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Trump Making America Unsafe

By Charlotte Robinson, January 28, 2017
Trump signed an executive order that blocks any immigration relief to those coming to the U.S. from predominantly Muslim countries, suspending the refugee program that has saved the lives of thousands of displaced people, treats asylum seekers who are fleeing violence & persecution in their own countries as suspected threats to our national security, increases the use of costly & inhumane mandatory detention including immigrants who have no record of criminal or violent behavior & erodes state & local control of community policing. Wade Henderson, President & CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil & Human Rights stated, “President Trump rode a wave of bigotry into the White House & ushered in a new era of hostility against American Muslims. He campaigned as a demagogue & is now governing as a demagogue. Banning or profiling people of faith is ineffective for our national security; it fans flames of bigotry & makes us all less safe. Trump’s recent actions to build a wall around the country, to strike fear in the heart of immigrants & now toward banning refugees & religious minorities make his America look more like a police state than the republic we truly are. Our republic is stronger & more dynamic because of its refugees, immigrants & religious diversity. But this administration is governing out of baseless fear & our nation’s immigrants & people of faith are paying a dear price. The administration should immediately cancel these actions, stop the bullying & govern in a way that’s inclusive & actually makes us all safer.”
For More Info: civilrights.org

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