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P-Town Holly Folly Festival... :)

Holly Folly, The Gay & Lesbian Holiday Festival
has begun with plenty of shopping & things to do...
There are lots of Fabulous Events all Weekend!
Just click here for more details. :)
Into the Night take in a great meal @ one of the
eateries. Then work it off Dancing until 1AM. :)
Have a Fabulous Time!!
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage
Blog HP

Welcome Gay Australia!!

Bravo to Australia! Their conservative Prime Minister was defeated by Labour leader Kevin Rudd. The Labour Party will support changes to the law that discriminates against gay couples in their tax & benefits system. A report in June by Australia's Human Rights & Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) recommended that 58 laws need to be changed for LGBT Australians to have equal rights. Next to the USA, Australia has become our largest group of visitors here @ OUTTAKEonline. We are proud to support your country's advancement & hopefully gay marriage will be in your future.
For more info Australian Marriage Equality....View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

Obama & LGBT Civil Rights...11/24/08

When Obama was on the campaign trail he promised that if elected he would end DOMA & "Don't Ask Don't Tell." He would pass ENDA & The Matthew Shepard Hate Crime Bill. We supported his bid for the White House with $$ & our vote. Election night was bittersweet for our LGBT community. Obama's win brought hope that quickly turned to sadness as 3 more states amended their constitutions to discriminate against our LGBT Americans. In the past few weeks thousands have protested across this country chanting:"Gay, Straight, Black or White, Gay Marriage is an Equal Right" Obama has addressed the economy & bail-outs, his cabinet & some foreign policies but not a peep about our LGBT civil rights.....
Would Jesus Discriminate?
This issue will challenge the separation of Church & State in America. The only way to fight ignorance is through education..... Updates to Come..
Check OUT our Short Trailer on Gay Marriage.....

Autumn in P-Town.....:) 11/08

It’s a Fabulous Time to Enjoy P-Town….
The Town is offering Lots of Bargains…:)
Parking is Plentiful on Commercial Street
The Last of the Foliage is Gorgeous….
The Sea Air is Amazing….
& all the Inns are on off-season Rates:
For More info: Provincetown.com

Dr. Phil Show takes on Gay Marriage 11/08

If you caught the gay marriage show on Dr. Phil Friday you got to watch how far we still need to go in America to achieve equal rights. Dr. Phil’s selection of guests seem to be making the media rounds. For gay marriage Discrimination attorney Gloria Allred, HRC prez Joe Solmonese & San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom appeared pitted against homophobic Pastor Jim Garlow, prez of National Organization of Marriage Maggie Gallagher & co-campaign manager for the Yes on 8 Campaign Jeff Flint. Very little was said that we haven’t heard before but the after show was the real horror....
On Wednesday the day after the 5th anniversary of the passage of Gay Marriage in Massachusetts, the California Supreme Court decided that they will address the constitutionality of Prop 8....:) Lambda Release in comments....
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

Transgender Day of Remembrance

Let's put aside our political agendas & take a moment to memorialize those who were killed merely because of the hatred & prejudice against our Transgender Community......
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

Connecticut Gay Marriage Begins....11/08

Congratulations to our LGBT community in Connecticut!! Marriage is a basic civil right that should be attainable by all Americans if they choose. Education is key on this issue. For those who are uncomfortable with gay marriage check OUT our short produced to educate & defuse the controversy. It has a way of opening closed minds & provides some sanity on the issue.....:)  
Update: Read More.....

Iraq & Veterans Day ’08…..

It seems Iraqi leaders are divided over whether to settle with the Bush administration on how quickly U.S. troops will leave & how they’ll operate in the meantime, or bank on a better deal from incoming President Obama. During his pre-election campaign, President elected Obama made the question on withdrawal of the American troops from Iraq as one of the key issues. John Podest, one of the heads of the transitional team of Obama in the White House, said that President Elect Obama intends to adhere to this plan on withdrawal of all US combat subdivisions from Iraq by mid 2010……Happy Veterans Day…..
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

ENDA Passes...Civil Rights Moves Forward

ENDA passes & we move closer to a Transgender inclusive bill. I'm disappointed that we weren't able to include our entire LGBT community in this round. Actually I witnessed most of the floor activity & was shocked to see how the opposition carried themselves in their suits of bigotry, making speeches against our community in the name of self-righteousness. What are they so afraid of?? We received this statement from Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin.....We hope it provides some understanding.... Updates to come....

Obama Wins.....:) 11/4/08

Florida & Arizona pass their anti-gay legislation. Just In:
California Voters Pass Proposition 8 Ban on Gay Marriage
Current Stats: 52% to 48% Check-OUT Vote Map....
Check OUT comments for important Lambda Legal Info....
Updates to come......
As America enters into a New Era....
At Least Homophobic Palin Is Gone for Now...

The Decision is Now Up to America....

Will the country do the right thing & elect Obama, the only candidate who supports equality or continue down the wrong road with the GOP's anti-gay, anti-choice, depressing and
oppressive agenda by electing McCain/Palin......????
This is Crucial...GO OUT & VOTE OBAMA!!
Updates Through-OUT the day....
View Our Trailer on Gay Marriage

Foliage, Fall Back, Obama & No on Prop 8

In the midst of brilliant peek foliage....
This is a difficult week for America...
Daylight Savings began &
we loss an hour of light....
Nervous thoughts of Tuesday's Election
& its impact on our LGBT Community....
Our Future Freedom is @ Stake...
In a few days we'll know our fate...:)

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Second Federal Court Blocks Trans Ban

U.S. District Court Judge Benjamin Hale Settle has issued a second nationwide preliminary injunction blocking implementation of the transgen...

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