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"Don’t Ask Don’t Tell" Survey Release

Breaking News: Pentagon report finds NO REASON to bar open service by lesbians & gays. Today the Comprehensive Working Group submitted their report to Secretary Robert Gates about gay & lesbians openly serving in the military. The Pentagon report includes data from surveys sent to over half a million
servicemembers & military spouses. The survey conclude that 69 percent of responders reported that they had served with someone who they believed to be gay or lesbian & nearly all registered no disruption in their unit. On December 2nd & December 3rd the Senate Armed Services Committee will hear
from Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen, Comprehensive Working Group Co-Chairmen, Jeh Johnson & General Carter Hamm as well as the respective service chiefs from the Army, Marine Corps,
Navy & Air Force. Updates to Come….:)
Exclusive Audio Interview with Gay Ally
Rev. John Makokha who runs educational

awareness seminars on human sexuality &

gender identity programs in Kenya


Exclusive Audio Interview with Charles Robbins,
Executive Director/CEO of the Trevor Project on
Teen Suicide Prevention & the Trevor Live

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Priscilla Queen of the Desert-No Show

November 27th we were terribly disappointed to arrive at the Palace
Theatre in London with tickets in hand to learn that our performance
of Priscilla Queen of the Desert The Musical had been canceled. It
seems that the tour bus that steals the show had broken down during
the matinee & it was not functioning by the evening show.
Thousands of people stood outside the Palace in the blistering cold
as the buzz of the cancellation made its way through the crowd.
Some had purchased tickets only hours before the sold-out show.
Forms were handed out for refund applications. However some
who purchased at the two for one booth learned that they were
probably not going to see any returns on their money. We went
off to Soho for Chinese food at a not-so-great restaurant but enjoyed
a nice bottle of wine while we commiserated with a couple from
Newcastle who had just experienced the same disappointment.
Dave gave us his Priscilla Queen of the Desert program in a gesture
of kindness as we headed to check OUT the local club scene.
Exclusive Audio Interview with Gay Ally
Rev. John Makokha who runs educational

awareness seminars on human sexuality &

gender identity programs in Kenya


Exclusive Audio Interview with Charles Robbins,
Executive Director/CEO of the Trevor Project on
Teen Suicide Prevention & the Trevor Live

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

UN Votes Gays Can Be Executed

Exclusive Audio Interview with Gay Ally
Rev. John Makokha who runs educational

awareness seminars on human sexuality &

gender identity programs in Kenya


Update: US Defeats Anti-Gay UN Measure
Our Gay, lesbian, bisexual & transgender (LGBT) community
are once again subject to homophobia & religious & cultural
extremism. The United Nations voted to remove “sexual
orientation” from a resolution that protects people from
arbitrary executions. The UN General Assembly has actually
voted to allow LGBT people to be executed without cause.
Read More…. Updates to Come…
Exclusive Audio Interview with Charles Robbins,
Executive Director/CEO of the Trevor Project on
Teen Suicide Prevention & the Trevor Live

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Have a Happy & Gay Thanksgiving

Have a Fabulous & Safe Thanksgiving
To All Our LGBT Community
& Their Families….:)
Exclusive Audio Interview with Gay Ally
Rev. John Makokha who runs educational

awareness seminars on human sexuality &

gender identity programs in Kenya


Exclusive Audio Interview with Charles Robbins,
Executive Director/CEO of the Trevor Project on
Teen Suicide Prevention & the Trevor Live

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Jim Carrey Addresses the 'Gay' Question

It’s amazing in terms of a heterosexual leading man playing a
homosexual it’s still questioned whether their image will be
damaged. Recently on David Letterman this very question was
asked of Jim Carrey who’s promoting his upcoming film ‘I Love
You Phillip Morris’. Giving Letterman a slightly bewildered look,
Carrey replied “Boy, we haven’t grown at all, have we?” Letterman
however was quite impressed with the film, in which Carrey’s
character repeatedly breaks out of prison to reunite with the
former cellmate he fell in love with, played by Ewan McGregor.
The long-awaited film is based on a true story, and will finally
receive a US release on December 3rd. Updates to Come...:)
Exclusive Audio Interview with Gay Ally
Rev. John Makokha who runs educational

awareness seminars on human sexuality &

gender identity programs in Kenya


Exclusive Audio Interview with Charles Robbins,
Executive Director/CEO of the Trevor Project on
Teen Suicide Prevention & the Trevor Live

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ Drags Forward…

The release date of the Pentagon Comprehensive Review on
the Implementation of repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' has
been moved up. According to Secretary of Defense Robert
Gates the report will now be made available on November
30th. The LGBT org Log Cabin Republicans have pursued
a three-front strategy against 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell.' First
lobbying for repeal in Congress, then consulting with the
Department of Defense & thirdly filing suit in federal court.
The case went to trial in July of 2010 & Judge Virginia Phillips
ruled on September 9, 2010 that the policy violated the First
& Fifth Amendments of the Constitution. For the 8 days that
DADT did not exist there weren’t any incidents among the
ranks in the military. The Supreme Court granted a stay
continuing DADT pending on the Obama administration’s
appeal of Judge Phillip’s ruling. Updates to Come…:)
Exclusive Audio Interview with Gay Ally
Rev. John Makokha who runs educational

awareness seminars on human sexuality &

gender identity programs in Kenya


Exclusive Audio Interview with Charles Robbins,
Executive Director/CEO of the Trevor Project on
Teen Suicide Prevention & the Trevor Live

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Aussie Portia de Rossi Speaks OUT

Actress Portia de Rossi has been making the rounds promoting
her book 'Unbearable Lightness: A Story of Loss and Gain' on
“Oprah” & of course “Ellen”. Recently, the native Aussie
expressed her disappointed in Australian Prime Minister Julia
Gillard for failing to tackle the issue of gay marriage, stating
she thought Australia would have been one of the first countries
to legalize same-gender unions. Portia feels that Gillard has let
down the public by failing to act on gay marriage. Portia is urging
politicians in her native Australia to support gay marriage.
De Rossi has been legally married to talk show host Ellen
DeGeneres since 2008. We also heard that she will only grant
interviews with female talk show hosts. Anytime she wishes to
be on OUTTAKE VOICES™ we’d love to chat her up….:)
Exclusive Audio Interview with Charles Robbins,
Executive Director/CEO of the Trevor Project on
Teen Suicide Prevention & the Trevor Live

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Trans Day of Remembrance 2010

We're Broadcasting From Gay London All Week...:)
The LGBT community has come together in honoring
Transgender Day of Remembrance on November 20, 2010
The orgs are the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation,
Human Rights Campaign, Lambda Legal, National Center for
Transgender Equality, National Gay & Lesbian Task Force,
Transgender Law Center, Transgender Legal Defense & Education
Fund & the Trevor Project released the following regarding
Transgender Day of Remembrance on November 20...

We stand together as one community to remember & honor
the lives cut short by anti-transgender intimidation & violence

- Amanda González-Andujar of New York, NY
- Ashley Santiago of Puerto Rico
- Dana A. "Chanel" Larkin of Milwaukee, WI
- Angie González Oquendo of Puerto Rico
- Sandy Woulard of Chicago, IL
- Victoria Carmen of Newark, NJ
- Stacy Blahnik Lee of Philadelphia, PA
New Exclusive Audio Interview with Gay Ally
Rev. John Makokha who runs educational

awareness seminars on human sexuality &

gender identity programs in Kenya


Exclusive Audio Interview with Charles Robbins,
Executive Director/CEO of the Trevor Project on
Teen Suicide Prevention & the Trevor Live

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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Lincoln Diversity Equality & Inclusion

With the current administration announcement to end minting Lincoln pennies we thought that on Abraham Lincoln’s real birthday we’d share a ...

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