The Massachusetts Senate has confirmed that they will debate SB 735 the long awaited floor vote on transgender non-discrimination protections in public accommodations on Thursday May 12th. This is an extremely important bill that will protect transgender citizens in Massachusetts from discrimination in public places like parks, hotels & restaurants. It’s been 10 years since full nondiscrimination protections for transgender people were first introduced in Massachusetts. That’s 10 years that transgender residents & visitors have been living in the shadow of discrimination. We hope that Massachusetts lawmakers will take the necessary steps to ensure our transgender community are treated fairly & equally under the law in the Commonwealth. Marty Rouse, HRC National Field Director stated, “This past year has shown movement like never before & now we’re at the cusp of making history. HRC is a member of the Freedom Massachusetts coalition & has built an unprecedented campaign alongside businesses, faith leaders, law enforcement agencies & school associations in support of comprehensive transgender non-discrimination. Send a message to your senator right now telling them to vote YES on SB 735 this Thursday.” Once & for all we need to pass this long overdue legislation. We talked to Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey about the importance of passing this bill in this exclusive sound byte:
For More Info…
Deena Kaye Rose Talks Trans Book 'Some Days Are Diamonds'
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
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