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Prop 8 & The California Supreme Court

By Charlotte Robinson, March 05, 2009

This is a must-see video of March 4th Prop 8 Rally...
Watching the court proceedings Thursday you couldn't help ask.....
"Who's writing this script???" This case is definitely headed to
Washington D.C. by 2010 if the California Supreme Court doesn't
end this now by abolishing Prop 8 when they rule in 90 days.....
Let's hope in America equality is for all of the people
& not just some of the people.....
Here in Massachusetts where gay marriage has been the law for
over 5 years the only thing that has changed is that gay couples
& heterosexual couples have equal rights, benefits & protections
for their families....:) Check OUT LGBT Leaders @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage


Anonymous said...

Oral arguments on our challenge to Prop 8 just ended and I wanted to share with you some quick thoughts.

First, on behalf of all of you, our members, your brilliant team of lawyers, including lead counsel Shannon Minter, along with Raymond Marshall, Michael Maroko and Therese Stewart, did an incredible job arguing that if the initiative process is used to take a fundamental right away from a persecuted minority, no one in California is safe. I also want to the thank Christopher Krueger and the Attorney General’s office for arguing to overturn Prop 8.

There’s no way to know how the court will rule and they have 90 days to issue an opinion. I don't think they'll wait that long…so expect a decision in April or May.

Keep in mind that regardless of how the court rules we all have to continue working to educate Californians about the importance of the freedom to marry. And that means we need you and everyone in our community to fight for the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender folks win or lose.

Anonymous said...

It's a no brainer, Charlotte.

People can't vote away rights.

There's no maybe or if here.

If the judges rule against us, I expect Mr. Kors and company to introduce a ballot measure to take away the tax exempt status of churches.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I expect Mr. Kors and company to introduce every ballot christians feared in regards to Prop 8.

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