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When Will Obama Address Gay Families...?

By Charlotte Robinson, February 27, 2009
Tuesday Obama addressed Congress to assure the nation that we'll survive this economy. Go on the site they have created for Americans to tell their stories of struggle in these times. You'll read stories of hetero couples & single parents, however our LGBT community once again has been left OUT. We need to tell our stories of what it's like living in a country without rights, benefits & protections for our families.... To add your stories go to: Obama/yourstories..:)
Check OUT our audio interview with openly gay Emmy Award winning entertainer Judy Gold discussing the comic highs & lows of being a Jewish lesbian working mom raising her 2 boys in New York City @ OUTTAKE VOICES™ Check OUT our new audio interview on Obama's Gay Agenda @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Last night, I addressed a joint session of Congress for the first time. To confront the serious economic challenges our nation faces, I called for a new era of responsibility and cooperation. We need to look beyond short term political calculations and make vital investments in health care, energy, and education that will make America stronger and more prosperous well into the future.

A little more than a month into my administration, we've already taken bold steps to address our urgent economic problems. Through the Recovery Act, the Stability Plan, and the Housing Plan, we're taking the immediate necessary measures to halt our economic downturn and provide much-needed assistance to working people and their families.

But to set our country on a new course of stability and prosperity, we must reject the old ways of doing business in Washington. We can no longer tolerate fiscal deficits and runaway spending while deferring the consequences to future generations.

That's why I pledged last night to cut our deficit in half by the end of my term. Achieving that goal will require making sacrifices and hard decisions, as well as an honest budgeting process that is straight with taxpayers about where their dollars are going.

Central to this plan will be a renewed commitment to honesty and transparency in government. Restoring our country's economic health will only happen when ordinary citizens are given the opportunity to hold their representatives fully accountable for the decisions they make.

I look forward to continuing to work with you as we bring about the change you made possible.

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