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The Scariest Halloween Pumpkin '08 Is....

Sarah Palin of course..Last week she finally came OUT as the Homophobic Monster she really is calling for a Federal Amendment to the United States Constitution to deny our LGBT community the same rights, benefits & protections as heterosexual citizens have...Check-OUT her anti gay marriage Video...

Have a Safe & Fabulous Halloween!!
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

The Gay Marriage Human Factor...

Jennifer Pizer, Senior Counsel, Lambda Legal & Co-Counsel in the historic California Supreme Court Gay Marriage decision explains the consequences of amending the California Constitution to discriminate against gay couples in this exclusive audio clip...

Running Time: 4:28
Vote No on Propositions 8
For More Info: EQCA.org
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Senate Passes Matthew Shepard Act 10/09

New Audio Interview w/ Rev. Steve Parelli on stopping the Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Bill of 2009 which will impose the death penalty & prison on the Ugandan LGBT community @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
The Senate passed the Matthew Shepard Act. Obama will sign the enactment of the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act Today, Oct. 28th, @ 4:45 pm @ the White House....:) 
Updates to Come…
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin Interview

Audio-Interview Length: 12:55
In this exclusive interview Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin talks about the future of gay marriage & LGBT rights in America & what it's like to be openly gay in Congress.
Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin has been a Democratic member of the United States House of Representatives since 1999 & the first woman elected to Congress from the state of Wisconsin, currently serving her fifth term. She is also the first openly gay woman to be elected to the House of Representatives. She & Congressman Frank are the only two openly gay members of Congress. In June they formed & Co-Chair the Equality Caucus, which was formed to address LGBT equality not only in U.S. domestic policies but our nation’s foreign policy to safeguard the human rights of LGBT people globally.
Read more of this Interview: Huffington Post
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Come OUT @ The National Equality March :)

Obama's really has his LGBT speech down. After all he repeats it to us every few months..:) Listen to Robin McGehee, Co-Director National Equality March chat w/ Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson about this & more
Today on National Coming OUT Day the first national march & rally for equality is taking place in the 21th century...:) If you're in the Washington D.C. area this is an event not to be missed. This is an historic day for our LGBT community. So what are you waiting for??? Come OUT & Join Us!! :) Info: National Equality March
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Teaching Kids About Gay Marriage

The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to hear 2 cases filed by homophobic couples who objected to gay families being discussed in their children's elementary school classrooms in Lexington, Massachusetts, where gay marriage is the law. The families claimed gay-themed books on a public school's reading list violated their First Amendment right to free exercise of religion. FYI, the books were not required reading. Their attorney said the couples are reviewing their options. Like learning to Love Thy Neighbor.......:) This is an interesting Victory…..:) Education is key.....
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

GLAD's Lee Swislow Audio Interview

Running Time: 11:20

This exclusive interview provides important gay marriage info for our LGBT global community.... Lee Swislow is the Executive Director of GLAD.... GLAD is the Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders. GLAD is probably most notable for winning the historic Goodridge decision in 2003 making gay marriage legal in Massachusetts. GLAD is celebrating the 30th anniversary of their org & also the 5th anniversary of gay marriage in Massachusetts.....:)
Read more about Election '08 & Gay Marriage....

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Presidents Day From Carter To Trump

Before they became POTUS I’ve personally encountered the 39th & 47th presidents. I met Jimmy Carter during his run for the position when...

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