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"the L word" Lesbian Series Finale???

By Charlotte Robinson, March 10, 2009
The final season of "the L word" was built around the theme of "Sunset Boulevard" with the most love-to-hate character, Jenny, found drown in a swimming pool. There was all this media hype of " Who Killed Jenny Schecter." Typically, the series ended with little closure leaving plenty of room for the upcoming spin-off currently in the works. Until then our LGBT community is left without any gay or lesbian leading characters on mainstream TV.
Mia Kirshner as Jenny Drowns in Swimming Pool...
FYI, if you have a fascination with the afterlife check OUT our interview with Medium Suzane Northrop @ OUTTAKE VOICES™ discuss her new LGBT program "the Afterlife" on here! tv...:)
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage


Anonymous said...

Me thinks the producers of the show watched the finale of The Sorpranos finale and based this episode on it.

Anonymous said...

Well they do have a spin-off in the works or they can always go the way of "Sex in the City" & have "the L word" The Movie.....:)

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