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Obama Should Sign ENDA Executive Order

By Charlotte Robinson, June 19, 2012
Obama could sign an ENDA (Employment Non-Discrimination Act) Executive Order barring LGBT workplace discrimination by federal contractors which would give millions of LGBT Americans the right to come out of the closet. There is some form of legal recognition in 21 states but in 29 states gay workers can still be fired or denied promotions simply because they're gay. Last week after 10 years of intense organizing, undocumented students across the country got the attention of President Obama. As you know he sent a directive to the Department of Homeland Security to stop the deportations of DREAM Act students. Although this is far from enough to fully alleviate the pain of immigrants in the United States, it will significantly improve the lives of more than 800,000 youth in this country. If the ENDA Executive Order is signed tens of thousands of LGBT Americans who work for federal contractors will be able to come out of closets across the country. GetEQUAL Florida & Florida DREAMers will take to the streets on June 26th & will protest President Obama's lack of action on the ENDA Executive Order but they need your help. They want to deliver 10,000 signatures to the president on that day. This is an important message to send to Obama. Updates to Come…:)
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Exclusive Audio Chat with Pop Star Emii. Emii is a gay club favorite including performing at the number one US gay nightclub KRAVE in Las Vegas & her songs have appeared on the gay network LOGO. Check OUT her hot new dance remix & video of STILETTOS. We talked to Emii about her music & her spin on our LGBT issues
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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