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BAGLY Celebrates LGBTQ Youth

By Charlotte Robinson, May 26, 2016
While 11 states were filing a lawsuit against the Obama administration’s directive for more inclusive bathrooms for transgender students we were attending Out for Youth: Back to Basics the premier event for the Boston Alliance for LGBTQ Youth (BAGLY) to highlight the contributions & efforts of LGBTQ youth leaders to the social justice movement. It was held in Boston at the New England Aquarium on Wednesday May 25th celebrating 36 years of queer youth movement. Grace Sterling Stowell, BAGLY Executive Director stated, "LGBTQ youth, especially youth of color & trans/non-binary youth, are often on the front lines of our movement as we struggle to end discrimination, violence & oppression in our communities. BAGLY's life saving youth leadership, health promotion & advocacy work has served over 30,000 young people throughout Massachusetts & beyond since 1980. Tonight we celebrate 36 years of queer youth movement!" It was an evening of fabulous food, fun, networking & activism with over 200 hundred attendees. All the proceeds raised went 100% to support BAGLY’s #BACKTOBASICS mission in creating a safe place for LGBT youth to be free to be themselves which includes equal access to public bathroom accommodations for trans & nonconforming youth. Queer & trans youth need a space to be themselves, have the same opportunities to grow & learn development skills to reach their potential like everyone else does. This is our next generation & they need our support in these crucial times.
For More Info: bagly.org
LISTEN: GLAAD Celebrity Activists & Allies Speak OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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