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Oreo Cookie Perfect Ending For Gay Pride

By Charlotte Robinson, June 26, 2012
It’s hard not to praise Oreo Cookies for honoring Pride with their rainbow cookie proudly displayed on their Facebook page. Oreo has a reputation for posting photos on its Facebook page with customizing versions of its classic black & white cookies to celebrate special events. Of course Oreo is owned by the Nabisco division of Kraft foods. Kraft were the sponsors who pulled out of the TV series GCB because they objected to its content. From that point on we tried to boycott their products but unfortunately bagels without Philadelphia Cream Cheese just don’t taste the same. Of course the Pride Oreo cookie came with a disclaimer: “Made with cream colors that do not exist.” However the fact that our LGBT community has reached the American consciousness far enough to have Oreo Cookies make this gesture in honor of Pride is amazing but let’s not start eating Oreos again when we’re all getting in shape for the beach. This has been such a positive few months for our LGBT community. Starting with Obama finally supporting marriage equality to kick off Pride Month hopefully the summer will continue to bring good will towards all people. Update: Gay Pride Oreo Smart Cookie Marketing

Exclusive Audio Interview with Orlando Del Valle who serves on the Board of Directors of The History Project. Del Valle’s photos are part of a significant art exhibit “Pride: 40 Years of Protest & Celebration” that The History Project is presenting in collaboration with the Boston Center for Adult Education & runs through June 30th at the BCAE more @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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