The 2016 Dick Uyvari Memorial Celebrity Bowl will take place Saturday May 14th at Waveland Bowl at 3700 N. Western Avenue to benefit the Chicago LGBT Hall of Fame. The event has been renamed in honor of the event’s founder who died last year. The annual benefit is sponsored by the Friends of the Chicago LGBT Hall of Fame & raises funds for the first LGBT Hall of Fame launched by a city in the world. Kathy Caldwell & Darrick Johnson the event co-chairs stated, “We are excited to honor the legacy of Dick Uyvari. Dick helped raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for various charities over the years, including for AIDS groups, Gay Games VII in 2006 & most recently the Hall of Fame. Dick & his late partner Joe La Pat are both inductees into the Hall of Fame for their commitment to the LGBT community.” People can support the event by either bowling & raising pledges from friends or they can donate to a bowler or the event itself. The free event starts with registration at 10A followed by bowling at 11A & wrap-up at noon with a continental breakfast is provided by Ann Sather’s Restaurant. Over 30 bowlers have already registered. The LGBT Hall of Fame is a 501-c-3 nonprofit.
For More Info: inquiry@glhalloffame.org
LISTEN: Deena Kaye Rose Talks Memoir “Some Days Are Diamonds”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
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