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Anti Gay Forces Alive in Washington State

By Charlotte Robinson, June 07, 2012
The anti gay forces turned out in numbers collecting 241,00 signatures to put gay marriage on the November ballot in Washington State. This happened at the same time that California’s ethics office announced that it will investigate Fred Karger’s complaint against the Washington, DC based National Organization for Marriage. In his sworn complaint of May 17th, Karger alleged that NOM did not report over $340,000 that it raised to pass Proposition 8 four years ago. California joins the state of Maine which is in its third year of its investigation of NOM, the leading anti gay marriage organization in the country. Even before the Washington State bill was signed in February political observers expected it to be challenged at the ballot box in November. The outcome is far from certain even in a state as politically liberal & Democratic as Washington. So as the signatures are checked for authenticity we have to keep up the good fight that it's totally wrong for the majority to vote on the rights of a minority. As court cases prove it's time to evolve on this issue as President Obama has. Making second class citizens of our LGBT community has been ruled by federal courts time & again to be unconstitutional. The madness must stop & repeal the Domestic Marriage Act once & for all.
Updates to Come...:)

Exclusive Audio Interview with Orlando Del Valle who serves on the Board of Directors of The History Project. Del Valle’s photos are part of a significant art exhibit “Pride: 40 Years of Protest & Celebration” that The History Project is presenting in collaboration with the Boston Center for Adult Education & runs through June 30th at the BCAE more @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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