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PFLAG New Board Of Director Members
Marking the beginning of its 50th anniversary year PFLAG National has elected the first Indigenous person to serve on its board of directors. Sarah EchoHawk is a member of the Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma & CEO of AISES an organization dedicated to advancing Indigenous People in STEM. She joins PFLAG National Regional Directors Kathy Halbrooks of Tennessee & Ann Miller of Georgia in serving their inaugural term on the 21-member PFLAG National Board of Directors. Susan Thronson, President of the PFLAG National Board of Directors, the first parent of a transgender child to serve in this role stated, “For 50 years, PFLAG has worked to ensure that all people who are LGBTQ+ can be affirmed & celebrated, no matter their race or gender, their religion or none, Native or newcomer. As we begin this seminal year of celebration, the individuals guiding PFLAG’s future truly represent the diversity of LGBTQ+ people & families in this country.” PFLAG National’s commitment to inclusion has extended beyond its board of directors, impacting strategic investment in inclusive programs, partnerships & financial management. These investments include programs like PFLAG Connects: Communities, safe, virtual meeting spaces for people of similar backgrounds to find support and learn without judgment; partnerships with BIPOC-led and centered organizations & intentional investments in Minority Depository Institutions. Founded in 1973, PFLAG is the first & largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating & advocating for LGBTQ+ people & their families. PFLAG’s network of hundreds of chapters & more than 325,000 members & supporters works to create a caring, just & affirming world for LGBTQ+ people & those who love them.
Will Twitter Free Speech & Hate Collide
Now that Elon Musk has taken over Twitter we’ll be watching to see if this move will jeopardize the safety of its users, society & global democracies. Over the years Twitter has become a very iffy social media platform & with Musk’s political views most likely it will descend into darkness. GLAAD released a statement following Musk’s Twitter takeover: “Despite his claim that he wanted to buy Twitter to ‘help humanity,’ Elon Musk has a record of posting & defending harmful anti-LGBTQ content as well as content that harms other marginalized communities. GLAAD remains deeply concerned about the safety of LGBTQ people on Twitter & we join other organizations that are now questioning Twitter’s future policies & actions against extremist content. GLAAD’s Social Media Safety Index found that the LGBTQ community faces disproportionate levels of hate & harassment online. No matter who owns Twitter it remains absolutely critical that the company prioritizes & consistently enforces its existing policies against hate speech, violence & disinformation. Misinformation, disinformation & hateful content have real-world consequences & irrevocably harm our community, period. All of our corporate, government & community leaders have a responsibility to facilitate education, facts & the truth & to disempower those who actively work against those principles of democracy.” GLAAD was one of the founding members of the Stop the Deal coalition that launched in June 2022 by Accountable Tech, Media Matters for America, MoveOn, UltraViolet & others warning of the potential dangers of the Musk acquisition of Twitter. Musk will most likely run Twitter to the ground hopefully serving as a warning to other platforms that they will be held accountable for ignoring public safety & dismantling the guardrails designed to protect our information ecosystem.
LGBTQ Midterm Voting Agenda (AUDIO)
This week I talked with Cathy Renna Communications Director for the National LGBTQ Task Force about joining forces with Equality Florida & Equality Texas to fight anti-LGBTQ extremism ahead of midterm elections including a new animated ad campaign. The ads are adapted from an innovative campaign developed by Wide Angle Research inviting voters to fight extremism & fight for our freedoms. Equality Florida is targeting Governor DeSantis for his repeated attacks against our LGBTQ community, especially highlighting his signing of the vicious "Don't Say Gay" legislation & his repeated attempts to censor school curriculums & ban books. Equality Texas is focusing their efforts on Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton for his anti-LGBTQ rhetoric & promises to defend the Supreme Court with any law criminalizing sodomy enacted by the Legislature. The ads are in English markets & also target Latino audiences with Spanish subtitles. The campaign raises awareness around the increasingly aggressive attacks on our LGBTQ community & communities of color including legislation that bans hundreds of books & censors curriculum covering slavery or mentioning LGBTQ people. As extreme politicians strip away freedoms by banning abortions even in cases of rape & incest they’re also working to criminalize & charge parents with child abuse simply for supporting their transgender child. Renna also addresses the National LGBTQ Task Force “Queer The Vote” campaign that builds grassroot efforts in key battleground states to inform voters of the crucial issues they’re facing in the midterm elections as well as driving LGBTQ people & allies to the polls. I talked to Cathy about what she hopes to accomplish with these campaigns & her spin on our LGBTQ issues.
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES
Violating Its Own Community Standards
According to the Human Rights Campaign, Meta accepted over $4 million for ads that violates its own “Community Standards”. Specifically ads for Matt Walsh’s anti-transgender propaganda film “What Makes a Woman?” violates Facebook’s community guidelines. Laurel Powell, HRC Deputy Director of Communications stated, “Like many other marginalized groups, social media platforms like Facebook & Twitter are vital outlets for the LGBTQ2S+ community. As publicly traded corporations, it’s good business for these companies to ensure the people on their platforms don’t face threats, harassment or stigma paid for by extremists. HRC is concerned the ads will lead to real-world threats & violence against trans people, also a direct violation of the platform’s safety policy. In Walsh’s case, this is not without precedent: earlier this year, he helped spearhead harassment campaigns against hospitals that provide gender-affirming care to trans youth, which led to multiple instances of bomb threats and death threats. As a whole, social media companies lack real mechanisms for accountability, leading to a lack of trust on the part of marginalized groups. No system is perfect & that’s certainly true for social media companies but when we’re talking about millions upon millions of dollars being spent & who knows where that money comes from to promote a propaganda film filled with outright lies & mistruths about transgender people, which seems to have no goal but to further stigmatize transgender people, there must be some mechanism by which Meta & the Facebook platform won’t let themselves be used to cause harm.”
Florida Attempting To Ban Trans Youth
On Friday October 28th members of the Florida Board of Medicine appointed by DeSantis will draft a new rule likely to ban gender-affirming care for trans & gender-diverse youth throughout the state. The Board may also impose new restrictions for adults despite hundreds of groups condemning these actions. Gender-affirming care refers to a range of supports that affirm a patient's gender identity such as pubertal suppression for minors, hormonal & surgical treatments & access to social transition. Providers in Florida who administer this care already follow robust guidelines set forth by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). Legal experts suggest that restricting or banning access for gender-diverse patients could be considered discriminatory & even unconstitutional as the new rule would not impede access for cisgender patients seeking some of these same treatments for conditions such as precocious puberty, PCOS & gynecomastia. Hundreds of organizations, groups, public officials, spiritual leaders & healthcare professionals signed on to an open letter opposing the Florida Board of Medicine’s politically-motivated meddling in gender-affirming care. They wrote: “Governor Ron Desantis’ hand-picked appointees on the Board of Medicine initiated these proceedings as one of several policy attacks on LGBTQ+ people in Florida.” The letter also condemns the Florida Board of Medicine’s handling of last August 5th's meeting in Broward County that ended public comment early & without explanation silencing dozens of trans Floridians, family members & allies who had waited hours to speak about the importance of protecting access to gender-affirming care. Several trans & non-binary Floridians denied the opportunity to speak at the meeting co-authored the letter stating, “We won’t be silenced & we won’t be silent.”
Activist Peter Tatchell Arrested In Qatar
We just got word that human rights activist Peter Tatchell, director of the Peter Tatchell Foundation has been detained in Qatar where he was demonstrating outside The National Museum in Doha against their homophobic government. Peter was holding a sign that stated, “Qatar arrests, jails & subjects LGBTs to ‘conversion’ #QatarAntiGay.” At this reporting we don’t know where he has been taken but we demand that Tatchell be released & returned to the United Kingdom. Pliny Soocoormanee Executive Officer Peter Tatchell Foundation stated, “A few minutes ago, Peter was seized by the Qatari security services while demonstrating in Doha against one of the most homophobic regimes on Earth. Qatar hosts the FIFA football World Cup in three weeks. He was arrested near Qatar’s national museum while staging the first ever public LGBT+ protest in Qatar or any Gulf state. Peter was holding a placard supporting Qatari LGBT+ people who can face jail, ‘honor’ killing & forced conversion practices. Under Sharia law, the maximin penalty for homosexuality is death. The current whereabouts of Peter are unknown. We are currently working to secure Peter’s release.” During the 2018 World Cup games in Moscow, Russia Tatchell was arrested & released after bravely staging a one-man protest against Putin’s failure to act against Chechnya’s torture of our LGBTQ community that brought international attention to this issue. I talked to Peter on OUTTAKE VOICES™ in this exclusive audio interview about his work fighting for the elimination of exclusion & discrimination on the grounds of ethnicity, race, gender, disability, religion, belief, age, sexual orientation & gender identity. LISTEN
Don’t Say Gay or Trans Battle Heats Up
Judge Wendy Berger appointed to the U.S. District Court by Trump in 2019 refused to halt Florida’s enacted House Bill 1557 known as the “Don’t Say Gay or Trans” law & dismissed the case altogether but is allowing the plaintiffs an opportunity to file an amended complaint by November 3rd. Kell Olson, Staff Attorney at Lambda Legal stated, “The court’s decision is wrong on the law & disrespectful to LGBTQ+ families & students. HB 1557 suppresses wholesale the speech & identities of LGBTQ+ students & their families. The students & families at the heart of this case have experienced more bullying in the months since the law went into effect than ever before in their lives, but the court dismissed their experiences of bullying as ‘a fact of life.’ The court’s decision defies decades of precedent establishing schools’ constitutional obligations to protect student speech & to protect students from targeted bullying and harassment based on who they are.” Simone Chriss, Director of Transgender Rights Initiative at Southern Legal Counsel added, “Our plaintiffs & other LGBTQ+ students & families throughout Florida, have experienced real harms caused by this law, which were not acknowledged by the Court. This fight is not over - it has just begun. Florida’s LGBTQ+ students & families deserve better & we will press forward to protect their rights.” Angela Vigil, Partner & Executive Director of Pro Bono Practice at Baker McKenzie LLP concluded, “We very much look forward to continuing the fight against this unjust & dangerous law. We plan to show the court & the state the harm caused to children & families by this law is destructive in so many ways for education, community, families & most importantly, children.”
LGBTQ Workplace Inclusion Honorees
Out & Equal announced the recipients of its 2022 Outie Awards in recognition for individuals & organizations who are role models in advancing equality for LGBTQ people in workplaces globally. Erin Uritus, CEO of Out & Equal stated, "At a time when the rights of the LGBTQ+ community are at risk, employers have an important role in safeguarding our community. We are grateful to this year's Outie Award winners for their exemplary leadership in creating inclusive workplaces where everyone belongs." The Workplace Excellence Outie was awarded to Dell Technologies in recognition of their policies that advance LGBTQ inclusion both within the company & in communities where their team members live & work. Employee Resource Group of the Year Outie was awarded to GLAD Dow's LGBTQ & allies employee resource group (ERG). New Employee Resource Group of the Year Outie was awarded to Medtronic's PRIDE Global Network. The LGBTQ Corporate Advocate of the Year Outie was awarded to Commander Emily Shilling, the Naval Mission Planning System Military Deputy Program Manager who is the senior-most out, trans identifying line officer in the United States Navy.
The Ally Changemaker Outie was awarded to Mukesh Batra, a Senior Vice President at Bank of America. The Belonging & Equity Visionary Outie was awarded to Indeed. The company centers inclusion as a core business value and strategy throughout the company. Global LBGTQ Corporate Advocate Outie was awarded to Javier Constante, President of Dow Latin America. The 2022 Outie Awards were presented at Out & Equal's annual Workplace Summit a multi-day hybrid event that brought together more than 3,500 individuals in-person in Las Vegas & thousands more participating remotely from all over the globe.
Spirit Day To End LGBTQ Youth Bullying
For over a decade OUTTAKE MEDIA has supported Spirit Day celebrated this year on Thursday October 20th. Spirit Day began in 2010 when a high school student Brittany McMillan created a tumblr post asking students to wear purple following the suicide deaths of several LGBTQ young people. Since then thanks to GLAAD hundreds of celebrities, media outlets, brands, landmarks, sports leagues, tech leaders, influencers, faith groups, school districts, organizations, colleges & universities have become the most visible anti LGBTQ bullying campaign & united show of support for our LGBTQ youth. Purple symbolizes spirit on the rainbow flag. That said according to GLSEN's most recent National School Climate Survey 76.1% of LGBTQ students report being verbally harassed. Additionally 59.5% of LGBTQ students feel unsafe at school because of their sexual orientation and 44.6% because of their gender expression. GLSEN also reported that 87.3% of LGBTQ students experienced harassment or assault based on personal characteristics, including sexual orientation, gender expression, gender, religion, actual or perceived race & ethnicity & actual or perceived disability. The Trevor Project’s 2020 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health found that 1 in 3 LGBTQ youth reported that they had been physically threatened or harmed in their lifetime due to their LGBTQ identity. A 2021 national survey by The Trevor Project also shows the majority of LGBT youth (52%) who were enrolled in middle or high school report being bullied either in person or electronically in the past year. Though the majority of citizens in America stand against LGBTQ youth bullying 10 states including Texas, Alabama, Arizona, Idaho, Florida, Mississippi, Montana, Tennessee, South Dakota & West Virginia are passing anti-LGBTQ & anti-transgender youth legislation.
SAGE Honors LGBTQ Heroes At Gala
SAGE hosted its 26th annual SAGE Awards & Gala honoring the resiliency of today’s older LGBTQ+ community & in an exciting moment during the evening unveiling its new strategic direction. Michael Adams SAGE CEO stated, “SAGE’s board & staff spent the past year not only doing everything they do to make a daily difference for our community’s elders, but also huddling together to forge a bold new direction for our organization’s work that truly meets the moment – that is big enough & transformative enough to rise to the occasion & overcome this crisis so that our elders can live the lives they deserve, no matter who they are, no matter where they live, no matter what they need.” This bold direction & spirit were embodied in the event’s award recipients which included Justice Rosalyn Richter with the Paula Ettelbrick Community Service Award, Brent Miller of Procter & Gamble with the Jack Watters Corporate Advocate Award, Gilead Sciences with the Corporate Leadership Award & Gloria Allen with the Joyce Warshow Lifetime Achievement Award. In addition, New York City Councilmember Crystal Hudson was a part of the night’s festivities, opening the event with her remarks stating,
“We know that SAGE is committed to New York’s older queer population, the very people who were at the forefront of the queer liberation movement. That is one of the very reasons I am able to stand here before you today as the first out, gay Black woman ever to be elected in New York City.” Since 1978 SAGE offers supportive services & consumer resources to LGBTQ+ older people & their caregivers.
NYC Marathon Adds Inclusive Initiatives
As part of its ongoing commitment to increasing inclusivity & representation in the running community New York Road Runners (NYRR) announced their expanded diversity & inclusion efforts that will be highlighted at this year’s TCS New York City Marathon that takes place Sunday November 6th. The expanded diversity & inclusion efforts will include initiatives for mothers at the marathon, non-binary runners, athletes with disabilities & more. There will also be a special event at the historic Stonewall Inn that has been named a “Safe Space” on Friday November 4th at 11A ET hosted by NYRR. Kerin Hempel, Chief Executive Officer, NYRR stated, “We are so proud that the TCS New York City Marathon attracts such a diverse & global community of runners & we are deeply focused on ensuring all of our athletes feel welcome & included at NYRR.” Erica Edwards-O’Neal, Senior VP of Culture, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at NYRR concluded, “These new initiatives demonstrate our deep commitment to centering & operationalizing equity in everything we do.” Since 1958 NYRR’s mission is to help & inspire people through running. New York Road Runners has grown from a local running club to the world’s premier community running organization. NYRR’s commitment to New York City’s five boroughs features races, virtual races, community events, free youth running initiatives & school programs, the NYRR RUNCENTER featuring the New Balance Run Hub & training resources that provide hundreds of thousands of people each year with the motivation, know-how & opportunity to Run for Life. NYRR’s premier event is the TCS New York City Marathon that is held annually on the first Sunday in November featuring a wide population of runners from the world’s top professional athletes to a vast range of competitive, recreational & charity runners.
Rough Trade The Musical At Joe’s Pub
Joe’s Pub in NYC will present “Rough Trade The Musical” a new glam bam thank you ma’am rock musical for a one-night-only concert performance on Sunday October 23rd at 9:30P.
The musical is based on Rough Trade the iconic rock band that provided the soundtrack for activism, queer coming of age & the synthesis of pop & politics throughout the 1980s. The cast is led by Chilina Kennedy (Beautiful: The Carole King Musical, Paradise Square, Jesus Christ Superstar) as Carole Pope. She is joined by Amy Spanger (Rock of Ages, Tick Tick Boom), Korie Lee Blossey (Aladdin, Elf the Musical), John Battagliese (Cruel Intentions), Danaya Esperanza (For Colored Girls), Julius Chase (The Tina Turner Musical) & Genesis Adelia Collado (Reefer Madness). Carole Pope the anti-diva herself will make a special appearance. The creative team features a book by Kate Siahaan-Rigg (disORIENTATLISM, Zombie Asian Moms), musical direction by Logan Medland (Rocktopia, A Bronx Tale) & early arrangements by Rob Preuss (Once, Mamma Mia!). Pope stated, “So excited to preview songs from Rough Trade The Musical composed by Kevan Staples & myself. Kate Rigg & I have been working on this project forever & are excited for it to see the light of day.” Using Pope & Rough Trade’s extensive Juno Award-winning pop-rock catalog, Rough Trade The Musical tells the true story of Pope’s brother Howie who moved to New York from Toronto in the mid-80s in pursuit of sexual freedom, rock n’ roll, & a new life. Landing in the middle of a global pandemic – the AIDS crisis – he becomes a founding member of queer activist group ACTUP & tragically sacrifices his life for love.
Tickets are $25.
New Report On LGBTQ Voters Fast Track
With the midterm election just weeks away a timely new report show that LGBTQ Americans are projected to become one of the fastest growing voting blocs in the country growing at a scale, scope & speed that will fundamentally reshape the American electoral landscape. The Human Rights Campaign & Bowling Green State University report entitled “Equality Electorate: The Projected Growth of the LGBTQ+ Voting Bloc in Coming Years” offers new analysis of publicly available data projects that by 2030 approximately one-in-seven voters will be LGBTQ representing a sharp increase over the current one-in-ten. Joni Madison, Interim President of the Human Rights Campaign stated, “The LGBTQ+ voting bloc has been steadily growing & is on track to exponentially expand in the coming years, becoming one of the fastest growing voting constituencies in the country, wielding increasing influence in local, state & federal elections. LGBTQ+ voters are already playing a pivotal role in elections & in the coming years will fundamentally reshape the American electoral landscape — especially in battleground states & swing districts that are consequential to determining control of the Presidency & Congress.” The analysis was developed using publicly available data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey & demographic projections from the University of Virginia Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service. With the increased acceptance of LGBTQ people & pro-equality policies among Millennials & Generation Z it’s safe to assume that LGBTQ Americans & their pro-equality allies are & will increasingly continue to be an important voting bloc in the future of American elections.
San Francisco Transgender Film Festival
The San Francisco Transgender Film Festival (SFTFF) is celebrating its 25th year returning in person & online from November 10th to 20th with 7 short film programs showcasing 47 films. SFTFF in-person programing returns for the first time in two years at the Roxie Theater, 3117 16th Street in San Francisco. Artistic Director Shawna Virago stated, “For 25 years, SFTFF has been an artistic haven for trans & gender non-conforming filmmakers to assert their wisdom & creative brilliance, allowing our communities to safely gather & take part in visual storytelling that decries transphobic representation in cinema. Our annual festival remains intentionally anti-assimilationist & centers works that challenge transphobia, racism, sexism, ableism, anti-migrant hate & homophobia.” Some of the highlights include “The Beauty President” directed by Whitney Skauge, “Chaac & Yum” directed by Roberto Fatal, “Gone Postal” directed by Megan Mead, “M(other)hood” directed by Bea Goddard, “Prayers for Sweet Waters” directed by Elijah Ndoumbe & “Ro & Shirelle” directed by Adelina Anthony. Founded in 1997 the San Francisco Transgender Film Festival presents & screens films that promote the visibility of transgender & gender-variant people & challenges mainstream media’s negative stereotypes of our LGBTQ communities. They provide opportunities for transgender & gender-variant media artists, build community through their festival & engage audiences in cross-community dialogue. Films are closed captioned for deaf & hard-of-hearing audiences with tickets ranging on a sliding scale & donation-based fees from $0-$50. SFTFF 2022 is supported by the Queer Cultural Center, Creative Capacity Fund, Grants for the Arts, the Fleishhacker Foundation, Horizons Foundation, California Arts Council, San Francisco Arts Commission, Bill Graham Memorial Foundation, Zellerbach Family Foundation & the Trans Justice Funding Project.
Meet InterPride New Executive Director
InterPride the global org that brings together Pride organizers from across the world has announced that Jillian (Jay) Watts will be its first-ever executive director responsible for championing & elevating the org’s brand. Linda DeMarco InterPride’s Co-President stated,
“This is a historic moment for InterPride as we usher into our 40th anniversary. Bringing on Jay as the first-ever executive director demonstrates the growth of this organization & the meaningful support we offer Pride organizers around the world.” Hadi Damien InterPride’s Co-President added, “We celebrate this year four decades of relentless work by global volunteers who challenge status-quo, honor the past, celebrate the future & make things happen. Jay’s dedicated focus will support InterPride to keep up with the global needs of our membership.” Watts concluded, “I’m extremely excited to take on this new role & connect with Pride organizers around the world. I believe whole-heartedly in our mission to connect, grow & support Pride organizers globally.” Watts’ background will ensure that the culture at InterPride is sensitive to the ever-growing spectrum of diversity, equity & inclusivity in a sense that honors how sexuality & gender intersect with various other realities. InterPride brings together Pride organizations from around the world, as well as regional, national & local Pride networks to collaborate, share knowledge & hone global sensitivities about the numerous realities of Pride organizers. InterPride’s membership accounts for over 352 organizations in over 70 countries & impacts millions of individuals worldwide. InterPride owns & licenses WorldPride & publishes PrideRadar which offers a world overview of Pride organizers.
MBCC 25th Party For Prevention (AUDIO)
This week I talked with Cheryl Osimo, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition about the 25th anniversary of their premier fundraising event the Lesbians & Friends LGBTQ Dance Party For Prevention that takes place in person at Club CafĂ© in Boston on October 22nd from 6P to 9:30P & virtually via Zoom. This year they’re honoring the event’s founder Attorney Susan Wilson. Osimo stated, "Susan is a true humanitarian, scholar, visionary & friend to MBCC & all of those who have been touched by breast cancer. I don’t know of anyone who excels beyond Susan in the spirit of service & leadership.” Funds raised from the Party for Prevention help support MBCC’s education programs designed to provide our communities with vital health information on ways to reduce exposure to toxic chemicals in the products they use & in the environments in which they live, learn & work. MBCC is the only breast cancer non-profit working closely with a research & sister organization Silent Spring Institute to investigate preventable environmental causes of the disease. This work is funded through annual fundraising events like the upcoming Lesbians & Friends LGBTQ Dance Party For Prevention. Tickets for the in-person Club CafĂ© 21 years or older event are $40 in advance & $45 at the door. Student tickets are $20 in advance & $25 at the door for 21 years or older with a student ID. Tickets for the virtual event are $20 via Zoom. DJ Andrea will be spinning & there will also be a dance lesson from OUT to Dance’s founder & director Liz Nania. I talked to Cheryl about what she hopes to accomplish with her work at MBCC & her spin on our LGBTQ issues. LISTEN
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES
SAGE Annual LGBTQ Awards & Gala
SAGE dedicated to improving the lives of LGBTQ older people will spotlight the resilience of LGBTQ elders & celebrate the generous supporters at its annual SAGE Awards & Gala on Monday October 17th from 6P to 10P at Cipriani Wall Street in NYC. The SAGE Awards & Gala will honor Justice Rosalyn Richter with the Paula Ettelbrick Community Service Award for her activism on behalf of the LGBTQ+ community. Brent Miller will be recognized with The Jack Watters Corporate Advocate Award for his work as Senior Director for Global LGBTQ+ Equality at Procter & Gamble using the voice of brands to drive the authentic portrayal of the LGBTQ+ community. SAGE will also honor Gilead Sciences with the Corporate Leadership Award. Through Gilead’s HIV Age Positively initiative it supports SAGE’s efforts to publicly acknowledge, draw much-needed attention to & meet the needs of long-term survivors and LGBTQ+ older people. SAGE will also posthumously honor the legacy of Trans activist Gloria Allen affectionately nicknamed "Mama Gloria" with the Joyce Warshow Lifetime Achievement Award. Gloria pioneered a charm school for transgender youth at Chicago's Center offering lessons on manners, make-up & love. Among those attending will be Michael Adams, SAGE CEO, New York State Senator Brad Hoylman & Jabari Brisport as well as New York State Assemblymember Phara Souffrant Forrest & Jessica González-Rojas with New York City Council Speaker Adrienne E. Adams, Erik Bottcher, Crystal Hudson & New York City Department of the Aging Commissioner Lorraine CortĂ©s-Vázquez & more. The event raises funds through sponsorships & ticket sales to ensure LGBTQ elders have the support & resources they need to age with the dignity & respect they deserve.
Tyler Clementi Foundation Gala Event
The Tyler Clementi Foundation’s 8th Upstander Legacy Gala takes place Thursday October 20th from 6P to 9P in a new venue Rumi Event Space at 229 W 28th Street in NYC where they will be honoring actor & LGBTQ activist George Takei. This is a festive & fabulous evening dedicated to celebrating their important work to end online & offline bullying. Among the many who are creating safe & inclusive spaces in our nation George Takei is being honored for his activism & contribution to the arts. The Tyler Clementi Foundation is also honoring Warner Bros Discovery & entertainment will be provided by actor & performer Levin Valayil. This is the first time in 3 years the Tyler Clementi Foundation’s Upstander Legacy celebration will return to being an in-person gathering to celebrate those standing up against bullying behaviors in schools, workplaces & faith communities. The Tyler Clementi Foundation was established to honor the memory of Tyler Clementi who was an American student at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ who jumped to his death from the George Washington Bridge over the Hudson River at the age of 18 on September 22, 2010 after being bullied for being gay by his college roommate. The org was established to end online & offline bullying with an unique approach of programs promoting pro-active & positive action mixes prevention, remediation & larger systemic change, encouraging individuals & communities to take a stand against bullying. The Tyler Clementi Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. There will also be a VIP reception
from 5P to 6P followed by the main event.
Provincetown Women’s Week Film Fest
Since 1984 Provincetown has hosted Women's Week that takes place this year from October 10th to 16th with over 100 events including an exciting program of diverse films & conversations by emerging female filmmakers. It all began as an intimate clambake & has become one of the longest & largest running lesbian events in history. There will over 18 feature films & a shorts program presented by Provincetown Film Society including “Bring Her Home” that follows three Indigenous women, “Call Jane” addressing the abortion issue directed by Phyllis Nagy (CAROL) starring Elizabeth Banks & Sigourney Weaver, “Clambake” that documents Women's Week in Provincetown’s journey with archival footage, photos & interviews directed by Andrea Myerson, “Corsage”, the must-see “Esther Newton Made Me Gay”, “Fanny: The Right To Rock’’ the female garage band that morphed into the ferocious rock group, “Nanny”, “Orlando” presenting the 30th anniversary restoration, “Prognosis: Notes on Living”, “Queer Riot”, “She Said” a story that helped launch the #MeToo movement, “Sirens”, “Speed Sisters”, The Return of Tanya Tucker – Featuring Brandi Carlile”, “The Unknow Country” & 3 films by Elisabeth Subrin including “Shuli”, “Sweet Run” & Maria Schneider, 1983”. There will also be a collection of short films by women & for women including “Were You Gay in Highschool”, “Our Bed is Green”, “Egungun, Boy Parts, Et Chaque Nuit”, “Lucky Fish” & “A Wild Patience Has Taken Me Here”. Special screenings also include Academy Award nominated producer Amy Hobby who will present scenes from 2 new documentaries about influential female musicians & more. Then on Friday October 14th at 5P enjoy drinks & conversation with visiting artists & cinema lovers for a fabulous special event at the Mary Heaton Vorse House.
Boston LGBTQ History Month Portraits
To celebrate LGBTQ History Month in Boston a new public photography exhibition has been installed on the Boston Common to highlight the contributions of our Massachusetts LGBTQ community. The photo exhibit entitled ‘Portraits of Pride Boston’ will be on display now through October 29th. The installation features 8-foot portraits of local LGBTQ+ leaders from a variety of backgrounds is curated by area LGBTQ advocate & community organizer Jean E. Dolin & shot by world-renowned photographer John Huet (Vogue, Olympics, Nike). Dolin stated, “Now more than ever, it is essential to tell the stories of LGBTQ+ people & celebrate how far we’ve come. ‘Portraits of Pride’ uplifts our community’s many, many achievements in an artistic, intentional & public way. I am so proud to pay this tribute to my hometown & amplify the diverse, exceptional voices that make up Boston’s LGBTQ+ community. Massachusetts has consistently been setting the example of championing LGBTQ+ rights - not just for the country, but for the world - with many of those rights being the results of decades of hard work and advocacy. Through this exhibit, I want the public to get to know these champions & the collective history that exists in each of them.” Portraits of Pride will be on view for the public at the Boston Common at the corner of Charles Street & Beacon Street for the month of October. The exhibition is sponsored by Nonprofit Incubator & supported by the Boston Foundation, State Street, Eastern Bank & Leadership Brainery. An additional installation of the portraits will be exhibited on the Gallery Wall of Seaport Square at 60 Seaport Blvd. in Boston.
New Book Celebrates Jeanne Manford
As we kick off LGBTQ History Month PFLAG National has brought 13 celebrities together to share a special reading of the new American Psychological Association (APA) children’s book The Mother of a Movement: Jeanne Manford—Ally, Activist & Co-Founder of PFLAG written by Rob Sanders & illustrated by Sam Kalda. Celebrity readers included Dan Bucatinsky, Michael D. Cohen, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Ilana Glazer, Meena Harris, Jessica Hecht, Chef Melissa King, Alec Mapa, Max Mutchnick, Kumail Nanjiani, Avi Roque, Daphne Rubin-Vega & Amy Schneider have lent their voices & their affirmation of LGBTQ+ people in the video reading The Mother of a Movement. Brian K. Bond, Executive Director of PFLAG National stated, “In some ways, 2022 was made for people like Jeanne Manford, who was a teacher, a mother & a person who was unable to passively allow government officials to harm her LGBTQ+ child – or anyone else’s. Alongside her LGBTQ child, she founded a movement rooted in love, affirmation & that all LGBTQ+ people deserve dignity and respect. PFLAG National is very proud to partner with the American Psychological Association to tell Jeanne Manford’s story in this way and in this moment.” Frank C. Worrell, PhD, President of the American Psychological Association concluded, “APA's children's books help younger readers navigate life’s challenges & serve as a voice for those who have been marginalized for their differences or shamed for being their true selves. Psychological research has shown that stigma based on sexual orientation can affect children & adolescents & lead to depression, anxiety & self-harm. Mother of a Movement is a beautiful story demonstrating the positive impact of family love, acceptance, inclusion & belonging.”
Out Boulder County To Honor JVA Inc
Out Boulder County has announced that they will award JVA, Inc. with their 2022 Corporate Changemaker Award in recognition of their full commitment to LGBTQ inclusion demonstrated by their work on employment policies & to create a welcoming & affirming workplace culture. Tom Soell, one of the firm’s principals & Shane White, project engineer will accept the award at the 2022 Gayla on Saturday October 8th at the St. Julien Hotel Terrace in Boulder, Colorado.
Mardi Moore, Executive Director of Out Boulder County stated, “JVA, Inc. is deeply committed to LGBTQ equality & inclusion & it shows in their practices as an employer & commitment as a responsible community member. They are a rarity in the corporate & engineering sector. Many LGBTQ people feel unsafe at work making openly affirming & inclusive employers like JVA, Inc. critical.” JVA, Inc. is an engaged & active corporate community leader who participates in community efforts to support LGBTQ people in the Boulder Community & beyond. In addition to Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) representing Young Professionals & their Women’s Innovation Network, JVA, Inc. recently established a LGBTQ ERG that recognizes & enhances diversity & inclusivity for the LGBTQ & Non-Binary communities & allies. For over 25 years Boulder County has been the location for The GAYLA. The evening brings together hundreds of local community members, government officials & non-profit & corporate partners to fundraise to support the services & programs that Out Boulder County provides to the LGBTQ+ community in Boulder & beyond. This year’s Gayla will include remarks on mental health & addiction from songwriter & performer Paul Williams. Williams has won an Oscar, three Grammy Awards, two Golden Globe Awards & has been inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame.
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