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Transgender Ban Laws Shut Down

By Charlotte Robinson, January 20, 2017
There have been early wins for our LGBTQ community with the beginning legislation sessions in Indiana & Virginia shutting down proposed anti-Transgender bathroom ban laws & the House Speaker in Texas said a similar proposal was not a high priority & warned that it could be bad for business. Rebecca Isaacs, Equality Federation Executive Director stated, “People across the political spectrum are beginning to understand that discrimination is bad for business & that transgender people should have the same, fair opportunity to provide for themselves & their families as everyone else. All of us, including the transgender woman who lives every day as the woman she is, should be able to go to work, out to dinner & to see a movie with her family without fear of discrimination.” Indiana Representative Cindy Kirchhofer, chair of the Public Health Committee to which the anti-transgender bill, HB 1361, was assigned, said she would not hear the bill due to other pressing priorities & in Virginia, lawmakers voted down an anti-transgender bathroom ban with a voice vote. James Parrish, Executive Director of Equality Virginia stated, “We applaud this decision by the House committee & recognize decisions like these keep Virginia on the path to full equality. We are pleased to see members of both parties stepping forward to make sure this bill was dead on arrival, causing no further harm to the transgender community.” Business leaders in all three states have been speaking out about the potential economic impacts of passing discriminatory legislation such as anti-transgender bathroom bans, as North Carolina’s infamous HB 2 has cost the state millions of dollars in lost revenue.
For More Info: equalityfederation.org
  Listen:  “Be The Change” Creators Talk Campaign Against Hate
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

A BIG one for the side of equality and justice.

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