in their intimate garden at 220 Commercial Street Provincetown, Ma.
This is going to be a fabulous sunny weekend in P-town & if you’re in the northeast trying to figure out what to do head down & enjoy the Provincetown International Film Festival. I just caught filmmaker Kieran Turner's fascinating new documentary Jobriath AD, a film he wrote, produced & directed that’s a real work of love & tribute to this almost forgotten glam-rockstar. Jobriath AD also happened to be the first openly gay performer back in the 1970’s. It was brilliantly executed from interviews, stills, rare clips & archival studio footage & amazing animation. I missed it at the Boston LGBT Film Fest last month so I thrilled to finally catch it.
Exclusive Audio Interview with Andrew Peterson, Director of Programming for the Provincetown International Film Festival that takes place in Provincetown, Massachusetts June 13th through June 17th. Over 60 films will be presented. The 2012 Filmmaker on the Edge Award will be awarded to Iconic Producer/Director Roger Corman presented by director John Waters. Actor Parker Posey will receive the Excellence In Acting Award. The Faith Hubley Career Achievement Award will be given to documentary director Kirby Dick.
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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Fred Karger Gets Anti Gay Rant In Utah

A not so funny thing happened to gay Republican Presidential candidate Fred Karger this week while campaigning in Utah. First he had what he thought was a great meeting with the Washington County GOP Chairman Willie Billings. Then a few hours later he received this nasty anti gay email from his wife Nanette Billings, “you are an idiot. You met with my husband Willie Billings today about you being on the Utah ballot. He brought your frisby, and tshirt home & it is now out in the trash. I never want to hear from such a radical idiot again. you think you are conseritave? conseritave means you beleive in the values of founding fathers and God. Do you know you cant procreate right? Well thank goodness for that.” First of all in our No No to Nanette who should learn about spell-check. So then she added more insult to injury when Yahoo contacted her to confirm she sent the email she added, "My feeling is the only reason he's running for president is to find more [sexual] partners. To get more people on his bandwagon." Karger reacted by stating “It felt like a knife had been twisted in my stomach. Was it real? Was she serious? Two journalists called Mrs. Billings & what she said about me to them was even nastier.” We interviewed Fred for OUTTAKE VOICES™ in March. Karger has worked on 9 presidential campaigns & served as a senior consultant on campaigns for Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush & Gerald Ford. He retired after 27 years & has since then became an activist for gay rights, including his organization Californians Against Hate (now Rights Equal Rights) to investigate the LDS Church & the National Organization for Marriage in their campaigns against marriage equality in California & Maine. Mrs. Billings should have listened to our audio interview with Karger before she went on her homophobic rampage.
Updates to Come…:)
Exclusive Audio Chat with Fred Karger the first openly gay Presidential Candidate from a major political party in American history in the most homophobic race for President this country has ever seen. Karger says he’ll stick around until August at the Republican Convention in Tampa. He talks about his campaign & LGBT issues @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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LGBTQ Elders SAGE Awards & Gala

SAGE will host its annual SAGE Awards & Gala hosted by the incomparable Nina West best known from RuPaul’s Drag Race & will highligh...

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