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Martin Luther King Day Video

By Charlotte Robinson, January 16, 2017
Here we are on Martin Luther King Day honoring one of the great leaders in the advancement of equality in America just days from the inauguration of Donald Trump who appears from his cabinet selections determined to set civil rights in this country backwards by at least 60 years. So many Democrats in Congress are boycotting the event set for January 20th with civil rights icon Congressman John Lewis leading the way stating, "We must not be silent. I don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president. I think the Russians participated in helping him get elected & in destroying the candidacy of Hillary Clinton. I think there was a conspiracy on the part of Russians & others that helped him get elected. That's not right, that's not fair. That's not the open democratic process. When you see something that's not right you have a moral obligation to do something." There will be a massive Women's March For America in Washington DC on Saturday January 21st & also huge marches in major cities throughout the US sending a message to our leaders & the world that the United States of America stands for values of human dignity, equal rights & freedom from discrimination. Martin Luther King, Jr. stated, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Today King’s words ring true now more than ever.

 Listen:  “Be The Change” Creators Talk Campaign Against Hate
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


1 comment:

Rea Carey, Executive Director, National LGBTQ Task Force said...

Dr. King’s words are always inspirational — and today they’re also an eloquent and urgent invitation to join the social justice movement. As we remember his legacy, we also lift-up the people who worked with him in the civil rights movement — heroes like Congressman John Lewis who continue to champion civil rights and justice today. When an iconic leader like Congressman Lewis is maligned and his entire district is mischaracterized as ‘crime infested’ and ‘falling apart’, it is an attack on Dr. King's dream and on the entire movement for freedom, justice and equity. Shame on you Donald Trump, for using this MLK holiday to further divide our nation.

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