OUTTAKE Media has launched a new site:
Massachusetts is ground zero for gay issues effecting this country & globally.
OUTTAKE VOICES™ provides a series of audio interviews produced by Boston-based OUTTAKE Media. This innovative series provides informative & intimate interviews with global LGBT leaders & their allies, hosted by Emmy Award Winner Charlotte Robinson.
Our first interviews include: Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin, Neil Giuliano President of GLAAD, Charles Robbins, CEO of The Trevor Project, Lee Swislow, Executive Director of GLAD, Reverend Richard Emmanuel & from the entertainment industry: Alan Ball, Oscar/Emmy winning Visionary & Canadian Rock Icon Carole Pope who discusses her fabulous career & love relationship with the legendary Diva Dusty Springfield.
OUTTAKE VOICES™ provides crucial civil rights information & addresses issues that effect our LGBT community including: Marriage, Parenting, Religion, Hate Crime Legislation, Equal Rights in the Workplace and the Military. It’s Time to Connect the Dots….
OUTTAKE VOICES™ Bridging the Gaps….
Check it OUT...:)
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage