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Transgender Boy Scouts Welcomed

Some good news for our LGBT community in these challenging times. The Boy Scouts of America has stated that they will begin accepting members based on the gender listed on their application which will finally pave the way for transgender boys to join the organization. Michael Surbaugh, Boy Scouts of America Chief Executive stated, “After weeks of significant conversations at all levels of our organization, we realized that referring to birth certificates as the reference point is no longer sufficient.” Zach Wahls, Co-founded Scouts for Equality stated, “From our perspective, they clearly did the right thing. My team & I knew that they were considering a policy change, but we are both heartened & surprised by how quickly they moved to change the situation.” This come after last year the Boy Scouts of America removed an 8-year-old transgender boy from the Secaucus, N.J., Cub Scout pack he had joined. The new policy on Boy Scouts of America website states: “For more than 100 years, the Boy Scouts of America, along with schools, youth sports & other youth organizations, have ultimately deferred to the information on an individual’s birth certificate to determine eligibility for our single-gender programs. However, that approach is no longer sufficient as communities & state laws are interpreting gender identity differently & these laws vary widely from state to state. Starting today, we will accept & register youth in the Cub and Boy Scout programs based on the gender identity indicated on the application. Our organization’s local councils will help find units that can provide for the best interest of the child.”
For More Info: scouting.org
Listen: Grammy Winner Janis Ian Speaks OUT & Goes Viral
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Boston Generational Lesbian Event

Boston OLOC (Old Lesbians Organizing For Change) will be meeting on Sunday February 5th from 2P to 4P for an important program entitled “A Conversation Between Generations”. The program consists of a panel including Bren Cole of Fenway Health, Nicole Sullivan of Boston Feminists for Liberation, Journey Joyner-Mayr, Amanda Reveles of Youth Conference HGBC, Erin Tate, Chris Joseph, a peer counselor at GLASS, The Hispanic Black Gay Coalition (HBGC) & Shaunya Thomas of LOCS Collective (Lesbians of Color Symposium). Jyl Lynn Felman & Sarah Pearlman will be moderating & questioning the panelists. Pearlman stated, “In these troubling & divisive times, solidarity between groups is more important than ever. With hopes of beginning to bridge a generational divide, Boston OLOC is hosting a cross-generational conversation between our older & primarily lesbian identified audience & people of a younger generation. Panelists will discuss such topics as what LGBTQQIA life is like today for a younger & more inclusive generation, current identity language, how they refer to themselves (& why), feminism & fears & concerns resulting from the election & new administration as well as addressing questions to the OLOC audience on why a lesbian identity & what life is like for our generation of old lesbians.” The event takes place at Brookline Senior Center, 93 Winchester Street in Brookline, MA. Following the event there will be an early dinner at Sichuan Garden, 295 Washington Street in Brookline Village, Brookline.
For More Info: spearlman@hartford.edu
Listen: Loni Anderson Talks Sitcom “My Sister is So Gay”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Trump Making America Unsafe

Trump signed an executive order that blocks any immigration relief to those coming to the U.S. from predominantly Muslim countries, suspending the refugee program that has saved the lives of thousands of displaced people, treats asylum seekers who are fleeing violence & persecution in their own countries as suspected threats to our national security, increases the use of costly & inhumane mandatory detention including immigrants who have no record of criminal or violent behavior & erodes state & local control of community policing. Wade Henderson, President & CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil & Human Rights stated, “President Trump rode a wave of bigotry into the White House & ushered in a new era of hostility against American Muslims. He campaigned as a demagogue & is now governing as a demagogue. Banning or profiling people of faith is ineffective for our national security; it fans flames of bigotry & makes us all less safe. Trump’s recent actions to build a wall around the country, to strike fear in the heart of immigrants & now toward banning refugees & religious minorities make his America look more like a police state than the republic we truly are. Our republic is stronger & more dynamic because of its refugees, immigrants & religious diversity. But this administration is governing out of baseless fear & our nation’s immigrants & people of faith are paying a dear price. The administration should immediately cancel these actions, stop the bullying & govern in a way that’s inclusive & actually makes us all safer.”
For More Info: civilrights.org

Listen:  “Be The Change” Creators Talk Campaign Against Hate
Listen: Loni Anderson Talks New Sitcom “My Sister is So Gay”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


The Center LGBT Theater Event

The View UpStairs, the provocative new musical written by Max Vernon, directed by Scott Ebersold & choreographed by Al Blackstone are teaming up with the New York LGBT Community Center at 208 West 13th Street in NYC for a special event exploring the musical next Wednesday, February 1st at 7P. The evening will include a musical sneak peek into the show with the cast & a special panel will include my good friend famed journalist Michael Musto, Robb Leigh Davis (Director of Cultural Engagement for The Center), Ross Murray (Programs Director, Global and U.S. South, GLAAD) & the show’s creator Max Vernon, moderated by the show’s director Scott Ebersold. The View UpStairs takes place inside the UpStairs Lounge, a vibrant ‘70s gay bar in the French Quarter of New Orleans. This forgotten community comes to life in all its gritty, glam rock glory when a young fashion designer from 2017 buys the abandoned space, setting off an exhilarating journey of seduction & self-exploration that spans two generations of queer history. Inspired by one of the most significant yet all-but-ignored attacks against the LGBTQ community, The View UpStairs examines what has been gained & lost in the fight for equality & how the past can help guide all of us through an uncertain future The cast will be accompanied by James Dobinson, the show’s Music Supervisor & Orchestrator. Tickets are $10 & include admission, talkback & complimentary reception.
For More Info & Tix: gaycenter.org
Listen: Loni Anderson Talks New Sitcom “My Sister is So Gay”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Trump Pens Attack On Immigrants

Trump signed two executive orders calling for the building of his $14 billion wall at the United States & Mexico border. The executive orders also increase the policing, detention & criminalization of undocumented immigrants & stripped federal funding from local governments that are welcoming to undocumented immigrants. Rea Carey, National LGBTQ Task Force Executive Director stated, "President Donald Trump’s action is an egregious attack on immigrants & their families, including LGBTQ immigrants. Instead of taking steps to fix our broken immigration system, President Donald Trump is adding fuel to a fire that continues to tear families apart, deny undocumented immigrants of their human dignity & vilify Muslims. The President & Vice President are circumventing Congress by fulfilling campaign promises built on fear mongering, racism, bigotry, xenophobia & violence. Their agenda of hate is contrary to the core American values of freedom, justice & equality & downright dangerous to the lives of millions of black & brown people, LGBTQ people & allies in this country. This week alone, we’ve seen executive actions attacking women’s access to reproductive health at home & abroad; a decision to move forward with environmentally dangerous pipeline projects that disrespect indigenous people of this nation; directly attack & criminalize immigrants & Muslims & a direct attack on voting rights that is designed to strengthen arguments for voter ID & other barriers to exercising our constitutional rights. We will continue to fight back & resist President Trump’s deplorable attacks on the lives & wellbeing of the nation’s most vulnerable. We urge everyone to join us as we organize, train & push Congress to protect everyone against the devastating harm caused by President Trump & Vice President Pence administration’s agenda.”
For More Info: thetaskforce.org

Listen:  “Be The Change” Creators Talk Campaign Against Hate
Listen: Loni Anderson Talks New Sitcom “My Sister is So Gay”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Bill To Prevent Trump Nuclear Strike

While Trump has been attempting to destroy America by signing executive orders Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D-California) & Senator Ed Markey (D-Massachusetts) reintroduced the Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act to Congress. The bill would prohibit President Trump from launching a nuclear first strike without a Congressional declaration of war & is endorsed by the international Global Zero movement for the elimination of nuclear weapons. Rep. Ted Lieu stated, “Our Constitution created a government based on checks & balances & gave the power to declare war solely to the people’s representatives. A nuclear first strike, which can kill hundreds of millions of people & invite a retaliatory strike that can destroy America, is war. The current nuclear launch approval process, which gives the decision to potentially end civilization as we know it to a single individual, is flatly unconstitutional.” Derek Johnson, Executive Director of Global Zero stated, “In the wake of the presidential election, the American people are more concerned than ever about the terrible prospect of nuclear war & what the next commander-in-chief will do with the proverbial ‘red button.’ One modern nuclear weapon is more destructive than all of the bombs detonated in World War II combined yet there is no check on a president’s ability to launch the thousands of nuclear weapons at his command. His power to do so is absolute. Within 5 minutes of giving the order, these civilization-ending missiles would fire from underground silos & hurtle across the Earth at roughly 22 times the speed of sound. There would be no take-backs. They would hit their target cities in 30 minutes or less. That such devastating power is concentrated in one person is an affront to America’s founding principles. The proposed legislation is an important first step to reining in this autocratic system & making the world safer from nuclear catastrophe.”
For More Info: globalzero.org

Listen:  “Be The Change” Creators Talk Campaign Against Hate
Listen: Loni Anderson Talks Sitcom “My Sister is So Gay”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Oscars Loving & LGBT Moonlight

 "La La Land" dominated the Oscars with fourteen nominations, LGBT themed “Moonlight” received eight nominations & newcomer Ruth Negga received Best Actress in a Leading Role nomination for “Loving.” Based on the historic legal case, “Loving V. Virginia,” “Loving” is a timely film about overcoming significant, systemic obstacles during the Civil Rights Movement telling the true story of the plaintiffs, interracial couple Richard & Mildred Loving. With everyone’s civil rights in jeopardy in the Trump administration its an important film to catch especially since the case was cited over & over again in our fight to win marriage equality. Ruth Negga stated, “I am truly humbled by the news this morning & I thank the Academy for this recognition, which I share with my co-collaborators Jeff Nichols & Joel Edgerton. It has been such an honor to have been given the opportunity to tell the incredible story of Richard & Mildred Loving, who serve as an inspiration that ordinary people can do extraordinary things. The Lovings fought quietly yet tirelessly & changed the course of American legal history. Today, to be among such extraordinary women - my fellow nominees, my peers with films this year & the legendary performers whose work of years past has long inspired me...this means a great deal to me.” The 89th Academy Awards will be announced at a live ceremony on ABC on February 26th at 8P hosted by Jimmy Kimmel.
For A Complete List of Nominations…

Listen:  “Be The Change” Creators Talk Campaign Against Hate
Listen: Loni Anderson Talks New Sitcom “My Sister is So Gay”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


A New American Gold Standard

After months of dreading what will happen in America for our LGBT community when Trump officially became the 45th president we immediately experienced it as his homophobic administration removed the LGBT rights page from the government website on January 20th. After millions of people protested globally on Saturday for the Women's March For America sending an important unified message to Trump that we believe in basic dignity, respect & equal rights for every person in this country & that we are committed to fighting back against bigotry in all its forms, his reaction was a tweet from ‏@realDonaldTrump on January 22nd stating “Watched protests yesterday but was under the impression that we just had an election! Why didn't these people vote? Celebs hurt cause badly.” We would like to remind Trump that we all did vote however the popular vote was for Hillary Clinton not for him. We also learned on January 20th that climate change & civil rights pages have also been removed from the official government website & he even censored the Twitter account of the National Parks Service for posting photos that proved his crowd size was less than Obama's. Now after enduring a phony press conference to lambast the media about reporting facts & figures that we could obviously see with our own eyes the new press secretary refused to answer questions. Adding more insult to injury, Sunday we had to listen to Trump’s representative KellyAnne Conway on national TV bold-faced lying & calling it "alternative facts". Perhaps it’s time to replace Trump with an alternative president. Suggestions???

Listen:  “Be The Change” Creators Talk Campaign Against Hate
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Massachusetts Leaders Lead March

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, Senator Ed Markey, Attorney General Maura Healey, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh were among others who spoke at the rally for the Boston Women's March For America that drew over 125,000 citizens & then they led the march through Boston’s historical Back Bay. The Women's March For America event included 600 marches in cities globally that included 7 continents & over 1 million marchers participated nationwide. All the leaders & celebrities sent an important & unified message to Trump that we believe in basic dignity, respect & equal rights for every person in this country & that we are committed to fighting back against bigotry in all its forms. Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey stated, “We need to act to build on & protect the progress we’ve made in our communities, throughout Massachusetts & across the nation. I’m thrilled to stand with you in this historic march for our shared values & priorities.” The Trump administration has yet to make a statement or reacted to  the Women's March For America events. Instead his press secretary lashed out at the media for reporting the truth about the actual audience size of Trump’s presidential inaugural speech event which was reported as the smallest attendance in decades. Perhaps when it comes to this new administration only size matters & if you have a larger audience, larger popular vote or any other statistic greater than Trump, you just don’t exist.

  Listen:  “Be The Change” Creators Talk Campaign Against Hate
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Transgender Ban Laws Shut Down

There have been early wins for our LGBTQ community with the beginning legislation sessions in Indiana & Virginia shutting down proposed anti-Transgender bathroom ban laws & the House Speaker in Texas said a similar proposal was not a high priority & warned that it could be bad for business. Rebecca Isaacs, Equality Federation Executive Director stated, “People across the political spectrum are beginning to understand that discrimination is bad for business & that transgender people should have the same, fair opportunity to provide for themselves & their families as everyone else. All of us, including the transgender woman who lives every day as the woman she is, should be able to go to work, out to dinner & to see a movie with her family without fear of discrimination.” Indiana Representative Cindy Kirchhofer, chair of the Public Health Committee to which the anti-transgender bill, HB 1361, was assigned, said she would not hear the bill due to other pressing priorities & in Virginia, lawmakers voted down an anti-transgender bathroom ban with a voice vote. James Parrish, Executive Director of Equality Virginia stated, “We applaud this decision by the House committee & recognize decisions like these keep Virginia on the path to full equality. We are pleased to see members of both parties stepping forward to make sure this bill was dead on arrival, causing no further harm to the transgender community.” Business leaders in all three states have been speaking out about the potential economic impacts of passing discriminatory legislation such as anti-transgender bathroom bans, as North Carolina’s infamous HB 2 has cost the state millions of dollars in lost revenue.
For More Info: equalityfederation.org
  Listen:  “Be The Change” Creators Talk Campaign Against Hate
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Women’s March Anthem Goes Viral

Singer/songwriter Ann Hampton Callaway has written & produced a video anthem for the Women’s March on Washington that takes place Saturday January 21st. It’s entitled “The Women’s March Song (We Stand, We Rise, We March Together)”. Since its release last night it’s already accumulated over 100K views on Facebook. Ann Hampton Callaway stated, "After months of anguish about the direction things are going in our country, I was moved to write a song that expresses the many important issues women are marching about on January 21, 2017 just one day after the inauguration. Music is a great rally to action, call to unity & I tried to write a song that would rouse the millions of women marching around the world. It feels good to DO something & find such great fellowship at the same time!” The Women’s March on Washington & simultaneous marches taking place in cities across the country & globally will bring us together in solidarity recognizing our vibrant & diverse communities that are the strength of our country. The rhetoric of the past election cycle has insulted, demonized & threatened many of us including women, immigrants of all statuses, those with diverse religious faiths particularly Muslim, people who identify as LGBTQ, Native & Indigenous people, Black & Brown people, people with disabilities, the economically impoverished & survivors of sexual assault. We are all confronted with the question of how to move forward in the face of national & international concern & fear. Ann Hampton Callaway’s moving song will add to uniting the majority of American women & their partners & allies who refuse to watch our country go backwards in our commitment to  accomplishing full  equality.  
Lyrics In Comments
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Listen:  “Be The Change” Campaign A Family Affair Against Hate
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Betsy DeVos & Our LGBT Kids

Betsy DeVos is scheduled to begin her confirmation hearing Tuesday as Trump’s nominee for U.S. Secretary of Education. This is another one of Trump’s homophobic nominations that could really escalate LGBT bullying incidents in our schools. DeVos & her family have been huge contributors to national & local efforts to ban marriage equality, raising questions about the Trump’s administration’s treatment of LGBT students. Rick Zbur, Executive Director of Equality California stated, “All students should be able to attend school in a safe learning environment free from discrimination, harassment & a lack of acceptance. Bullied LGBT students, particularly those who do not conform to traditional gender norms, are at high risk. They fall behind in school, drop out, and attempt suicide at far higher rates than their non-LGBT peers.” Randi Weingarten, a lesbian & president of the American Federation of Teachers stated, “In nominating DeVos, Trump makes it loud & clear that his education policy will focus on privatizing, defunding & destroying public education in America. DeVos has no meaningful experience in the classroom or in our schools. The sum total of her involvement has been spending her family’s wealth in an effort to dismantle public education in Michigan. Every American should be concerned that she would impose her reckless & extreme ideology on the nation.” Everyone needs to contact their U.S. Senators to carefully examine DeVos views on challenges facing LGBT students, including bullying, access to school bathrooms, other facilities & programs for transgender students.
For More Info: glsen.org

 Listen:  “Be The Change” Creators Talk Campaign Against Hate
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Martin Luther King Day Video

Here we are on Martin Luther King Day honoring one of the great leaders in the advancement of equality in America just days from the inauguration of Donald Trump who appears from his cabinet selections determined to set civil rights in this country backwards by at least 60 years. So many Democrats in Congress are boycotting the event set for January 20th with civil rights icon Congressman John Lewis leading the way stating, "We must not be silent. I don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president. I think the Russians participated in helping him get elected & in destroying the candidacy of Hillary Clinton. I think there was a conspiracy on the part of Russians & others that helped him get elected. That's not right, that's not fair. That's not the open democratic process. When you see something that's not right you have a moral obligation to do something." There will be a massive Women's March For America in Washington DC on Saturday January 21st & also huge marches in major cities throughout the US sending a message to our leaders & the world that the United States of America stands for values of human dignity, equal rights & freedom from discrimination. Martin Luther King, Jr. stated, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Today King’s words ring true now more than ever.

 Listen:  “Be The Change” Creators Talk Campaign Against Hate
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Boston Women's March For America

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren & Attorney General Maura Healey will join the Boston Women's March For America that has been described as a "sister march" on the wave of the Women’s March in Washington, D.C. on January 21st. Organizers predict over 25,000 participants will rally on the Boston Common at the corner of Beacon & Charles Streets on Saturday January 21st from 11A to 3P & then march through Back Bay to mobilize for future action. The event is intended to "send a message to our leaders & the world that the United States of America stands for values of human dignity, equal rights & freedom from discrimination," a press release from the Boston organizers states. Senator Warren stated, “I stand shoulder-to-shoulder with women & people of all backgrounds from across Massachusetts at the Boston Women’s March for America. This gathering is a chance for us to come together to make clear that we believe in basic dignity, respect & equal rights for every person in this country & that we are committed to fighting back against bigotry in all its forms.” Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey added, “We need to act to build on & protect the progress we’ve made in our communities, throughout Massachusetts & across the nation. I’m thrilled to stand with the people in this historic march for our shared values & priorities.” Senator Warren, Attorney General Healey & Boston Mayor Marty Walsh will speak at the rally among others.
For More Info... 
Listen:  “Be The Change” Campaign A Family Affair Against Hate
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


The Truth About Fake News

As we head into a new era in America we enter with an alarming trend called “Fake News.” First we observed it on Facebook with disturbing obituaries about some of our favorite celebrities that turned out to be false. This led to fake news dominating our presidential election with fabricated stories about Hillary Clinton that were used to rally Trump supporters into believing these lies were real. This all unfortunately contributed to the election of Donald Trump about to become the 45th President of this country. After watching his first press conference which was a global embarrassment, we observed Trump beginning the event trying to spin the damaging Buzz Feed & CNN report that a dossier, compiled by former MI6 agent Christopher David Steele alleges Russia has compromising information on Trump as totally fake news. READ FULL DOCUMENT… Now one thing that we have concluded about Donald Trump is that he is an authentic liar to the degree that he even begins to believe his lies creating his own brand of fake news. We have come to the conclusion that if you believe anything he says wait a moment & he will deny it. As we are in the countdown to the presidential inauguration next Friday it will be interesting to see what will be next in the name of fake news.
LISTEN New Transgender Documentary “Deep Run” On World Channel
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Sessions Confirmation Hearing

His name sounds like something out of “Auntie Mame” but Senator Jefferson Beauregard "Jeff" Sessions III is one of the most homophobic candidates Trump has chosen as his Attorney General‎ selection. His Senate confirmation hearing begins today. Rick Zbur Equality California Executive Director stated, “Sen. Jeff Sessions’ long record of disinterest in, at best, or outright hostility to protecting the civil rights of LGBT people, women & communities of color disqualifies him from serving as U.S. attorney general. His record has demonstrated that he is incapable of performing one of the chief duties of the office: ensuring that our nation’s civil & voting rights laws are enforced fairly & thoroughly. Sessions’ contempt for the LGBT community is well documented. He is a current co-sponsor of the so-called First Amendment Defense Act (FADA), which would give businesses, landlords or even government agencies license to discriminate against LGBT people if an individual believes that doing so would violate his or her religious beliefs. He was a longtime supporter of efforts to amend the U.S. Constitution to ban marriage equality in all 50 states & supported federal legislation that would invalidate state laws permitting gay & lesbian couples to marry. He opposed the repeal of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” & fought against federal laws protecting LGBT people from hate crimes. In addition, Sessions has displayed hostility to women, opposing the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act & to African-Americans, famously calling a black attorney ‘boy’ & suggesting that a white attorney representing black clients was a race traitor. Those comments disqualified him from serving as a federal judge in 1986 & similarly disqualify him from serving as U.S. attorney general today.” Please contact your Senators to reject his nomination.
LISTEN New Transgender Documentary “Deep Run” On World Channel
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Meryl Streep Rocks Golden Globes

Meryl Streep’s remarks at the Golden Globe Awards were spot on. It was one of the best segments of the show. Of course it resulted in Trump going ballistic on Twitter but one of the best reactions we found was by Matt Thorn, Executive Director of OutServe-SLDN the LGBT military organization who stated on Facebook, “I think the most important part of Meryl's speech was highlighting the fact that this position, President of the United States, as the most revered office in the world comes with it an inherent responsibility that he or she who holds that office must to the best of their ability be the best of our country. Currently the President-Elect on several occasions has not exuded the core values that make up our country. This isn't to say that all previous presidents have been perfect but that they must try to be the better part of us & Mr. Trump has not & his Twitter reactions to criticism are evident that he is more concerned about himself. Disrespect is chiding a gold star family, discrediting a Senators military service because he was a POW, called a contestant on a beauty pageant fat & mocking a disabled reporter. It is not disrespectful to call & brings those actions to the forefront of people's consciences, it is accountability. Every president whether democratic or republican must be accountable for their actions because they are the representative of our country & should embody to the best of their ability what makes us good. Trump has not exuded that with his actions or behavior. I did not vote for Trump, I do not support his policies. I vehemently disagree with him but that is my right under the constitution just like it was Meryl's. It is our job as citizens to hold our public servants accountable on all sides of the aisle and in all offices up & down the ballot. Holding them accountable is not party based its constitutionally based.”
For More Info: outserve-sldn.org
LISTEN New Transgender Documentary “Deep Run” On World Channel
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


The Dinah Palm Springs 2017

The iconic lesbian event Club Skirts Dinah Shore Weekend that takes place in Palm Springs, California from March 29th to April 2nd is continuing to make its presence felt across our country & around the world by raising the visibility of women in all facets of life, from artists, to comics, to filmmakers, to athletes & beyond. For over a quarter century Mariah Hanson founder & producer of the largest lesbian event in the world affectionately known as The Dinah has not only been delivering epic good times to our global lesbian community but she has also been successfully moving the needle with her ongoing commitment to amplifying, championing & celebrating women’s voices & talent. This year Dinah 2017 will celebrate & honor the trailblazing women in the Arts, Sports & Entertainment industry who have achieved historic firsts. Mariah Hanson stated, “Now more than ever, it is enormously important to celebrate & raise the visibility of women breaking glass ceilings especially within our own community because we need to be reminded that we are strong, capable, united & powerful in a time when our voices, especially spoken in unity, are needed more than ever before. The Dinah has always stood for living out loud in celebration of our unique & incredible lives. This year we are bringing that message up a few notches.” The 27th installment of The Dinah is already expected to be one of the major highlights of the 2017 Palm Springs festival season with a powerful all-female line-up covering the entire gamut of the entertainment spectrum including sports, music, fashion, comedy, film & TV.
For More Info & Tix: thedinah.com
LISTEN New Transgender Documentary “Deep Run” On World Channel
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Ploumpis Joins Equality California

Veteran political strategist Valerie Ploumpis has been hired by Equality California as its first national policy director in light of the unprecedented threat to LGBT civil rights represented by the incoming Donald Trump Administration & 115th Congress. Ploumpis will lead Equality California’s legislative & administrative programs in Washington, D.C. Rick Zbur, Executive Director of Equality California stated, “We’re thrilled that Valerie will move into this new role leading our federal advocacy efforts. Now more than ever, California is positioned as a bastion of LGBT civil rights & as a beacon of hope in Donald Trump’s America. Valerie will play an instrumental role as we fight attacks on the Affordable Care Act that so many LGBT people rely on, on undocumented immigrants & on the LGBT community in general.” Valerie Ploumpis concluded, “As a native Californian & long-time DC resident, I am thrilled to be joining Equality California at this critical juncture. With the incoming Trump Administration & the 115th Congress, Equality California will be on the ground to defend the programs on which every LGBT Californian, our families & our communities rely. The stakes are high but so is our resolve and passion.” Ploumpis is a political expert with more than two decades of experience in issue-advocacy campaigns, grassroots education & mobilization, coalition building, lobbying & media outreach. She serves on the board of directors of OutRight International, a global LGBT civil rights organization & prior to joining Equality California she was a principal at Burnside & Associates where she managed political & mobilization campaigns.
For More Info: eqca.org
LISTEN: Dominic Shellard On UK Students NYC Rally Against Hate 
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


LGBTQ Strive To Become Fearless

Since the election our LGBTQ community has been going through the 5 stages of grieving. Over the last few months most of our LGBTQ organizations have been working hard to raise funds to take on whatever Trump’s administration might dish out in an attempt to reverse the progress we have made towards obtaining full equality in this country. Now as we get back to work after celebrating the holidays we should be seeking out new leaders with new ideas about how to maintain the equality we have achieved during the Obama Administration & where we go from here. This is not a time to become fearful but a time of great opportunity for our community. Do not buy into people within our community who are basing their agenda on fear. There are so many people in this country who believe that financing organizations that are selling the fear factor will succeed in advancing LGBTQ equality. You cannot fear your enemies. You can be aware that they are a challenge for your success but throwing money at people without a plan will accomplish nothing. It probably won’t even maintain the progress that we have accomplished so far. Take these few weeks before the inauguration & think what personal goals you would like to achieve this year. Start dreaming again of a better life for your loved ones & your community & strive to become fearless.
LISTEN: Dominic Shellard On UK Students NYC Rally Against Hate 
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Sharon McNight As Sophie Tucker

“Red Hot Mama” is about the legendary performer Sophie Tucker the first lady of show business whose fabulous career spanned sixty years. It contains the music & history of burlesque, vaudeville, Broadway & Las Vegas in a critically acclaimed one-woman musical biography of the entertainment icon, written by & starring Sharon McNight & featuring over two dozen songs made famous by Tucker including composers Cole Porter, Irving Berlin, George & Ira Gershwin, Henderson, DeSylva, & Brown & her 1928 million record seller, Jack Yellen’s “My Yiddishe Mama”. Performances run now through January 29th at the Cinnabar Theater 3333 Petaluma Blvd N. at Skillman Lane, in Petaluma, California. "Red Hot Mama" was developed by Tony Nominee Sharon McNight at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts, Lucille Lortel’s White Barn Theatre & Santa Fe Stages before playing Off-Broadway for three months. Fierce LGBT ally Sharon McNight has been the forefront in the fight against AIDS since the early eighties & was featured in Randy Shilt's book "And The Band Played On". She was chosen twice as the honorary chair of the San Francisco AIDS Emergency Fund & was one of two heterosexual women chosen as the Grand Marshall of San Francisco’s Gay Pride Parade. Sharon says the greatest day of her life was the day she quit smoking.
For More Info & Tix… 
LISTEN: Dominic Shellard On UK Students NYC Rally Against Hate 
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


LGBTQ New Year’s Resolution

In wishing our global LGBTQ community & allies a fabulous 2017 we have to remember that nothing is so bad it can’t get worse & at the same time not to worry about things that will never happen. It’s a fine line but we can be crafty & creative & continue to move forward in these challenging times. When we recently asked political humorist Kate Clinton how she sees our LGBTQ community moving forward in a Trump administration Clinton stated, “Well I think historically the LGBT community has been very creative & there’s a lot going on and this certainly is a challenge. On December 1st, World AIDS Day I went down to The New York City AIDS Memorial & you know you are reminded of the creativity & fierceness that the gay community reacted to AIDS & we really transformed a healthcare system & made sure we got drugs in a timely manner & we took care of each other & there was great art produced & great anger so I think that we have the resilience & we will do it again. We’ve had victories & we’ve had a very short life as a movement. So it’s understandable that we’ll have some setbacks but I believe in the creativity & wonderful things that we come up with. My fear is being used by the Trump administration & I think in passing the federal marriage law we really reached out & it was a great strategy reaching out to republicans like Portman of Ohio who has a gay son and therefore he supported full equality rights for gay people which I always thought like couldn’t you possibly like dreamed it up yourself on your own, you have to have a son? But anyways, so I think that what I worry about now is that we could be used. We could be a wedge issue again, a pink-wash. That the Trump people they’re lovely people, they have a lot of humanity, look how wonderful they are to gay people, which will drive a wedge between us & people of color & it’s a dangerous thing. I think we really have to be careful how we use the Trump administration. I think to say it’s the lesser of two evils, we’ll pick that but it’s still evil. I think we have to rely on a moral compass at this moment.” HAPPY NEW YEAR & Let's  Continue The Fight For Full Equality.
LISTEN: Kate Clinton Delivers Our LGBT Year End Review
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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