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The Truth About Fake News

By Charlotte Robinson, January 13, 2017
As we head into a new era in America we enter with an alarming trend called “Fake News.” First we observed it on Facebook with disturbing obituaries about some of our favorite celebrities that turned out to be false. This led to fake news dominating our presidential election with fabricated stories about Hillary Clinton that were used to rally Trump supporters into believing these lies were real. This all unfortunately contributed to the election of Donald Trump about to become the 45th President of this country. After watching his first press conference which was a global embarrassment, we observed Trump beginning the event trying to spin the damaging Buzz Feed & CNN report that a dossier, compiled by former MI6 agent Christopher David Steele alleges Russia has compromising information on Trump as totally fake news. READ FULL DOCUMENT… Now one thing that we have concluded about Donald Trump is that he is an authentic liar to the degree that he even begins to believe his lies creating his own brand of fake news. We have come to the conclusion that if you believe anything he says wait a moment & he will deny it. As we are in the countdown to the presidential inauguration next Friday it will be interesting to see what will be next in the name of fake news.
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1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

Charlotte, you are so right. We really have to be vigilant moving forward.

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