An amendment to prohibit federal contractors from getting government work if they discriminate against our LGBT community has failed. It appears that after initially securing enough votes for passage GOP leadership coaxed several of their members to switch their votes to defeat the amendment. In an unprecedented move House Republican Leadership refused to release the names of the individuals who switched their vote. Congressman Mark Pocan stated, “Paul Ryan image of inclusion was shattered as he led his majority to deliver bigoted votes against the LGBT community in America. Apparently, Ryan thinks it’s OK to fire someone simply for who they are or who they love. The actions this week show why the GOP majority under the leadership of Ryan & Donald Trump are clearly out of touch with the majority of American people. The GOP majority’s willingness to so openly discriminate against the LGBT community underscores why the fight for equality in America is not over. We must continue to fight to ensure everyone can go through their daily lives without facing the threat of discrimination, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.” Matt Thorn, Executive Director, OutServe-SLDN added, “It is appalling that a majority of the House of Representatives has taken a vote on the National Defense Authorization Act that will include this amendment that will codify discrimination against the LGBT community. The inclusion of this language in the NDAA that would rescind vital, existing nondiscrimination protections for many LGBT workers will not be tolerated & we intend on preventing this amendment through the next steps of the legislative process including, if necessary, asking President Obama to veto.”
Listen: Sarah McBride @ The Center For American Progress in Washington D.C. Talks About This:
LISTEN: GLAAD Celebrity Activists & Allies Speak OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
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