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“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is On Again

By Charlotte Robinson, October 22, 2010

Here we go again! The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has granted
the Obama administration's request for a temporary stay of the
injunction against 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' pending further argument
regarding imposing a stay throughout the course of the appeal.
The injunction, which halts enforcement of the policy, has been
in force since October 12th. We’re totally on top of this story so...
Updates to Come…:) Listen to this exclusive audio byte with gay
activist Rev. Steve Parelli on Obama & his attempt to appeal DADT
& DOMA section 3 which have both been found unconstitutional
in federal court.

Listen to the full Exclusive Audio Interview with
Steve Parelli,
Executive Director of Other Sheep,
Christian ministry working worldwide for the full
inclusion of LGBT people of faith

Exclusive Audio Interview w/ R. Clarke Cooper,
Executive Director of the Log Cabin Republicans
the Ninth Court Appeal stay of "Don't Ask,
Don't Tell”

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


R. Clarke Cooper said...

Wednesday President Obama and his attorneys have prolonged the injustice that is 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' at the expense of the constitutional rights of gay and lesbian servicemembers. For over eight days the armed forces have not only survived but thrived without the burden of this failed policy. It is disappointing the Obama administration has forced the military into a see-saw of 'on-again, off-again' enforcement of a law which remains an unnecessary distraction for military commanders and their subordinates.

R. Clarke Cooper, Executive Director of Log Cabin Republicans

Dan Woods said...

While we are disappointed with the court's ruling granting a temporary administrative stay, we view the decision as nothing more than a minor setback. We didn't come this far to quit now, and we expect that once the Ninth Circuit has received and considered full briefing on the government's application for a stay, it will deny that application, and the district court's injunction, which it entered after hearing all the evidence in the case, will remain in place until the appeal is finally decided.

Dan Woods is representing Log Cabin Republicans in Log Cabin Republicans v. United States of America

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