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George Michael Avoids Rehab?

By Charlotte Robinson, October 12, 2010
Mystery surrounds George Michael's whereabouts this morning
after he vanished on his first night of freedom following his release
from jail after serving time for crashing his car under the influence
of drugs. The 47-year-old star arrived back at his home in Highgate,
North London & was greeted by partner Kenny Goss after spending
28 days in prison. Goss said that they planned on going out to dinner
to celebrate George being a free man again.
The former Wham! singer received an eight-week sentence on
Sept. 14 for crashing his car into a London photo shop in July
while high on prescription drugs & marijuana. The judge ordered
Michael to serve four weeks of the sentence in jail & the rest
on parole. Check OUT this exclusive photo of the damage with
the graffiti 'WHAM' where George Michael smashed his car…:)
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1 comment:

George Michael said...

It's fantastic to be free... now I'm going to start again. I just want to say thanks you to everybody who supported me while I was in there. It's been inspirational and I'm coming out here on my own so that you'll realize that I just want to start again.

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