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Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin Interview

By Charlotte Robinson, October 17, 2008

Audio-Interview Length: 12:55
In this exclusive interview Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin talks about the future of gay marriage & LGBT rights in America & what it's like to be openly gay in Congress.
Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin has been a Democratic member of the United States House of Representatives since 1999 & the first woman elected to Congress from the state of Wisconsin, currently serving her fifth term. She is also the first openly gay woman to be elected to the House of Representatives. She & Congressman Frank are the only two openly gay members of Congress. In June they formed & Co-Chair the Equality Caucus, which was formed to address LGBT equality not only in U.S. domestic policies but our nation’s foreign policy to safeguard the human rights of LGBT people globally.
Read more of this Interview: Huffington Post
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really want to know what’s wrong with gay marriage...REALLY!

"horrible...terrible...i don't know what I'm going to do..." I hear it over and over...however, nothing fact-based is ever mentioned ...religious-based, yes, but nothing that proves harm...
so, i ask you...pursued me...convince me...

make me see just what terrible things will happen if we allow people of the same-sex to get married...

or if we deny same-sex marriage,
how it will stop the divorce rate...
prevent child abuse...
stop teenage pregnancy...
alleviate the need for abortion...
or lower the amount of gay and lesbians (that you fear so much) from our general population...

while I appreciate the quoting of scripture...
and promoting a fear-based agenda to further your cause...
what reality, what factual evidence, what creative conclusion...
allows us to prevent a couple from becoming united in marriage...

your Catholic representative, Bishop Salvatore Cordilcone is knowledgeable, honorable and right...
if only we were in a perfect world...
but exhibiting ostrich-like behavior when it comes to...
pre-marital sex, birth control, gay marriage...
and thinking that reading bible verses and "just saying no"
motivates people to adhere to the "word of God"...
is pure folly!
(forget the Catholic church's own sexual "problems")

If you were to enter any church service on a Sunday,
and spray truth serum on the entire adult population...
asking the question as to whether those who are single are
still virgins, and those who are married were virgins at their ceremony, the amount of virgins would be surprisingly low
(+/- 15-20% according to several religious groups recent findings)

let us also consider that birth control and abortions are
used by this same group of normally conservative, religious individuals...

Even Maggie Gallagher, president of National Organization of Marriage, hedges her opinions with "I think" and uses stories that infer direct correlation instead of facts or current studies that back up her fears as she tries to "prove" her point...

If you live next door to a gay couple...
or know of a gay person in your life...
either work, school or family...
how do you look them straight in the eye...
(no pun intended)
and tell them, that even though you know the
divorce rate is over 50% overall...
child and sexual abuse is mostly done by immediate family members...
that alcohol and drug addiction is highest among straight people...
that abortion is exclusively a straight population problem...
yet deny that birth control is effective at preventing the need for abortion,
and shunned by that same population...
how do you tell them THAT GAY MARRIAGE

Just how does a person do that?
or to put it another way,
how do we justify pointing out the sliver on our gay neighbor's eye,
while ignoring the log in our own?

Is this about gay marriage, sex, control, tradition or
is it REALLY about selective and convenient enforcement of scripture?

why not let Brian S. Brown
Executive Director
National Organization for Marriage California
1530 East First Street, 218
Santa Ana, CA 92701
Toll-Free: (888)-201-8929
bbrown@nationformarriage.org know how you feel?

he really fears gay marriage and wants YOU to fear it as well.

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