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Teaching Kids About Gay Marriage

By Charlotte Robinson, October 09, 2008
The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to hear 2 cases filed by homophobic couples who objected to gay families being discussed in their children's elementary school classrooms in Lexington, Massachusetts, where gay marriage is the law. The families claimed gay-themed books on a public school's reading list violated their First Amendment right to free exercise of religion. FYI, the books were not required reading. Their attorney said the couples are reviewing their options. Like learning to Love Thy Neighbor.......:) This is an interesting Victory…..:) Education is key.....
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage


Anonymous said...

Jenny you have to be carefully taught to hate as much as you do. Stop hiding behind the Bible & admit to yourself that you are not a good Christian. Instead you are a scared
hateful woman that doesn't understand the meaning of Love or Christ....
Remember Love Thy Neighbor....:)

Anonymous said...

Jenny as a Christian myself i can't disagree more with you. Do you think that God would approve of the comments you are making? Be careful you are crossing a line that may lead you to be Judged. Remember God's judgement is all around YOU too. It is a True Christians job to love and spread the word of God. That is it, if people do not agree with us it is not up to us to change them. It's like you are telling God he can't do his job. Just pray and love. Like Inga said, "Love Thy Neighbor."

Anonymous said...

I am also a Christian. First, Jenny, learn to spell. Clearly, Arizona is so busy being a "Christian state" they aren't educating their young in the basics. Secondly, how does the marriage between two women or two men harm or threaten you personally in any way? I'm voting NO on 8, but I do fear that when gay couples decide to force issues like participating in couples outings, or if marriage groups get together, and a gay couple says they're being discriminated against... I hope this won't happen and I personally think most gay and lesbians are simply looking forward to having their couple-hood recognized. But I also think there are those.. But we'll still hope that RIGHTS overcome idiocy and that all will be blessed with the same rights, and that those with rights will also exercise their right to religion and seek out Jesus if they choose. He'll always be there waiting.. Good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

I respect homosexuals. They are people too. I have a few friends who are homosexuals and I get along just fine with them. They are alot like most of my friends, alot different than me with different views on life. I think that is why we get along so well. However, I am a Christian and I stand firmly behind my faith. Part of me wanted to vote "yes" for gay marriage because if gay couples married, what would that change? Gay people can live together, get on one another's health plan and adopt children. If they could get married legally, they would also have to go through a messy divorce as heterosexuals do. Well, I did not vote "yes" because of my faith and my faith comes first and I abide by God's laws first. I also do not want anyone teaching my children about gay marriage or sexual education because they are my children and I want and will be the one to teach my children about gay marriage and sex ed. I do not think the schools should discuss matters like this, unless it is approved by the child's parents. I WILL teach my children about gay marriage, gay couples and homosexuality but the way I want them to learn about it, not from someone else and there point of view on the subject. There have been gay people since the beginning of time and it will not go away and I honestly believe being gay is not a choice. I believe people are born that way. Any TRUE Christian WILL NOT judge a gay person or say hateful words about them. God teaches us to love EVERYONE!!! We do not have to agree with each other but we must respect and love one another.

Anonymous said...

God doesn’t believe in people voting against his children’s civil rights.

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