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Massachusetts LGBT Events

Celebrating LGBT Pride throughout June in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts begins on a crucial note. First we must call our state representatives & make sure that the Transgender Public Accommodations Bill (HB 4253) scheduled for a vote Wednesday June 1st passes. Then we will truly have a reason to celebrate. On Friday June 3rd the annual Boston Red Sox Pride Night event takes place kicking off LGBTQ Pride Week that runs through June 12th. The Red Sox will be playing the Toronto Blue Jays. New this year is a pre-game VIP Meet & Greet with Billy Bean, MLB's Vice-President, Social Responsibility & Inclusion. All tickets for the VIP Package include access to this event, a food & beverage buffet in the Champions Club & a copy of Billy Bean's book “Going the Other Way: An Intimate Memoir of Life In and Out of Major League Baseball”. Also in this weekend in Provincetown will be the first ever Provincetown International Film Festival Launch Party Weekend that takes place June 3rd to June 5th hosted by Screen Legend & LGBT Icon Tab Hunter & his partner Allan Glaser. Then on Sunday June 5th there are two fabulous events. First is the AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts 31st Annual AIDS Walk & 5K run in Boston that begins at the DCR Hatch Memorial Shell at 10A. Then is The Silver Party A Pride Dinner Dance for LGBT Seniors & Friends from 3P to 7P at the Brookline Holiday Inn at 1200 Beacon Street in Brookline, MA. More Evnts to come...:)
For More info: bostonpride.org
LISTEN: Icon Tab Hunter Talks PIFF Launch Weekend & More
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Trans Bill Vote In Massachusetts

It has been confirmed that the Massachusetts House of Representatives has scheduled a vote on the Transgender Public Accommodations Bill (HB 4253) for next Wednesday June 1st. This legislation will protect transgender people in Massachusetts from discrimination in public places. After passing the Senate on May 12th a vote in the House means that after years of advocacy a final vote on transgender nondiscrimination protections in public accommodations is a mere days away. Jennifer Levi GLAD Transgender Rights Project Director stated, “I was in the room for the Senate vote & the presence of the supporters in attendance was felt deeply. It has taken all of your dedication to get us this far & will take a strong presence on Wednesday to show the House this is a piece of legislation the community deserves. I also encourage you to send a message to your Representative about this bill, even if you have before. They will want to hear from you before they cast their decisive vote. Join us in person next week to support the passage of this necessary bill at the Massachusetts State House.” Once & for all we need to pass this long overdue legislation. We talked to Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey about the importance of passing this bill in this exclusive sound byte:
LISTEN: GLAAD Celebrity Activists & Allies Speak OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


BAGLY Celebrates LGBTQ Youth

While 11 states were filing a lawsuit against the Obama administration’s directive for more inclusive bathrooms for transgender students we were attending Out for Youth: Back to Basics the premier event for the Boston Alliance for LGBTQ Youth (BAGLY) to highlight the contributions & efforts of LGBTQ youth leaders to the social justice movement. It was held in Boston at the New England Aquarium on Wednesday May 25th celebrating 36 years of queer youth movement. Grace Sterling Stowell, BAGLY Executive Director stated, "LGBTQ youth, especially youth of color & trans/non-binary youth, are often on the front lines of our movement as we struggle to end discrimination, violence & oppression in our communities. BAGLY's life saving youth leadership, health promotion & advocacy work has served over 30,000 young people throughout Massachusetts & beyond since 1980. Tonight we celebrate 36 years of queer youth movement!" It was an evening of fabulous food, fun, networking & activism with over 200 hundred attendees. All the proceeds raised went 100% to support BAGLY’s #BACKTOBASICS mission in creating a safe place for LGBT youth to be free to be themselves which includes equal access to public bathroom accommodations for trans & nonconforming youth. Queer & trans youth need a space to be themselves, have the same opportunities to grow & learn development skills to reach their potential like everyone else does. This is our next generation & they need our support in these crucial times.
For More Info: bagly.org
LISTEN: GLAAD Celebrity Activists & Allies Speak OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Texas Anti LGBT Protest

Things are heating up in Texas. On Thursday May 26th lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender & queer (LGBTQ) youth & allies will protest Texas Governor Greg Abbott for supporting anti LGBTQ legislation & spreading hateful rhetoric against the LGBTQ community. The Texas LGBT community will be protesting his disappointing ally ship with North Carolina’s governor & supporting the outrageous House Bill 2 (HB2) that targets transgender & gender nonconforming individuals from using public facilities. Aquí Estamos, a youth-led LGBTQ organization in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas will be leading the protest with Texas Freedom Network, South Texans for Reproductive Justice, Curando RGV, Valley AIDS Council, PFLAG Harlingen & Call To Action RGV will be present during the demonstration. Ruben Garza, leader of Texas Freedom Network in the Rio Grande Valley stated, “We will be protesting against Greg Abbott because has continuously worked to restrict & undermine the rights & liberties of Texans. He has become a vocal opponent of legislation & ordinances that protect the rights & liberties of the LGBTQ community & transgender people. Greg Abbott is a roadblock in the path to justice, liberty & progress. Texas deserves better leadership & he must go!” They will be gathering in front of R Communications where Abbott will be hosting an event. The protest will be followed by a short program to highlight LGBTQ lives lost because of the hate Greg Abbott is spreading.
For More Info: aquiestamosrgv.org
LISTEN: GLAAD Celebrity Activists & Allies Speak OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Support This Important Gay Film

There’s a new crowd-funding campaign going on for “After Louie” the upcoming feature-length narrative film by lifelong activist & artist, Vincent Gagliostro who has been sited by New York Magazine as one of the six most influential players in the gay community during the 80s & 90s AIDS crisis. The film stars Alan Cumming & explores the contradictions of modern gay life & history through his role as a man desperate to understand how he & his community got to where they are today. Co-written by NYC writer & actor Anthony Johnston the project is currently immersed in a crowd-funding campaign with Kickstarter through June 2nd where it offers rewards including script consultations, film premiere tickets, artwork by Alan Cumming & more. Michael Cunningham Pulitzer Prize-Winning author stated, “Vincent Gagliostro is not only enormously gifted, he’s also been a radical, fearless and compassionate voice for decades, speaking for countless people whose stories would otherwise go undared.” The cast also includes Zachary Booth, Wilson Cruz, Anthony Johnston, Justin Vivian Bond & Joey Arias. Filmmaker Vincent Gagliostro concluded, "My film 'After Louie' is a portrait of what happened to us, the generation who endured the AIDS epidemic, a generation whose shared history continues to haunt us. In confronting the end of a traumatic era & provoking a conversation between generations, I dare us to dream of a new & vibrant future, again. 'After Louie' will be a testament to the joys of the fully lived life & the inseparability of art & living."
For Support & Info: kickstarter.com
LISTEN: GLAAD Celebrity Activists & Allies Speak OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Gay Vanity Wedding Show

In San Francisco on Sunday June 5th from 11A to 4P at The Bently Reserve at 301 Battery Street the most prominent wedding professionals in the business are coming together for a gay & lesbian wedding extravaganza. Style & panache are important especially on the biggest day of your life. This Gay Vanity Wedding Show will showcase a complete selection of products & services to complement a variety of tastes. Touch the gowns, taste the wedding cakes, smell the flowers & taste creative food & drinks. There will be a San Francisco-style wedding fashion show & live music with DJ presentations. There will also be food tastings & the latest makeup techniques as well as stunning floral arrangements. You’ll have access to browse aisles of vendors & take it all in as well as the chance to score some amazing prizes. However everyone leaves a winner because you'll come away full of ideas for a wedding that truly represents the unique personality of you & your spouse-to-be. In addition to all the fabulous giveaways, beverages at the event will be provided with a complimentary first drink. Delicious hors’ d’oeuvres will be provided by 49 Square Catering & don’t miss the Gallery Room, where a collection of designers will show us their best inspirational table displays.
For More Info & Tix...
LISTEN: GLAAD Celebrity Activists & Allies Speak OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Miss Trans Israel Pageant

The Miss Trans Israel pageant will be held on Friday May 27th in Tel Aviv marking the beginning of their Pride Events 2016. The groundbreaking event will take place at the Habima National Theater. The winner will be the Israeli representative at the Miss Trans Star International pageant in Barcelona, Spain in September. The contenders create a true Israeli mosaic with different backgrounds, communities & faiths. They are an example of courage & tolerance, highlighting the theme of this year's Tel Aviv Pride events: "Women for a Change". Among the 12 contenders are Carolin Khoury, a 24-year-old Israeli-Arab from Tel Aviv who wishes to show younger generations, especially in the Arab community, that transgenders can lead a normal life, Eileen Ben-Zaken, born in Jerusalem to a Jewish-Orthodox family is a hip-hop loving candy maker & Ta'alin Abu Hanna is a Christian-Arab ballet dancer originally from Nazareth. The Tel Aviv Pride Parade will open the pride season in Europe for 2016 on June 3rd with 180,000 participants expected to participate in the largest Pride Parade in the Middle East, marching along the Mediterranean Sea. Tel Aviv was named by the Boston Globe "the gayest city on earth" & ranked by CNN as "one of the world's top gay honeymoon spots". The focus of the Tel Aviv Pride events this year is LGBT Women in the Community.
For More Info…
LISTEN: GLAAD Celebrity Activists & Allies Speak OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


LGBTQ Out For Youth Event

Boston Alliance for LGBTQ Youth (BAGLY) Out for Youth: Back to Basics is the premier event in Massachusetts to highlight the contributions & efforts of LGBTQ youth leaders to the social justice movement. It takes place in Boston at the New England Aquarium on Wednesday May 25th from 6P to 9P celebrating 36 years of queer youth movement. Grace Sterling Stowell, BAGLY Executive Director stated, "LGBTQ youth, especially youth of color & trans/non-binary youth, are often on the front lines of our movement as we struggle to end discrimination, violence & oppression in our communities. BAGLY's life saving youth leadership, health promotion & advocacy work has served over 30,000 young people throughout Massachusetts & beyond since 1980 & this event is critically important in helping to ensure that BAGLY's work continues in the challenging years ahead. Come join us at BAGLY's Out for Youth: Back to Basics on May 25th at the New England Aquarium & help us celebrate 36 years of queer youth movement!" It will be night of music, food, fun, networking & activism. They’re taking over the New England Aquarium for this fabulous event with a bar, food music & entertainment. As always there will be amazing speakers, DELICIOUS food, cash bar & other surprises as the evening continues. Tickets are just $100 which is a 100% donation to the Boston Alliance for LGBTQ Youth.
For Info & Tix…
LISTEN: GLAAD Celebrity Activists & Allies Speak OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


LGBT Elders of Color Event

LGBT Elders of Color are hosting Flashback Sunday Pre-Pride Party on Sunday May 22nd from 3P to 6P at The Atrium Room on the 4th Floor located at 50 Church Street in Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA. We have a lot to celebrate. Boston Pride is honoring the late Bayard Rustin as Honorary Pride Marshall this year. Rustin who was always openly gay was a civil rights activist, gay activist & organizer of the 1963 March on Washington, D.C. We interviewed his partner Walter Naegle about Rustin who stated, “Bayard was a very important leader in the civil & human rights movement who happened to be LGBT & lived during a time when these kinds of things weren’t discussed. And yet he was able to live fairly openly as a gay man. He paid the price for it but actions that were taken to try & quiet him never really succeeded. He rose above all that stuff & was able to make a significant contribution to the democratization of our society as a whole, so that is really the reason why a lot of younger LGBT folks kind of lift him up now as an inspiration & as a hero.” So let’s celebrate Bayard Rustin’s legacy & more. There will be dancing, food & drinks with the music provided by DJ Derrick at this Flashback Sunday Event. This is a festive gathering for elders of color & their friends & supporters to mingle & network. There is a suggested donation of $10 that will help support future events.
LISTEN: GLAAD Celebrity Activists & Allies Speak OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


A Homophobic Week In Congress

An amendment to prohibit federal contractors from getting government work if they discriminate against our LGBT community has failed. It appears that after initially securing enough votes for passage GOP leadership coaxed several of their members to switch their votes to defeat the amendment. In an unprecedented move House Republican Leadership refused to release the names of the individuals who switched their vote. Congressman Mark Pocan stated, “Paul Ryan image of inclusion was shattered as he led his majority to deliver bigoted votes against the LGBT community in America. Apparently, Ryan thinks it’s OK to fire someone simply for who they are or who they love. The actions this week show why the GOP majority under the leadership of Ryan & Donald Trump are clearly out of touch with the majority of American people. The GOP majority’s willingness to so openly discriminate against the LGBT community underscores why the fight for equality in America is not over. We must continue to fight to ensure everyone can go through their daily lives without facing the threat of discrimination, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.” Matt Thorn, Executive Director, OutServe-SLDN added, “It is appalling that a majority of the House of Representatives has taken a vote on the National Defense Authorization Act that will include this amendment that will codify discrimination against the LGBT community. The inclusion of this language in the NDAA that would rescind vital, existing nondiscrimination protections for many LGBT workers will not be tolerated & we intend on preventing this amendment through the next steps of the legislative process including, if necessary, asking President Obama to veto.” Listen: Sarah McBride @ The Center For American Progress in Washington D.C. Talks About This:  
LISTEN: GLAAD Celebrity Activists & Allies Speak OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Eric Fanning U.S. Army Secretary

The Senate has confirmed Eric Fanning as Secretary of the U.S. Army. Fanning becomes the first openly gay leader of a U.S. military service & is now the highest openly LGBT appointed official in the Obama administration. Fanning was nominated by President Obama last September & the nomination was reported by the Senate Armed Services Committee in March but Fanning’s nomination had been blocked by Senator Pat Roberts (R-KS) over his unrelated concern regarding potential transfer of Guantanamo detainees. Matt Thorn Executive Director, OutServe SLDN stated, “Eric’s sexual orientation has absolutely no bearing on his ability to do this job; nor was it the reason for his nomination. But this milestone of having an openly gay individual in this high level position within the Department of Defense will help to continue to set a tone of understanding & respect for the LGBT community throughout the armed services. Eric knows every military service, the bureaucracy of the Pentagon & Capitol Hill inside & out & everyone Democrats & Republicans agrees that he will undoubtedly serve this post with honor, as he has done in all of his previous positions. As an individual who is deeply respected by both uniformed and civilian Department of Defense personnel we are thrilled that he has finally been confirmed.” Fanning’s nomination comes just 5 years after the historic end of the discriminatory “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) law that prohibited qualified gay & lesbian Americans from serving in the U.S. armed forces.
For More Info: outserve-sldn.org
LISTEN: LGBT Activist Sarah McBride Speaks OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Gay Marriage Celebrates 12 Years

May 17th marks the 12th anniversary of marriage equality in Massachusetts. It was a watershed moment in the history of civil rights when the landmark Goodridge ruling designated the constitutional right of gay & lesbian marriages in Massachusetts & at midnight on May 16, 2004 Cambridge, MA was the first city in the United States to issue marriage licenses for gay & lesbian couples. We were there & filmed our historic award-winning short film entitled OUTTAKE: Gay Marriage 2004 shot from midnight on May 17th 2004 in Cambridge & throughout the day in Boston when marriage equality became the law in Massachusetts. Now 12 years later we’re still fighting the backlash of 200 state cases throughout this country still bent on taking the right to marry away from our LGBT community. As an advocate for LGBT equality over the last 12 years I’m proud of my community resilience to keep moving forward until the Equality Act becomes the law of the land. In 2013 Hillary Clinton stated, "LGBT Americans are our colleagues, our teachers, our soldiers, our friends & our loved ones & they are full & equal citizens & deserve the rights of citizenship. That includes marriage…that's why I support marriage for lesbian & gay couples. I support it personally & as a matter of policy & law.” Happy 12th Anniversary Massachusetts!! WATCH HISTORIC VIDEO:
LISTEN: LGBT Activist Sarah McBride Speaks OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Why ABC Cancelled Nashville

We were at the 27th GLAAD Awards in NYC as Connie Britton made her way down the Red Carpet a day after learning her fabulous & relevant ABC series Nashville had been canceled. What could we say but we love you. This cancellation is also a major blow for our LGBT community because the show not only included the rarity of a weekly LGBT character upcoming country music star Will Lexington played by Chris Carmack but the storyline was groundbreaking as he dealt with his sexual orientation on a primetime television network. Nashville’s show writers have been brilliant with Will’s storyline exposing homophobia in the South to the max. Could this all be part of what caused the show to be cancelled because crazier than fiction all this was happening while in real time last month Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam passed House Bill 1840 that allows counselors & therapists to deny LGBT patients if they feel would violate their "sincerely held principles." Not to mention at the same time Tennessee House Bill 2414 was circulating that bars our transgender community for using school bathrooms that correspond with their gender identity. Thankfully on Friday President Obama & his administration as well as the U.S. Department of Education issued new guidance for the safety & inclusion of transgender students. The new guidelines help to ensure transgender students will be treated fairly in public & federally funded schools, including equitable access to facilities such as restrooms & locker rooms. But back to the cancellation of Nashville, we need more LGBT stories on mainstream television & hopefully Nashville will find a new home on another venue so our stories will continue to be told.
LISTEN: LGBT Activist Sarah McBride Speaks OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Obama Appoints Barbara Satin

The White House announced that the National LGBTQ Task Force's Barbara Satin has been appointed to serve on President Obama's Advisory Council on Faith-based Neighborhood Partnerships. Satin is the first transgender woman to serve on this presidential body. Barbara Satin, Assistant Faith Work Director, National LGBTQ Task Force stated, “I am both honored & humbled to be selected to serve on the President’s advisory council. Given the current political climate, I believe it’s important that a voice of faith representing the transgender & gender non-conforming community as well as a person of my years, nearly 82 be present and heard in these vital conversations.” In addition to working at the National LGBTQ Task Force, Satin has been heavily involved in the development of Spirit on Lake, a LGBTQ senior housing project in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The housing project is a 46-unit affordable rental facility that opened in September 2013. She also sits on the boards of a number of non-profits that serve LGBTQ people in the areas of philanthropy, training of senior care providers & HIV/AIDS services. As an active member of the United Church of Christ, she has served on the denomination’s Executive Council & was involved in the church’s 2003 decision to affirm the inclusion of transgender people in the full life & ministry of the United Church of Christ. Satin is a United States Air Force veteran.
LISTEN: Trans Activist Sarah McBride Speaks OUT

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Massachusetts Trans Rights Now

The Massachusetts Senate will debate SB 735 the long awaited floor vote on transgender non-discrimination protections in public accommodations on Thursday May 12th. This extremely long over due legislation will protect transgender citizens living or visiting Massachusetts from discrimination in public places like parks, hotels & restaurants. It’s been 10 years since nondiscrimination protections for transgender people were first introduced in Massachusetts that fell short of full trans equality which means that transgender residents & visitors have been living in the shadow of discrimination. We hope that Massachusetts lawmakers do the right thing & take the necessary steps to ensure our transgender community are treated fairly & equally under the law in the Commonwealth. Janson Wu GLAD Executive Director stated, “Transgender people in Massachusetts should not have to live in fear of unfair treatment or harm every time they leave their home or workplace. This past year has shown movement like never before towards ensuring everyone is treated fairly & equally under the law. This is a make or break moment in the campaign to protect transgender people in Massachusetts from discrimination in public places like parks, hotels & restaurants.” Massachusetts residents click here to rush a message to your senator right now telling them to vote YES on SB 735 this Thursday May 12th & support equal protections for transgender people who are proud to call Massachusetts their home.
Click Here….
Listen To Massachusetts AG Maura Healey Talks Trans Bill SB 735 In This Exclusive Sound Byte:
LISTEN: Trans Activist Sarah McBride Speaks OUT
Deena Kaye Rose Talks Trans Book 'Some Days Are Diamonds'
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Massachusetts Transgender Bill

The Massachusetts Senate has confirmed that they will debate SB 735 the long awaited floor vote on transgender non-discrimination protections in public accommodations on Thursday May 12th. This is an extremely important bill that will protect transgender citizens in Massachusetts from discrimination in public places like parks, hotels & restaurants. It’s been 10 years since full nondiscrimination protections for transgender people were first introduced in Massachusetts. That’s 10 years that transgender residents & visitors have been living in the shadow of discrimination. We hope that Massachusetts lawmakers will take the necessary steps to ensure our transgender community are treated fairly & equally under the law in the Commonwealth. Marty Rouse, HRC National Field Director stated, “This past year has shown movement like never before & now we’re at the cusp of making history. HRC is a member of the Freedom Massachusetts coalition & has built an unprecedented campaign alongside businesses, faith leaders, law enforcement agencies & school associations in support of comprehensive transgender non-discrimination. Send a message to your senator right now telling them to vote YES on SB 735 this Thursday.” Once & for all we need to pass this long overdue legislation. We talked to Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey about the importance of passing this bill in this exclusive sound byte:
For More Info…
Deena Kaye Rose Talks Trans Book 'Some Days Are Diamonds'
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Ending Transgender Discrimination

We have a crucial fight on our hands in this country. Discrimination on any level is unacceptable. We have come so far with marriage equality but the backlash has resulted in over 200 state discriminatory bills against out LGBT community. Governor Pat McCrory has now filed a lawsuit against the Department of Justice in an attempt to recklessly defend North Carolina's vile anti-transgender law HB2. Within hours the DOJ responded by filing a lawsuit against the state of North Carolina for violating the Civil Rights Act & the Violence Against Women Act by implementing this hateful law. At the same time in the California Assembly bills were passed to combat this unacceptable discrimination. One would prohibit state-funded or sponsored travel to a state after June 26, 2015 that has enacted a law that voids or repeals existing state or local protections against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression or has enacted a law that authorizes or requires discrimination against gay & lesbian couples or their families on those bases. The other would enact the most progressive statewide restroom access policy in the nation, requiring all single-occupancy restrooms in businesses, government buildings & places of public accommodation to be available to everyone. Restricting access to single-occupancy restrooms by gender creates problems of safety, fairness & convenience for LGBT people & many others, including families & people with disabilities. The DOJ needs to follow California’s example & make this progressive legislation the law of the land.
For Trans United Info & Watch Video…
Deena Kaye Rose Talks Trans Book 'Some Days Are Diamonds'
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Parents of Trans Kids Speak OUT

With the Department of Justice stepping up to hold North Carolina accountable for their anti gay & transgender bill HB2 the Trans United Fund (TUF), a recently formed political advocacy organization has produced a moving & historic video ad utilizing the voices of parents of trans children & speaking directly to the impact of the increasingly hostile rhetoric faced by the trans community. Hayden Mora, TUF board chair stated, “Trans United Fund was founded on the conviction that nothing is more transformative than trans people & our families sharing their lives authentically. For too long, the voices of bullies who play to the public's worst fears & demonize our community have been the loudest. For too long, trans people & our families have been kept out of the spotlight for fear that the truth of our lives would be 'off message.' This ad shares the story of three incredibly loving mothers & their children. The story of a mother's love, dreams & hopes for her children & fierce commitment to protect them is something that all Americans understand.” Trans United Fund is committed to building the political power of trans & gender expansive communities & their allies to advocate for trans equality. Trans United Fund accomplishes this mission through engaging trans & gender expansive people & our allies in the political process, building the political leadership & capacity of trans people and allies & endorsing candidates with a commitment to our communities & a pro-trans platform. Trans United Fund is a non-partisan 501(c)(4) organization.
For More Info & Watch Video…
Deena Kaye Rose Talks Trans Book 'Some Days Are Diamonds'
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Chicago LGBT Hall of Fame Event

The 2016 Dick Uyvari Memorial Celebrity Bowl will take place Saturday May 14th at Waveland Bowl at 3700 N. Western Avenue to benefit the Chicago LGBT Hall of Fame. The event has been renamed in honor of the event’s founder who died last year. The annual benefit is sponsored by the Friends of the Chicago LGBT Hall of Fame & raises funds for the first LGBT Hall of Fame launched by a city in the world. Kathy Caldwell & Darrick Johnson the event co-chairs stated, “We are excited to honor the legacy of Dick Uyvari. Dick helped raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for various charities over the years, including for AIDS groups, Gay Games VII in 2006 & most recently the Hall of Fame. Dick & his late partner Joe La Pat are both inductees into the Hall of Fame for their commitment to the LGBT community.” People can support the event by either bowling & raising pledges from friends or they can donate to a bowler or the event itself. The free event starts with registration at 10A followed by bowling at 11A & wrap-up at noon with a continental breakfast is provided by Ann Sather’s Restaurant. Over 30 bowlers have already registered. The LGBT Hall of Fame is a 501-c-3 nonprofit.
For More Info: inquiry@glhalloffame.org
LISTEN: Deena Kaye Rose Talks Memoir “Some Days Are Diamonds
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Black Church LGBT Campaign

Many Voices, a Black church movement for LGBT justice has launched a new video campaign in partnership with Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland to increase awareness about LGBTQ life on historically Black College & University campuses. Rev. Cedric Harmon, Executive Director of Many Voices stated, “We feel it is important to hear from students who have their fingers on the pulse of college life. Major life decisions are made in college about which career paths to pursue & the ways in which one chooses to express themselves in the world. We wanted to explore how messages from the church impact & influence the campus experience of Black LGBTQ youth & we hope this video will sensitize our Black community to the longing Black LGBTQ youth feel for a spiritual home. Indeed, God belongs to Black LGBTQ youth too.” Anika Simpson, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Morgan State University added, “Morgan State University is committed to serving as a national leader in the advancement of educational equity for black LGBTQ students within institutions of higher education. MSU’s program in Women’s & Gender Studies partnered with Many Voices to produce a short film that documents the challenges faced by our LGBTQ students. We aimed to both center our students’ experiences through compelling first person accounts & to disrupt the dominant narrative that historically black institutions (HBIs) are inhospitable to sexual & gender diversity. This project serves as a unique opportunity to foster a national dialogue concerning progressive advocacy on behalf of black LGBTQ students in post-secondary education, who live at the marginalized intersection of race, gender & sexuality.”
For More Info: manyvoices.org
LISTEN: Activists Address LGBTQ Homeless Youth Crisis
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


DOJ Warns North Carolina

Finally the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) has warned North Carolina that significant aspects of House Bill 2 (HB2) violate federal civil rights law. They have asked Governor Pat McCrory to respond by Monday. Non-compliance with federal law could lead to North Carolina losing hundreds of millions of dollars of federal funding. The latest DOJ action comes on the heels of the 4th Circuit’s decision that denying restroom access to trans students is sex discrimination under Title IX of the Civil Rights Act. Victoria Rodríguez-Roldán, J.D., Director, Trans/Gender Non-Conforming Justice Project, National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund sated, “Discrimination against the trans community is illegal sex discrimination under federal law. We are delighted that the DOJ is acting to enforce existing laws to help eliminate portions of the now notorious HB2. Of course this action does not undo all the damage that HB2 inflicts on people’s lives. We urge the North Carolina legislature to repeal HB2 immediately & to replace it with a comprehensive non-discrimination law that strengthens freedom, justice & equality for all North Carolinians. We also encourage both the DOJ & other federal government agencies to actively enforce federal law to the maximum extent possible.” The National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund has been working with North Carolina faith leaders & LGBTQ advocates in an effort to repeal the anti-LGBTQ law.
LISTEN: Activists Address LGBTQ Homeless Youth Crisis
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Cynthia Nixon To Be Honored

The Provincetown International Film Festival (PIFF) has announced that Emmy, Tony & Grammy Award-winner Cynthia Nixon will be honored with the 2016 Excellence in Acting Award at this year's festival that runs from June 15th to 19th in Provincetown, Massachusetts. Nixon will be in attendance to accept the award at a special ceremony on Saturday June 18th at Provincetown's historic Town Hall. Christine Walker, Executive Director of PIFF & CEO of the Provincetown Film Society stated, "We are thrilled to honor Cynthia Nixon's remarkable versatility & talent as evidenced by the sheer depth & volume of her film, TV & stage performances, her work with the top directors in the world & her ability to successfully engage the worlds of super stardom & the art house elite." Nixon began her career at age 12 in the feature film LITTLE DARLINGS. On television she received much critical praise & her first Emmy Award in the role of Miranda Hobbes on HBO's hit series SEX AND THE CITY which also earned her multiple Golden Globe nominations. She went on to co-star in the two wildly successful SEX AND THE CITY films. Nixon can currently be seen in Pamela Romanowsky's film THE ADDERALL DIARIES & later this year will star in Terence Davies' biopic A QUIET PASSION as reclusive poet Emily Dickinson. Previous recipients of the Excellence in Acting Award include Patricia Clarkson, Parker Posey, Vera Farmiga, Tilda Swinton, Alessandro Nivola, Gael García Bernal & Alan Cumming. Nixon lives in NYC with her wife Christine & their children Sam, Charlie & Max.
For More Info: ptownfilmfest.org
LISTEN: Activists Address LGBTQ Homeless Youth Crisis
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Federal LGBT Workers At Risk

Last week Republicans quietly voted to gut President Obama’s executive order barring workplace discrimination against LGBT employees of federal contractors. The House Armed Services Committee voted 33 to 29 to add language into the 2017 defense authorization bill that blocks the president’s 2014 executive action that makes it illegal to fire or harass employees of government contractors based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. Instead the amendment applies a broad exemption that would allow contractors to openly discriminate against LGBT people based on the contractors’ religious beliefs. Winnie Stachelberg, Executive Vice President of External Affairs at the Center for American Progress stated, “Despite the national outcry in response to anti-LGBT bills across the country, extreme elements of the Republican caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives are now inexplicably playing politics with our national security in an attempt to undermine existing workplace protections for millions of Americans. Taxpayer funds should never subsidize discrimination. No federal contractor should be allowed to fire an LGBT worker simply because of their sexual orientation & gender identity. It is that simple.” More than 2,000 federal contracts are awarded every year to religious organizations. In all the executive order affects 24,000 companies employing roughly 28 million workers, or about one-fifth of the nation’s workforce. Every Democrat on the committee & two Republicans, Reps. Frank LoBiondo (N.J.) & Joe Heck (Nev.) opposed the measure by Rep. Steve Russell (R-Okla.).
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LISTEN: Activists Address LGBTQ Homeless Youth Crisis
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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LGBTQ Elders SAGE Awards & Gala

SAGE will host its annual SAGE Awards & Gala hosted by the incomparable Nina West best known from RuPaul’s Drag Race & will highligh...

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