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Don't Ask Don't Tell & Veterans Day (Audio)

By Charlotte Robinson, November 11, 2010
Exclusive Audio Interview with Keith Adams
about his new book "Broken Whole: A California
Tale of Craziness, Creativity & Chaos" the most
entertaining memoir of mania you’ll ever read


Veterans Day 2010 is just another reminder of the inequalities
facing our LGBT community in the military under “Don’t Ask,
Don’t Tell.” It's very questionable whether this policy will be
repealed in the lame duck session of Congress. In this exclusive
audio byte we asked Robins McGehee, Co-Chair of GetEQUAL
the grassroots LGBT org what her thoughts were about this outdated
policy that is inflicting hardships on our LGBT servicemembers &
their families. In federal district court Log Cabin Republicans filed
suit against "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" in 2004. The case went to trial
in Riverside, California in July of 2010 & Judge Virginia Phillips
ruled on September 9, 2010 that the policy violated the 1st & 5th
Amendments of the Constitution. On October 12, 2010 Judge Phillips
issued a worldwide, immediate & permanent injunction against
enforcement of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." For 8 days DADT was
dissolved without any incidents among the ranks in the military.
Then the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals granted the Obama
administration's request for a temporary stay of the injunction
against 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' pending further argument regarding
imposing a stay throughout the course of the appeal. Don't you think
a ceasefire should be imposed on LGBT military personnel until
DADT is repealed? Updates to Come…:)
Hear the Full Audio Interview with Robin McGehee,
Co-Founder of GetEQUAL, the grassroots LGBT org,

about the midterm elections & where our LGBT
goes from here @ OUTTAKE VOICES™

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

1 comment:

R. Clarke Cooper said...

President Obama remains far from the front lines of the fight for legislative repeal of DADT while commanding his lawyers to zealously defend 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' in court. This week Log Cabin Republicans have conducted meetings with numerous Republican senators potentially in favor of repeal, all of whom are waiting for the President's call. The White House has been missing in action on Capitol Hill, undermining efforts to repeal 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' in the final session of this Congress, potentially leaving the judiciary as the only solution for our brave men and women in uniform. It is unfortunate the Obama Justice Department has forced the Log Cabin Republicans to go to the Supreme Court to halt this failed policy.

R. Clarke Cooper, Executive Director of the Log Cabin Republicans

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