California's economy is so bad that for 2 nights ABC World News w/ Charles Gibson broadcast was from Los Angeles. Of course it was never mentioned in their story how gay marriage could help mend California's budget, even though it would bring millions of dollars to their economy.
For More Info...
Here in Massachusetts where gay marriage has been legal for over 5 years,
GLAD filed suit Tuesday challenging DOMA. We'll be following this story closely.

In California, 18,000 gay marriages were legally performed.... On Monday both Houses of the California State Legislature passed resolutions endorsing the legal effort to overturn the state's gay marriage ban. This Thursday oral arguments will be heard before the California Supreme Court to overturn Prop 8. Last night was the Eve of Justice & there was a statewide candlelight vigils to send a message to Californians. More info @ &

This morning from 9A-12P PST when the case is argued, witness history if you live in San Francisco as the hearing is broadcast on the huge jumbotron in front of the California Supreme Court & City Hall or watch live @ or @
The California Channel In West Hollywood Lambda Legal, the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center, the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Center for Lesbian Rights & the City of West Hollywood will host a viewing of oral arguments in the Proposition 8 legal challenge, today March 5,
@ West Hollywood Auditorium, followed by a press conference… Updates to Come......
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage
Check OUT LGBT Leaders Interviews @ OUTTAKE VOICES
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