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Dallas Gay Pride & Club Scene

By Charlotte Robinson, June 08, 2012
I always wanted to visit Dallas Texas so when the opportunity came up this week I went for it. The gay scene in Dallas puts Boston to shame. The gay ghetto in Dallas has bars, clubs & restaurants around the Cedar Springs Rd area. The big gay guys bar is called JR’s & fittingly the women have Sue Ellen’s. We had dinner at Dish which was fabulous. Then off to Round-Up which was like the gay version of Urban Cowboy minus the mechanical bull. The dance floor was packed with couples doing the two-step in a large circle that I refer to as a gay carousel. This was Thursday night yet the streets were filled with our LGBT community having a blast. The bars & clubs are far from dives but instead upscale venues that would challenge any other gay-friendly city like San Francisco or NYC. JR’s Bar balcony overlooking the street was overflowing with guys out & proud. Of course while in Texas my friend Joel gave us quite the tour of the city from where JFK was assassinated to the high end stores & homes in the Turtle Creek section of Dallas. Overall this is a great gay-friendly city to visit & a refreshing place to celebrate gay pride. This week even a Dallas City Council member kicked off LGBT Pride Month with a commencement in the Flag Room of City Hall including a signed proclamation, as well as supportive comments from elected officials & community leaders. So Happy Pride Dallas!! Exclusive Audio Interview with Orlando Del Valle who serves on the Board of Directors of The History Project. Del Valle’s photos are part of a significant art exhibit “Pride: 40 Years of Protest & Celebration” that The History Project is presenting in collaboration with the Boston Center for Adult Education & runs through June 30th at the BCAE more @ OUTTAKE VOICES™ OUTTAKE VOICES™ NOW ON HUFFINGTON POST...:) Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™ SUPPORT OUR QUEST @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:) View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage


Jay Gruell said...

I love Dallas. We have a great scene here, better than the one other city I have visited (Fort Worth). I work in hospitality at a motel, but I can't imagine leaving Dallas. It has my favorite clubs, like Station 4, which is where I spend most of my time. I have a couple of friends, but one of these days I will make more. I sometimes stand by the bathrooms at the club and I meet people there. I am very, very gay and proud to live in Dallas with my friend Brad. I hope we go to the Block Party Saturday!

Gay Daddy said...

Dallas is amazing the best hot men wearing those sexy cowboy hats. Wow, the sity has great culture for the gay daddy dating seen and is my Top 10 LGBT

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