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Congresswoman Baldwin on DHHS Ruling

By Charlotte Robinson, December 19, 2008
Bush has passed a Department of Health & Human Services ruling that threatens all Americans. What it states is that all health care workers can refuse to participate in any procedure they find morally objectionable....... Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin stated: "I am deeply troubled by the Bush Administration’s latest attack on patients’ rights & the doctor-patient relationship. This refusal clause puts ideology over health care & threatens access to quality care for all Americans. The refusal clause goes beyond women’s health & a woman’s right to an abortion or birth control. Under the new regulations, a doctor may also refuse to treat a gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender person. Medical care must be based on science & the patients’ best interest, not the providers’ religious, political, or other philosophical views. I will work with my partners in Congress & the Obama Administration to ensure that a patient’s health & safety are always paramount." Updates to come......

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